How many of you girls are SAHM?

i would love to be a sahm. i have to go back to work. the government would give us nowt if i decided to stay at home. oh doesn't earn enough to 'keep us', government think he DOES earn enough, so would give nothing. i am so envious of sahm, i can't imagine how i'm goig to be able to leave her on wednesday morning! with the economy as it is i think more ladies will be in my situation and have to go back to work.:cry:
i am at the moment but i still have my job to go back to but i'm not sure if i will, my mum said she would look after jack in the morning for me but i dont want to miss out on anything....
im a sahm, i left my job as a nursery nurse when i was 7 months pregnant and didnt return to it because at 8 months pregnant i moved from my home town of liverpool all the way to coventry so it would have been one hell of a commute!!!!

i did think about going back to work when daisy was about 18 months because i would be lucky enough to take daisy to work with me, i went on a few interviews and i got a job in a private nursery but they didnt have a place for daisy so didnt see the point and turned it down.

she will be at home with me until she goes to pre-school and the next one will be along by then. once they are both in school and pre-school i will probably get a job part time working in a nursery or even in a school nursery as then i would have all the holidays of with them.

i dont want to work for the money as we are ok financially its more about the getting out at talkin to adults! i do go to playgroups 4 times a week so get out and about but dont have any close family or friends near me so do get lonely.

another thing after working as a nursery nurse i see what nurserys are like from the other side and just think some people simply shouldnt work with kids!!!! i dont think i could trust anyone now...
I would love to be a stay a home mom but dont think the government would pay me as my husband makes quite enough money but not enough to support me&baby

Missjess seeing as we live about 30 min away from each other mind if I ask how your doing it financially?

We're doing ok at the moment... My husband is on parental leave which they only pay you 70% of your salary, but they don't pay more than 70% of a 63 000$ salary (63 000 is the limit) so you get only 70% of that 63 000$ which is absolutely unfair I think because if you make more than that it doesn't matter to them, they have that stupid limit!!! But it's ok we had a bit of money saved in consequence. I Love my husband being at home with me, but I miss my weekly shopping spree... It's a compromise. As for me, I don't earn or receive any money what so ever, nor receive much money for child assistance for Josh because based on my husband's salary we are not eligible to receive a lot.

How are you guys doing? Do you receive much money for Max?
I would love to be a SAHM, I'm still on maternity leave until the start of June, I only work 3 days a week and my Mum and the in-laws have offered to take care of Sophia whilst I'm at work (if I had to pay chidcare costs, it wouldn't be worth me returning to work as my total earnings would just about cover their costs). I'm going to see how I feel after 2 or 3 months then maybe quit altogether, I know Sophia will be in good hands with family taking care of her but I won't want to miss out on a second with her! I wish we lived in a world where mothers could afford to choose if they wanted to work or not, I understand for many women they don't have a choice due to finances.
I'm a SAHM too, however...since I'm a volunteer FF/EMT if we get a call I go to the station...Charlotte just comes with me, if there is someone there to watch her I go on the call...if not we stay at the station. I haven't 'worked' for almost 4 years. I LOVE being home with her all day.
I am a SAHM and love it. I have been off since last april, and I get mat leave until this april. After that will continue to stay at home. My husband and I feel that works best for our family. I cant imagine missing out on that time. The first few years. I can't magine paying someone else to practically raise my kids
I'm a SAHM. Have been since the end of January 2008, when I was 8 months pregnant. I've never really "worked' persay. I had a minimum wage part time job at a department store just to have something to do and so that I could squeeze some money out of the government, through student loans (in order to be "independant" I had to have a job).
I am a student, and take night classes. However, I am quiting this semester, taking the next semester off and hoping to get into a different school in the fall.
I think I get it easy though because my OH works and does everything. I've been with him since I was 16, and he's really taken care of me since; moved in with him when I was 17 (a few months before I turned 18). He makes good money and we get by. Although he is wanting to open his own business so that will be good, well really be well off then. Instead of contracting and making his boss $500-1000 a day, that money will be coming to us.
I guess if I continue to be a SAHM it will depend on that. I'm going to go back to school either way, that way I always have something to fall back on to; god forbid anything happen to OH. But if his business gets off the ground pretty soon I'll probably continue to stay home after school.
Daycare here is around $150/week, so that makes a big difference in me staying home.
I'm a SAHM and will be for quite some time as we're going to be home educating the kids, so won't be sending them to school.
I am and I absolutely love it, my eldest is at school now but i have my daughter at home and she keeps me busy! Planning number 3 as well so s/he will also keep me busy for a few years.

