
Hey all. I am glad you started this thread. I just started one too about my hashimoto's looking for others, because I hadn't seen this one. I just wrote a long entry over there, so at the risk of being redundant, I am going to copy and paste part of it over here:

"For years I was having my thyroid levels checked by a primary care physician, but I recently sought treatment with a reproductive endocrinologist. My TSH was somewhere between 5 and 6 when I checked it last month, so my doctor increased my levothyroxine from 50mcg to 75mcg. But less than a week after the med change, she still had me do my 3rd IUI. Now that I am learning more about my thyroid, I think that was a mistake. I should have waited until I knew my levels were under control before going ahead with the IUI. I got my blood tested again on Friday and will get the results on Monday or Tuesday. If the levels aren't where they should be, I will advocate to postpone my 4th and final IUI until I can get it under control.

When the nurse told me that my TSH levels had increased, I asked her what could potentially cause that, and she said she didn't know! Never once has a doctor or nurse educated me about the interaction of foods and the thyroid. I just finally started doing my own research. I am reading a book now called "Your Healthy Pregnancy with Thyroid Disease" and have been doing research online. Things I thought were healthy- and can be for people with normal functionally thyroids- aren't healthy for us. For example, I was drinking sooo much grapefruit juice because I have heard there are benefits for EWCM. Grapefruit juice interacts with Levothyroxine and reduces its effectiveness....that may be why my TSH levels increased. I was also putting flaxseeds in my smoothie... I read that can bad for people with hypothyroidism, and I was eating cruciferous veggies (like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts) and I read that that can really suppress thyroid function. I also read that you shouldn't take your vitamins at the same time as you take Levothyroxine, because there is an interaction and can make the Levothyroxine less effective. I never knew that. I always took it with my vitamins.

I am just sharing all this because I have been struggling with infertility, and I wish my doctor had educated me more about my thyroid. I realize now that I should have taken it into my own hands and not just have trusted her to tell me these things. But it's not too late... I am going to try to take my health into my own hands now, and I hope that I can become pregnant after making some serious lifestyle changes."

I would love to stay in touch with you ladies while dealing with hypothyroid and TTC. I think it would help a lot. Especially as we learn more about it, so we can share with each other what we've learned. And for those who shared your success stories, thank you! I needed to hear that. I know it's possible. I have just been feeling very discourage lately.

So I'm seeing mixed results on the flaxseeds (and other things like chia seeds, hemp seeds, etc). Several places have said that it's good to add them for a hypothyroidism diet; others, just like what you said, not good. It's very confusing! I'm just wondering where you got this info (grapefruit and those veggies, I've seen across the board are not good for us). Trying to learn the most I can after just finding out about my hypothyroidism
gradschoolmum-- I agree, it is very confusing! When I wrote what I wrote above I had just read about flaxseeds being bad for hypothyroid, but I later read about them being good for hypothyroid. In fact, when you google "flaxseed and hypothyroid" the first thing that comes up is that you should avoid flaxseed when you have a hypothyroid: https://www.forefronthealth.com/foods-to-avoid-with-hypothyroidism/ and the second thing that comes up says that flaxseed can help treat a hypothyroid: https://www.doctorshealthpress.com/food-and-nutrition-articles/hypothyroidism-treatment-flaxseed So unfortunately I don't have anymore info than you do at this point. I am still really new to all of this myself. But as I learn more I can definitely share it and hope others will too.
gradschoolmum-- I agree, it is very confusing! When I wrote what I wrote above I had just read about flaxseeds being bad for hypothyroid, but I later read about them being good for hypothyroid. In fact, when you google "flaxseed and hypothyroid" the first thing that comes up is that you should avoid flaxseed when you have a hypothyroid: https://www.forefronthealth.com/foods-to-avoid-with-hypothyroidism/ and the second thing that comes up says that flaxseed can help treat a hypothyroid: https://www.doctorshealthpress.com/food-and-nutrition-articles/hypothyroidism-treatment-flaxseed So unfortunately I don't have anymore info than you do at this point. I am still really new to all of this myself. But as I learn more I can definitely share it and hope others will too.

