How old were you when....


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2006
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You had your little ones?

i was 15 when i had jordan and 20 when i had lily-mae
24 when I had Noah, and provided this one doesnt come early Iwill be 26, is its due 5 days after my birthday!
Well I haven't yet - but I'll be 31 when my little one comes along..
I'm gonna be 34 by the time these two come along. Groan... an elderly mother! :roll:
Helen said:
I'm gonna be 34 by the time these two come along. Groan... an elderly mother! :roll:

you arent an elderly mother. my mum had my brother when she was almost 40 :D
Was 19 when i had Shaun (3 weeks later i was 20) :lol:
Was 22 and a 1/2 :rofl: when i had Ben :D
Trying to Conceive now so i'll be 28 at least when the next one comes along. Biiiiigggggg Gap :shock: for me anyway
22 when I had Jade and will be 30 when I have Alfie!
i was 18 with chloe,20 with harry and 23 with lily,hopefully when i do conceive with this one i'll be 27
18 wen i had chloe 19 wen i had callum :oops:
how come there are a few large gaps between babies waas it planned or justt happen the only reason im asking tyere 5yrs between me and little sis i hate it
30 and 1 week (although he was due on my birthday! :) )

I'm planning a big gap between my children, I'm always surprised at the amount of people who are pregnant within the year TBH. I know it's addictive but it's also far too much like hard work for lazy old me! :D

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