

Emma's Mommy
May 25, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry I was in the WTT section but I am scooting over here for a quick minute to see if any of you have ever dealt with hypothyroidism and TTC. A bit of background on me - i have 2 little ones and very recently i had been discussing number 3 with my husband, he has yet to officially agree but has said he's not wanting to take it off the table yet so i'm super hopeful as he used to be a hard no, anyways today i got my blood work back from when I had my physical and my doctor asked to meet with me asap so I knew that was not a good sign. I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and i'm in a little bit of shock because i have not had any symptoms of it. He chatted with me a bit about some treatment options and i did ask about fertility he was not very optimistic. He told me it would most likely be hard for me to get pregnant without help such as IUI, even then he said the chances were not great. I'm so heartbroken and confused, I have not spoken to DH about this yet since i'm still trying to deal with it on my own. Can any of you offer some stories here? Can I possibly ever get pregnant or will it really be as hard as he is making it sound....:cry:
I wish I had something better to say as I'm currently TTC #1 (so haven't gotten pregnant yet), but I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism many many years ago. When my partner and I decided we wanted to try for baby I talked to both my endo and my obgyn about it and they both said to go for it and it should be fine. I get blood tests once a year (unless it spikes or drops, then it's every six months until stable) and I've been stable (*knock on wood*) for a while now.

My family also has a history of thyroid problems and as long as they had it under control, they were able to conceive with no issues.

I hope that you manage to get it under control and your doctor's mind changes. Sending hugs your way as I know how disappointing it is to hear about it.
I wish I had something better to say as I'm currently TTC #1 (so haven't gotten pregnant yet), but I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism many many years ago. When my partner and I decided we wanted to try for baby I talked to both my endo and my obgyn about it and they both said to go for it and it should be fine. I get blood tests once a year (unless it spikes or drops, then it's every six months until stable) and I've been stable (*knock on wood*) for a while now.

My family also has a history of thyroid problems and as long as they had it under control, they were able to conceive with no issues.

I hope that you manage to get it under control and your doctor's mind changes. Sending hugs your way as I know how disappointing it is to hear about it.

I hope you get your baby soon! Thank you for answering, I have been trying to do research but I'm not getting great results :( I go back to meet with him next week to see about medication. I hope to talk to dh soon too
Did they give your TSH number? For fertility it is ideal to keep your TSH between 0.5-2.0.
Did they say if you specifically had Hashimoto's or more simply a lazy/slow thyroid?

There are many different medications that you can take, if you can opt for one that isn't synthetic. However I have heard a lot of people have success with Synthroid.

As for me, my hypothyroidism is very mild, my TSH usually hovers around the 3.5-4.0 mark when I am not medicated. It took my husband and I 15 cycles to conceive my son. As soon as my TSH level was within 0.5-2.0 (1.5) we conceived the very next cycle.

The thyroid does play a part in infertility but your doctor seems to make it sound like it is a no chance game. That is not true unless there are other factors that would contribute to your fertility.
If it is Hashimoto's then it is a little different ball game and it could have more of an effect on your fertility.

Don't get down! Ask your doctor as many questions as you can, and have your TSH tested every 4-6 weeks!
Just thought I'd say I was diagnosed after ds2.. been on medication ever since..
I am now pregnant with dc3.. it tooks us 4 months so in my eyes it doesnt always take a long time!
Did they give your TSH number? For fertility it is ideal to keep your TSH between 0.5-2.0.
Did they say if you specifically had Hashimoto's or more simply a lazy/slow thyroid?

There are many different medications that you can take, if you can opt for one that isn't synthetic. However I have heard a lot of people have success with Synthroid.

As for me, my hypothyroidism is very mild, my TSH usually hovers around the 3.5-4.0 mark when I am not medicated. It took my husband and I 15 cycles to conceive my son. As soon as my TSH level was within 0.5-2.0 (1.5) we conceived the very next cycle.

