So I spoke to OH today and he said he knew bcoz he hada dream but yeah when I said I'm keeping it he was like, I was prepared for u to be preg but I wasn't prepared for this. He freaked out (just as I expected him to) and yeah we fought so much. He was saying he'll do anything for me to get an A. He even stripped down to is underwear n made me dress him. Which ofc I had trouble with bcoz he has a broken arm. And said to me "if u can't even dress me, how dyu expect to dress that thing" *motioning at my stomach* and he was saying like as soon as his dad finds out, he'll be like I can never see OH again. I don't put that past him since he does hate me already. But yeah. I'm so stressed. I even made him l2 Happy Birthday- Flipsyde and he still said I don't care u can't keep it :'(