how often do you clean...

Hmm...all these jobs, i probably do a bit of hoovering/dusting whatever every day but never the whole house in one go - so yday i hoovered downstairs, today i will prob hoover upstairs etc.
I/my oh load the dishwasher every day and unload each morning (waiting for the kettle to boil lol) and i will admit to sometimes leaving leftover dishes a day :blush:
Sweep the kitchen floor 2-3 times a day...can't keep up with mess my daughtet makes!
Wash sheets/towels at the weekend generally.
One big bathroom clean a week and try and wipe toilet and sink every 1-2 days.
Car i hoover...when it looks dirty! Oh will take it to the carwash
Laundry prob every other day but will have to change this when new baby arrives!
Rubbish at cleaning bags
And i'm lucky if my toothbrush lasts a month!
Towels - When needed
Hair or childs hair - every other day
Shower - everyday
Dishes - lots of times everyday
Clothes - everyday-Jeans every couple of days
Teeth - twice a day
House - all day every day
Wash hand bag or school bags? - I don't have handbags, chaning bag gets done every few weeks or if needed

My main ming point is my hairbrush..its older than I am and I am 30, I cant use anything else though and have actually had nightmares about losing it :s
- Bed sheets are a weekly/if not daily event that's the toddlers who are unbelievably messy and drink so much they leak everywhere.
-Full house, i hoover daily. Polish daily. Wipe down sides etc daily. Tidy stuff away daily. Mop every week.
-Laundry, a load a day.
- Iron, i don't most things dry creasefree and OH irons his shirts.
- Shower/bath, every other day, wash my hair every 2-3 days. The girls bath every other day. Unless they are covered in something then its daily.
Towels - everyday (I use around 2-3 towels per day, & we dint share towels)
Bathrobe- every other day, hair towel- after every use (I wash my hair 3 times a week)
Bedsheets - once a week
Kid's hair- everyday
Toilets- everyday quick cleaning including vacuuming & mopping the floor, full cleaning (tiled, floor with water once a week)
House- mopped & vaccumed everyday, inside cabinets/ wardrobes/ drawers once every two weeks, moving furniture & cleaning behind them once a week. Living room almost everyday
Kitchen- once or twice a day
Teeth brushing - twice a day sometimes 3

There is more like dusting paintings, cleaning ornaments, switches, etc. Balconies once a week but mopped & vacuumed everyday.

Inside fridges (we have 2) - once a week, I also clean the inside of the washing machine, dryer & dishwasher. Curtains are washed twice a year. Sofas once every 2 weeks, chandeliers twice a year

Did I mention that I have a full time cleaner :rofl:

She follows a schedule, she works 4-5 hrs a day only, but she manages to do all this.

You were beginning to make me feel extremely insufficient, but knowing you get help eased my guilt a little :haha:

On a daily basis: sweep the floors, laundry, dishes, empty bin, clean kitchen counters, and general tidying.

Every few days: vacuum the bedrooms, dust, mop, quick clean of bathroom sink and toilet.

Every week: change bedding, give bathroom a good clean.

The other things such as skirting boards/cleaning inside the fridge/cupboards I tend to just do when I think they look like they need doing, which isn't very often in this house!
:clean daily, wash cloths daily, bedsheets weekly, floors mopped daily, and i change my tooth brush every 2 weeks:S im a weirdo!:blush: i get laughed at as every week when i go
shopping i buy a new tooth brush!
Towels - I do all the washing on a Sunday but we change the towels out every 2-3 days.
Hair- Everyday. I have a shower everyday for work anyway so it gets done at the same time.
Shower - As above.
Dishes - I try to do this everyday but sometimes I can't be bothered after work lol
Clothes - I don't know what you mean by this tbh. I wear my work uniform for 2 days then wash and repeat.
Teeth - Morning and evening
House - Big clean every Sunday, do a quick tidy round every evening after work
Wash hand bag? I empty it out every week and give it a wipe if it needs it.
Towels -after 2 uses
beds -ds once a week and mine and dh every ten days
kitchen sides -everyday sometimes a couple of times a day
bathroom - once a week
hoover - every 2/3 days
mop kitchen floor once or twice a week
washing clothes - at least 1 loads a day
ironing - twice a week
Clean upstairs - once every 2 weeks
Polish living room - twice a week
clean potty - at end of everyday
wash my hair - every other day
Wash ds - once a week ( but bath every night)
Sheets - usually every week
Towels - big towels get washed once a week or so, hand towels hmm maybe once a month, I really ought to wash them more often but I just forget
Dishes - usually every evening but sometimes I'm lazy and leave it til the next morning
Kitchen - floor gets swept every morning after breakfast and worktops get wiped down every time I wash the dishes
Hoovering and mopping - about once a week. I sweep messes up inbetween if I can be arsed
Laundry - every day or two, OH seems to go through so many clothes!
Bathroom - hmm when I can be arsed, which isn't very often
Hair - I wash mine 3 times a week and Maria's twice a week
I never clean my bag, I am attached to its bacteria...
Van - OH makes his little brother clean it once in a while, gotta make him useful for something :haha:
Bedsheets - Once a week or sometimes once every two weeks
Towels - I change towels all the time, quite often reach for a new one
Hair or childs hair - I wash my hair around 3 times a week and both LO's have theirs done once or twice a week
Shower - I bath and/or shower daily and so do LO's
Dishes - All the time!!
Clothes - I put a load of washing on every day
Teeth - Morning and night.. if I'm off out in between I'll do it again
House - Hmm, with working four days a week I usually just do a big clean on my day off (Mondays), mop the floors, clean the bathroom and kitchen then in the week I'll quickly hoover and wipe stuff down etc
Dogs - I have a white dog.. he needs to get bathed quite regularly lol
I live alone...