The thyroid does play a part in infertility but your doctor seems to make it sound like it is a no chance game. That is not true unless there are other factors that would contribute to your fertility.
If it is Hashimoto's then it is a little different ball game and it could have more of an effect on your fertility.

Don't get down! Ask your doctor as many questions as you can, and have your TSH tested every 4-6 weeks!

he hasn't discussed the possibility that it could be hashimoto's disease. He didn't tell me my numbers but did say with my current levels it would be very hard to conceive without help from medication. Right now he is still trying to see what i can take as i suffer from migraines, and he doesnt want to put me on anything that could make them worse. He is basically waiting to see what the ultrasound shows and he said if its bad enough it may need to be removed :(
IT IS POSSIBLE!! How dare the doctor say such negative things about it. Is he an endocrinologist or a fertility specialist? You have to see an endo as they will know exactly what to do for you and your thyroid.

I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer at 19 and had a complete removal, went through radiation treatment and have been on Synthroid since then. Your diet plays a big role in managing you thyroid. I would google what foods benefit your thyroid.

Here is my story.

Thyroid Cancer at 19, complete removal with radiation and also diagnosed with PCOS as same time so DOUBLE WHAMMY!

I am now 33 and my DH is 40. We went for two rounds of fertility treatments to conceive. I took Clomid and Oviderl to bring on ovulation. I do not ovulate on my own. Followed by IUI.

We are now pregnant with #1!

So, it is possible. You need to get on the right medication first for your thyroid. And then I would start seeing if you ovulate on your own. If not, that is probably the Thryoid not communicating correctly. And there is medication that can help you with that. But definitely the thyroid is liked to fertility but it is not the end of the world. There is plenty of help out there!
Absolutely you should be taking some sort of synthroid or levothyroixine. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was 20 but have been on medication and stable (at the same dosage) for about 2 years, only a few years did I have to go often/routinely to get the amount of medication that works for me to maintain a healthy TSH. Now I only have to go yearly (after 7 years with minor adjustments). It takes a little bit to adjust the dose to your needs but once you're on it it should NOT effect fertility. Your doc is right, if you keep it at an abnormal level and refuse medication there could be issues with fertility but besides that the health issues that will come with it after years of allowing it to stay at whatever level it's at (see: goiter).

While I'm not a doctor, I am a nurse, I do hope you take your docs advise on medication to help correct the level but I wouldn't say this is the end for fertility (at least not just because of thyroid).

Hope this helps :hug:
IT IS POSSIBLE!! How dare the doctor say such negative things about it. Is he an endocrinologist or a fertility specialist? You have to see an endo as they will know exactly what to do for you and your thyroid.

I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer at 19 and had a complete removal, went through radiation treatment and have been on Synthroid since then. Your diet plays a big role in managing you thyroid. I would google what foods benefit your thyroid.

Here is my story.

Thyroid Cancer at 19, complete removal with radiation and also diagnosed with PCOS as same time so DOUBLE WHAMMY!

I am now 33 and my DH is 40. We went for two rounds of fertility treatments to conceive. I took Clomid and Oviderl to bring on ovulation. I do not ovulate on my own. Followed by IUI.

We are now pregnant with #1!

So, it is possible. You need to get on the right medication first for your thyroid. And then I would start seeing if you ovulate on your own. If not, that is probably the Thryoid not communicating correctly. And there is medication that can help you with that. But definitely the thyroid is liked to fertility but it is not the end of the world. There is plenty of help out there!

thank you!i'm so sorry that all that happened to you, you must be a very strong person having dealt with all that. i'm just more or less upset with how he handled it, he';s really worried me, also made it seem that its okay because i have 2 kids so why does it matter if i can't have more.... well it matters to me buddy.

i'm also not wanting to push my husband but if they are concerned that it may need to be removed then i rather start TTC now rather than waiting, but i dont know how he will take that. RIght now i just want medication to start and see how my numbers do.
I just got off the phone with my Doctor's nurse after I had my ultrasound today, they are classifying it as Hashimoto's disease as the gland is swollen, I'm going to be given an injection of Levothroid to hopefully kick start my hormones again, then after that i will be on a daily supplement.