It's very confusing!! I don't use flax that much, but I do love chia seeds. I think I might ask a nutrionalist and just see what they recommend
Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry I was in the WTT section but I am scooting over here for a quick minute to see if any of you have ever dealt with hypothyroidism and TTC. A bit of background on me - i have 2 little ones and very recently i had been discussing number 3 with my husband, he has yet to officially agree but has said he's not wanting to take it off the table yet so i'm super hopeful as he used to be a hard no, anyways today i got my blood work back from when I had my physical and my doctor asked to meet with me asap so I knew that was not a good sign. I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and i'm in a little bit of shock because i have not had any symptoms of it. He chatted with me a bit about some treatment options and i did ask about fertility he was not very optimistic. He told me it would most likely be hard for me to get pregnant without help such as IUI, even then he said the chances were not great. I'm so heartbroken and confused, I have not spoken to DH about this yet since i'm still trying to deal with it on my own. Can any of you offer some stories here? Can I possibly ever get pregnant or will it really be as hard as he is making it sound....:cry:

I've been hypothyroid now for 15 years and got pg easy (I'm 34 years young) I always got told to get regular checks on ur tsh t4 t3 and antibodies before TTC .....I've had 3 babies and now trying for baby number 4 just got all mi bloods done and all are fine been ttc since oct last year but mi bloods were low on ferritin iron b12 (cause mi thyroid was out at 8.1 it kicked all rest out) I'm now all bk to normal so hoping for a positive pg test
hi kyronsmom!

hope you get your positive soon! i'm on month 2 now, started synthroid so we will see what happens this month
hi kyronsmom. that is good to know. i also read that it is good to get t3, t4, and antibodies checked before ttc. Unfortunately my pcp and re have only been testing my tsh and i am having a hard time conceiving. i made an appt with another endocrinologist to see if she will do a full panel on me. It seems hard to find a good thyroid doctor and i am horrible at advocating for myself. glad you found a good one!
Sorry that your PCP and RE won't do the full panel.

My PCP never did a full panel, just the TSH and T4. My endo did a full panel without me even asking about it. I also have trouble advocating for myself when it comes to doctors but am quickly learning to do so. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble finding a good endo. Keeping my fingers crossed you find one and they help.
thanks cheshire. when i saw my re this week, i asked her about my thyroid levels, and she said... "that's controversial but we treat it anyway because why not?" which pretty much confirmed for me that she doesn't take it very seriously. I didn't even ask her anything (that i thought was) controversial; i just asked her how my thyroid levels looked in the context of ttc. I am hoping the endo i see next month is better.
Hoping for you, too! Really surprised an RE would say something like that. My endo told me he'll monitor me closely through TTC and pregnancy to make sure my levels stay low.

Crossing my fingers for you, Lar!
so i've got some news, not the good kind unfortunately :(

I was able to meet with my old obgyn from when i had my daughter, he is truly a wealth of knowledge so i knew he was the one to talk to about TTC when i found out about my hypothyroidism, i've been on a waiting list to get an appointment for a few weeks, they finally called yesterday so i rushed from work as they had a cancellation last minute. He spoke to me a bit about what he knew of Hasimoto's disease and its ability to interfere with TTC and how it can really mess up your hormones. He put in a request from my family doctor to send him my ultrasound they did of my thyroid, and also any blood tests done by him, he also had me go to the lab in his building so he could run his own panel. He told me about the options, he was big on trying clomid but he'd want me to monitor for one full cycle with no clomid, meaning taking temp every day from day 1 , i told him its day 3 for me so he said next cycle i could do it.

all in all it was good, i got some info about the medication i'm on since my family doctor didn't give me much. He said he'd call me when he got my results (both old and his own new panel) he told me if he got it that day he'd call me that night since he knows its a horrendous drive from west to east side of town and didnt want to make me come back unless he had to.

Last night around 7 he called me saying he reviewed everything, and also got my blood work back from his lab- news was hard to hear. He said he would definitely still try me on clomid for one month just to see, no waiting period for 6 months of trying on my own because he said quite frankly it won't happen for you, he told me he was almost 90% sure i was not ovulating on my own since my son was born, my thyroid is so inflamed that he thinks it may need to be removed in the next few years if not sooner. My body just isn't producing the hormones i need to ovulate. He told me he would want me to try one round of IUI he'll refer to me to endocrinologist, after he tries me on one month of clomid and cycle monitoring. After that he said i would really be a good candidate for IVF, thats when i started having a few tears while trying to talk to him. He said he would do everything possible to help me but that my numbers where just quite significant and he wasnt sure what could be done to guarantee anything other than IVF. I told him i'll do the clomid and cycle monitoring but that will be it for me, no IUI or IVF - its quite costly and DH and I discussed that we were not comfortable with doing it, if we can't have nay more children from us trying than we were going to be happy with our 2 kids and let it be - he agreed and said for me to let this cycle ride out and once i'm on cd 1 of next one start temping and he will get me a perscription for clomid.