Im lucky that i can afford to stay at home really while hubby works bless him.
I'm a stay at home mom, was doing two crap part time jobs which i quit fairly early on in pregnancy (various reasons) and am planning on re-training in about a years time. I then hope by the time ive gained the relevant qualifications, elliot will be old enough to be at nursery etc and i can look for a job.

Im enjoying being with Elliot, not missing his first moments etc. I do miss seeing friends as much-i admit that....many arent as keen on meeting these days (no kids of their own) i feel as if they think its too hard work/hassle with baby.

im lucky my husband is supporting us for now, although money is tight. he wants me to be happy-which involves me being here for our baby. he wouldnt let me leave elliot with a stranger/nanny either,we both dont trust many people with him.
hey im a sahm since my son was born in august 2006 but i did workwile i was pregnant with him till june and thats the last time i workd and now i have had a daughter this year in june i have longer to stay at home lol it does get very stressted for me as i cant go no where as i dont drive :( but the good points are you see them grow up until they go to nursery wich i cant wait n can wait lol , but il prob ave another 2 kids so it will be a long time till i go to work.
i am a sahm also but only until September of next year as i am returning back to uni to finish my degree in Occupational Therapy. i want to finish it cos it is a fantastic course with wonderful job prospects. Ali will be at the uni nursery when i am in classes so he wont be full time (just when i at classes or doing coursework). personally i think it is good for children to socialise with other children without mum constantly there (if you trust the day care that is!)
personally i think it is good for children to socialise with other children without mum constantly there (if you trust the day care that is!)

Honestly, I think this is true aswell. Although, I'm not at a point where I think I could leave my baby. But I think it will toughen Colton up some. Like a friends 2yr old came over the other day and kept taking Colton's toys. Colton is too shy to try and take them back and doesn't know what to do. I felt bad for him because everytime he got a toy the other boy would take it. (Of course I would give them back and tell the boy to share.. )
My friend said her 2yr old used to be the same (shy), but once he started coming around more little children he got tougher.
I dont mean "tougher" in a mean way, just that he's not going to let people run over him. :)
personally i think it is good for children to socialise with other children without mum constantly there (if you trust the day care that is!)

I agree with you 100%, this is why Josh will be going 2 mornings a week to preschool once he's 2.5-3years old. He is starting gym classes soon and he see babies & kids quite often at the moment.
Missjess I only get 150$ in total for max a month , as my husband makes too much right now IM not entitled to more :( but he will be changing job soon and making less so they will revise it then .

I was on maternity leave until sep of this year, went back to work, everything had changed and i was working to half 12 in the morning and then having my 2 all day, About 3weeks after i went back OH got a new job which made the hours i was doin before impossible, the only way i could do my hours was to work on his day off, which i didn't want as we wouldn't see each other, HE now works more hours and we seem to be doing ok, just have to see if the money stays that way otherwise i mite have to go back to work,

I do enjoy it but do find it sometimes gets tidious, i am just grateful to mother and toddler groups, and looking forward to kieran goin to nursery nxt sept as i think he is totally ready for it! x
missjess and 1st baby... how do you afford to be a sahm????

Me and my OH both make decent money, we only own a small starter home and money is still far too tight to even think about staying home past matleave!
So i want to add to this...
I'm still on my 1 year maternity leave... And i REALLY wish i could stay home... unfortunetly.. i dont think i'll be able to...
i'm a single mom... so its not like me and a hubby can make our shifts work around the baby... its just me.... is anyone else a single SAHM?
if there is anyone.. how do you do it??

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