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How soon after giving birth did you?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Do the deed again?

With my first it was 3 weeks but DD is coming up to 7 weeks and I just don't feel in the right frame of mind to do it. The difference is I'm exclusively BF this time so wondered if that might affect my libido or if it's just normal to not want to do it for this long.

I only ask because OH mentioned it was a bit selfish that I've waited almost 2 months to do anything... Not sure if it's the hormones or what but I thought that was a little out of order to say. :-(. Needless to say it's made me less inclined to want to do it now.

So please ladies, tell me when did you DTD again?

Yes he is out of order. With DS we didn't DTD until he was 4 months old. I'd had an episiotamy and I was scared of it hurting. This time I'm in no rush to DTD either. I have pelvic girdle pain still so I'll wait until that's a bit better and I also probably won't sort out any contraception before my 8 week check so it definitely won't happen before then.
I'd be a pissed off with that! It's not selfish at all, you need to be better emotionally as well as physically.
With my first, we did it 11 days PP. I felt ready and wanted to do it. With my daughter, it was 4 weeks PP and then it didn't last long because I felt sore from my 2nd degree tear. It's all about when you feel ready to have sex again x
It was about 3-4 weeks with all three children, if I recall correctly.
For me it was 5 weeks post partum. I won't say I was 100% in the right frame of mind bc truthfully I don't think you can be when breastfeeding exclusively with a little one less than 8 ft away from you. But I was definitely wanting it and once things got started I thoroughly dove into it. I probably would have waited longer if didn't feel so guilty.
My husband has been sooooo considerate through it all and I just felt like it was time to return the favor to both of our advantages!

Don't regret it and got the clear a full week later from the gyno,

It's about when you're ready and while your dh might feel frustrated, and is allowed too, he is NOT allowed to actually say anything about it...,uhm hello
I was 7 weeks pp when we did it after DS. I probably should have waited other week but it was the first time I felt comfortable even though I had the go ahead at 6 weeks pp.
I don't remember exactly how long with my previous 2 girls pregnancies but I'm pretty sure I waited the 6 weeks with my first as I tore and maybe 4-5 with my second.

This time around I had spd and haven't had sex since Valentine's day. Now even though the spd is much better I am still bright red bleeding 2.5 weeks later. Going for a scan next week to see if there's a cause. So it'll be awhile yet for me whether I want to wait or not.
It took me 6 weeks after my son to be ready for it but I tore so I had stitches down there too. Even then it was sporadic because it was just too painful. I don't think I fully healed until closer to 10 weeks.
Erm 7 months lol! Then not for another 4 months! I was not interested and dh was happy to go with that xxx
It took two months to do it again, but it was so painful that we didn't go "all the way" and didn't try again for another 3 weeks. I had two 3rd degree tears and healing was horrible. My husband wanted it, but never complained. If he had complained, I would have flipped my lid!
Tell him to squeeze an orange out of his penis and then see how much he feels like having sex!

3 months and counting for us! We tried for 2 seconds about 10 weeks pp but I was too painful.
the orange analogy had me rolling!! I'm only 3wks pp, and thankfully have the excuse of waiting til my 6 wk post check still. But I highly doubt I will be having any fun time soon, I got a second degree tear pushing out this orange XD.

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