I feel defeated- i've cried all night in DH's arms but i've got to remember i had the chance to have 2 kiddos, and i still might have a chance for 3 i just have to be patient. Thanks for reading
heaveneats - I am sorry about your bad news. Thankfully you are now under the care of a doctor who really cares and wants the best for you, who is willing to take the necessary steps to help you. 2 Children is a wonderful blessing and if you are lucky enough to get that third little bean then you know it was meant to be.
heaveneats - I am so sorry to hear about the news you got. Did he tell you your numbers at all?

I've been told mine might have to come out as well (my mom had to have hers out) but I'm not there yet. I hope your endo will be able to help you and give you some better news with a better outlook or at least help you get things under control. Will you be getting in with the endo sooner rather than later?

Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes!
Heaven im sorry you got bad news. Just remember that you have two kiddos to love and if you're meant to have another you will. I had the radioactive iodine treatment started in 2001. Unfortunately after the first dose my thyroid got shocked into normal and now I lean hypo. I was diagnosed with both graves and hashimotos.. so I understand what you're feeling.
thank you everyone, i'm just so tired, i want to go home and curl up in my bed :( tomorrow is friday though, and its our anniversary on Saturday so hopefully i can cheer up a bit for that
Sorry for the bad news heaveneats. I am glad you have such a great doctor and hopefully with levothyroxine, clomid, and time you will get your 3rd baby!
How are you feeling today heaveneats?

I had an appointment with an internist yesterday and he ordered another full panel of blood tests. Including TSH, T3, T4, T3 & T4 antibodies. They are also doing an ultrasound on my thyroid this afternoon. Hoping we all get some good news soon!
How are you feeling today heaveneats?

I had an appointment with an internist yesterday and he ordered another full panel of blood tests. Including TSH, T3, T4, T3 & T4 antibodies. They are also doing an ultrasound on my thyroid this afternoon. Hoping we all get some good news soon!

feeling pretty good, thank god it's the weekend! thats good you are getting your full panel, and ultrasound, i hope your news is good! I've just got a head ache i'd like to get rid of :( i had been taking soy isoflavones but i think i'm going to stop since they are making me get headaches and i just really want this cycle to be over and its barely started lol
I hope your headache goes away soon! Where in Canada are you from? I hope wherever it is you have great weather this weekend!

I am ovulating right now and DH always overthinks when I am ovulating and unfortunately dtd did not work out last night. I feel like we totally missed our chance this cycle. Only time will tell.
I hope your headache goes away soon! Where in Canada are you from? I hope wherever it is you have great weather this weekend!

I am ovulating right now and DH always overthinks when I am ovulating and unfortunately dtd did not work out last night. I feel like we totally missed our chance this cycle. Only time will tell.

i'm in Ontario, in Ottawa, weather is supposed to be rainy all weekend boo :(oh well i think if there is any sunny breaks i'm getting the kids outside so we don't go stir crazy.

is it that he feels pressured? that sucks i'm sorry but anytime you can get in to some BD time near OV is a good chance! Can you maybe not tell Dh when you are then less overthinking by him? my DH is always asking me for it so i usually tire out way before he does, the only time is doesnt work out is if he is exhausted lol i love those nights because its just a quick cuddle and then sleep:sleep:
Lol! I have a much higher drive than my DH, and he is seeding and working a ton of hours right now, so we have to pretty much schedule it! I usually don't tell him when I am ovulating, but we have been using preseed and he doesn't particularly like it, he finds it too slippery, haha. But I used less last time and that helped.

I am in Saskatchewan and we had wicked wind all weekend, we didn't get to play outside until last night, but we ended up having a great Mother's Day Brunch and Supper!

Happy Mothers Day!!

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