I wipe the kitchen benches every day or two (depending if I have cooked)
Dishwasher every 2ish days
Wash clothes every other day (I only have 2 work shirts (uniform) so it needs to go on to get them washed as I don't wear them more than once)
Hoover, mop, dust, polish, clean the bathroom and everything in it, clean skirtings, clean mirrors, once a week.
Change bed sheets, fortnightly?
Change towel, after about 4 uses
Shower 1-2 times a day
Wash hair every other day
Brush teeth 2-3 times a day
Clean under my nails, daily
Clean handbag...never
Dressing gown and blanket for the sofa about once a month :S
I have lived here for 5 months and never cleaned my oven or fridge. I never really cook tho. I live on sandwiches and easy food. No excuse for the fridge!
Bedsheets -once or twice a week
Towels - Twice a week
Hair or childs hair - Mine every 4 days. Millie's every other day. But she has no hair :haha:
Shower - Twice a day (morning shower, then a quick wash in Millie's bath water once she's in bed. I begrudge filling the bath for her so I make use of the water!)
Dishes - everyday
Clothes - Whenever there's a full load, usually every other or 3 days.
Teeth - three times a day
House - Have a cleaner once every two weeks but I tidy and do little bits every day
Wash hand bag or school bags? - Wipe handbag / change bag maybe once a week?
Rabbit - cage every other day, fur spritz once a month
Bedsheets- twice a week, I would do it every day if I could be bothered I hate bedsheets that aren't really fresh!
Towels- once a week
Laundry- Wash and hang up at least one load a day
Dishes- Dishwasher always does 1-2 cycles per day
Teeth- 2-3 times
Hair- Twice a week for whole hair but I wash my fringe every morning! I find my whole hair quite unmanageable when it's newly washed.
Shower- Once a day

Do people regularly clean their make-up brushes/sponges, I'm sure I've read you're supposed to.. xx
You people clean a lot. Does anyone work full time and still clean that much?!? Like seriously? I work 40 hours, I see LO for maybe 2-3 hours per day, I'm not wasting it cleaning. I am lucky if I get dinner made. I'm home alone with LO every night (DH works) and every weekend (DH works). I do enough cleaning to keep us living the next week, but beyond that I hardly have the time!

I clean bedsheets -ever 2-4 weeks
Towels - every 10 days or so, whenever we run out of clean ones
Hair or childs hair - 1x week
Shower - less than 1x month (cleaning, not taking!)
Dishes - 2-3x per week, I do it twice on the weekend and maybe DH does once during the week
Clothes - 1x per week, on the weekened
Teeth - 1x per day
Wash hand bag or school bags: Never
Dog - every few months
Floors - When they get dirty, maybe 1x week
Vacuum - every other week
Windows - haven't cleaned them since we moved in, the blinds stayed down all summer to keep the heat out.
Living room - Polish, vacuum and steam mop every day
Dining room - Vacuum and steam mop every day
Kitchen - Clean sides, clean the sink/draining board, clean dog bowls, vacuum and steam mop every day. Clean the fridge once a week (if I remember!). I'm terrible for cleaning the inside of the oven, it rarely gets done.
Bathroom - Bleach toilet every day. Wipe surfaces every other day. Vacuum and steam mop every few days
Bedroom - Polish and vacuum every few days. Change sheets once a week.
LO's room - Polish and vacuum every few days. Change cot sheets every few days.
I do 2+ loads of laundry every day and vacuum the stairs every other day.
Not no I kid.