She suggested to me that if i'm looking to have another baby that i start tracking my cycles to see where i'm at, she also said that will my levels right now chances of pregnancy would be quite low unless i take something that would assist in ovulation - such as clomid but that my doctor can prescribe that until we have been trying for 6 months with no success :( but she did tell me about Soy Isoflavones which i already knew about because in my last pregnancy i took them in order to ovulate and got pregnant that cycle. Anyways she said she wouldn't say that i'm infertile but it may just take some time. She did say after a year of trying they will then refer me to endocrinologist and it will be ion their hands. She was a lot more positive than my doctor was.

I talked to my husband last night, he tried to make me feel better and make some jokes but i was not really into any of it. I asked him if he would be willing to get on the TTC train sooner than he had wanted and he said yes if need be as it may take us a few years. I think this journey will be a long hard road :( But i also need to realize that if it doesn't happen then so be it.
Hello I am new here, but also just have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism two months ago. Been TTC about six months no luck. I've been on meds and doc says I'm in an OK range to try again but I am scared. Tsh is about 4.0 was 11.7 before meds yikes!
Hello I am new here, but also just have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism two months ago. Been TTC about six months no luck. I've been on meds and doc says I'm in an OK range to try again but I am scared. Tsh is about 4.0 was 11.7 before meds yikes!

Hi Minnieme!:flower:

My levels are 5.6 right now hopefully medication will fix that :( unfortunately my thyroid is also swollen so they are unsure if i will ever be able to ovulate on my own anymore without help from medication. I'd love to follow your journey though, and i hope it happens for you soon!
Hi ladies... I don't post much, but thyroid issues really irritate me! I've had Hashimoto's for 20 years, and if thyroid problems are managed, then fertility should not be a problem, at least related to thyroid.

I recommend that you read some - Shomon's books are excellent! There is a lot of history of thyroid issues and how they are tested and treated (falsified research, class action lawsuits for pharma companies, questionable monetary contributions, etc.), which leads to a lot of healthcare professionals not giving the best information. Many doctors just say that numbers are normal within the lab range. For years, patients told doctors that they don't feel well within that range, and suddenly the industry acquiesced and lowered the upper limit. These patients feel vindicated, but believe that the range still isn't low enough. Most people feel best and find they are healthiest with a fairly low TSH, although different people give different numbers. 1 is about the highest I let my TSH get.

Also, if your doctor is basing your medication on TSH, you should insist on a full thyroid panel, including FT3 and FT4. TSH doesn't give a complete picture.

Okay, that's enough of a rant. But really, if your doctor gives you the bs about lab range and blah blah, find a new doctor. Fertility is a serious effect, but not the only one. You'll probably have to advocate for yourself some, but if a doctor isn't willing to work with you, don't waste time.
I couldn't have said it better myself Alleke!

It is unfortunate that there is not more definite research on the thyroid. In my home province the range our doctors use is -0.5 to 5.0, for everyone. The range for an elderly person is the same range for a someone in their child bearing years, this simply doesn't make sense. From the research I have done I have realized the "ideal" range for TTC is between 0.5-2.0, of course being right around that 1.0 range is best! I conceived my son when my TSH level was 1.5, I didn't have the FT3 or FT4 checked as the only reason they investigated my thyroid was because of our infertility.

I knew my thyroid was out of whack again when these symptoms all came back full force and aggressive.

My tell tale signs that my thyroid is getting sluggish or out of ideal range is:
- weight gain (even though I have not changed my diet)
- hair loss (clumps and clumps in the shower)
- Foggy Brain
- extreme fatigue

I would love to share this journey of TTC with Hypothyroidism together, if anyone is interested :)
I couldn't have said it better myself Alleke!