Hoover and polish twice a week - more hoover if its needed
Bedsheets once a fortnight, unless Josh is ill/got this bad cough that he has now(he's sick with it)
Pots once a day(not enough used to warrant being done 3 times a day)
Ironing...erm....I dont :blush:
Clothes every few days
Have never washed my handbag although looking at it, it could do with being done lol
Sweeping and mopping the kitchen is once a week, more if needed
Bathroom once a week
Towels in with the clothes

Think I've covered it all lol
You people clean a lot. Does anyone work full time and still clean that much?!? Like seriously? I work 40 hours, I see LO for maybe 2-3 hours per day, I'm not wasting it cleaning. I am lucky if I get dinner made. I'm home alone with LO every night (DH works) and every weekend (DH works). I do enough cleaning to keep us living the next week, but beyond that I hardly have the time!

I clean bedsheets -ever 2-4 weeks
Towels - every 10 days or so, whenever we run out of clean ones
Hair or childs hair - 1x week
Shower - less than 1x month (cleaning, not taking!)
Dishes - 2-3x per week, I do it twice on the weekend and maybe DH does once during the week
Clothes - 1x per week, on the weekened
Teeth - 1x per day
Wash hand bag or school bags: Never
Dog - every few months
Floors - When they get dirty, maybe 1x week
Vacuum - every other week
Windows - haven't cleaned them since we moved in, the blinds stayed down all summer to keep the heat out.

I'm starting a full-time christmas temp job and I am wondering how any housework is gonna get done (DH works fulltime and does not do a thing round the house) I'm kind of hoping since nobody is going to be in the house all day it won't get messed up and require as much cleaning, hopefully.. xx
I clean bedsheets - once a week
Towels - washed after every use
Hair or childs hair - every 2nd day for mine & LO's
Shower& bathroom is washed once a week
Dishes - have a dishwasher which is loaded & emptied every day.
Clothes - load of washing is done every 2nd day normally
Floors - 2 times a week & when needed after spills etc
Vacuum - same as floors
Windows - once a week in the Summer, less now!

I work Mon-Thurs & find it exhausting keeping everything going but still like to have a clean & tidy house, DH isn't great to help either although he is good to mind LO.
You people clean a lot. Does anyone work full time and still clean that much?!? Like seriously? I work 40 hours, I see LO for maybe 2-3 hours per day, I'm not wasting it cleaning. I am lucky if I get dinner made. I'm home alone with LO every night (DH works) and every weekend (DH works). I do enough cleaning to keep us living the next week, but beyond that I hardly have the time!

I clean bedsheets -ever 2-4 weeks
Towels - every 10 days or so, whenever we run out of clean ones
Hair or childs hair - 1x week
Shower - less than 1x month (cleaning, not taking!)
Dishes - 2-3x per week, I do it twice on the weekend and maybe DH does once during the week
Clothes - 1x per week, on the weekened
Teeth - 1x per day
Wash hand bag or school bags: Never
Dog - every few months
Floors - When they get dirty, maybe 1x week
Vacuum - every other week
Windows - haven't cleaned them since we moved in, the blinds stayed down all summer to keep the heat out.

I'm starting a full-time christmas temp job and I am wondering how any housework is gonna get done (DH works fulltime and does not do a thing round the house) I'm kind of hoping since nobody is going to be in the house all day it won't get messed up and require as much cleaning, hopefully.. xx

It doesn't work that way! LOL

I keep seeing how people "hoover" (cracks me up, thats a brand name around here, it's a vacuum!) every day?!? I have a huge house, to find time to get the vacuum out, vacuum everything, move from outlet to outlet, empty the bin on it, wind the cord up and put it away, all without bothering the a)dog, b)cats, or of course c)baby....geez.

I did finally master the back carry, but really? How many hours are in the day? I spend 8 asleep, 10 at work (driving, work, lunch), 2 cooking, 1 on personal hygiene and diaper changes, I mean that leaves 3 hours, but I like to play with LO for a while (I don't want him to forget me during the week!) and maybe sit down and rest for a bit....

Kinda makes me feel like a bad mom or something. I think though, working full time, I must be in the minority or something.

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