It is unfortunate that there is not more definite research on the thyroid. In my home province the range our doctors use is -0.5 to 5.0, for everyone. The range for an elderly person is the same range for a someone in their child bearing years, this simply doesn't make sense. From the research I have done I have realized the "ideal" range for TTC is between 0.5-2.0, of course being right around that 1.0 range is best! I conceived my son when my TSH level was 1.5, I didn't have the FT3 or FT4 checked as the only reason they investigated my thyroid was because of our infertility.

I knew my thyroid was out of whack again when these symptoms all came back full force and aggressive.

My tell tale signs that my thyroid is getting sluggish or out of ideal range is:
- weight gain (even though I have not changed my diet)
- hair loss (clumps and clumps in the shower)
- Foggy Brain
- extreme fatigue

I would love to share this journey of TTC with Hypothyroidism together, if anyone is interested :)

Hi there! absolutely join in!!

i have actually been taking ovulation tests because i somewhat refuse to believe my doctor that i'm not Ov'ing on my own, and bam i got a positive on sunday! i also had the normal ovulation pains sunday and yesterday so maybe just maybe i did ov all by myself! now i'm not sure how good my chances are because we did BD a few days before the positive OPK and the morning of the positive but that has been it so far, we were too tired last night and DH works tonight, i'm totally fine with what we did, i'm just happy i got a positive!
heaveneats, that is so great that you got that positive OPK, isn't it a great feeling!

Fingers crossed that you Bd enough to get that sticky bean, but if not at least you have a better idea of when you ovulate!

Are you temping as well?

This cycle is a bit of a write-off for us, as my husband was living away from us (Job training) for the last 8 weeks (home on weekends) and I don't think we were able to capitalize this last cycle. This is his last week away so starting in May we are going full on TTC mode again.

Some things I add to boost fertility and overall health are Maca Root and kelp to my smoothies, temping to confirm ovulation. Next cycle we will add preseed and OPK's!
heaveneats, that is so great that you got that positive OPK, isn't it a great feeling!

Fingers crossed that you Bd enough to get that sticky bean, but if not at least you have a better idea of when you ovulate!

Are you temping as well?

This cycle is a bit of a write-off for us, as my husband was living away from us (Job training) for the last 8 weeks (home on weekends) and I don't think we were able to capitalize this last cycle. This is his last week away so starting in May we are going full on TTC mode again.

Some things I add to boost fertility and overall health are Maca Root and kelp to my smoothies, temping to confirm ovulation. Next cycle we will add preseed and OPK's!

no, no temping, i get up to much in the night for it to be effective, plus i hated doing it, i was more stressed out while doing that. This month was month 1 of 6 for TTC on our own without fertility medication
I find temping super annoying and tedious. Unfortunately if we can't conceive on our own our doctors make us have temping charts for at least 3 months but they like 6 months before they will refer you to a fertility specialist. (Hopefully we don't have to go that route)
I find temping super annoying and tedious. Unfortunately if we can't conceive on our own our doctors make us have temping charts for at least 3 months but they like 6 months before they will refer you to a fertility specialist. (Hopefully we don't have to go that route)

yes thats what mine said, but no charting (yet haha) hes told me that i need to be trying my own for 6 months before he gives me clomid, which is weird because he has essentially told me i won't be able to conceive on my own without any help from it:shrug: so why am i wasting 6 months. Thats why i'm actually going to be speaking to my old gynecologist to see if he will give it to me since he may know a bit more... i'm not sure though

right now i think its safe to say i'm in the TWW- i'll be keeping busy with work so that will make the time go by - hopefully i'll know by mother day if i'm pregnant or not :)
That sucks that he thinks you won't conceive on your own but is making you waste 6 months, especially since you have other children and want to have them closer together.

I want my kids closer together so I hope it doesn't take too too long.

Woohoo! TWW I hope you get that awesome Mother's Day gift!

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