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I am new here. Turning 40 this December and ttc for the first time.


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Oct 29, 2010
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I am currently on cycle day 10 and would like a buddy. If anyone is interested that would be awesome. I just want someone to "compare notes with" so to speak. Glad I found this site. Everyone seems so nice. Thanks so much. And good luck to all.
Hi Vera :hi:

Welcome to B&B! You're going to love this site, it's addictive :thumbup: I've only been on here for a couple of months and the ladies on here are fabulous. It's fantastic to be able to discuss issues with others who completely understand what you are going through.

I'm happy to buddy up if you want someone to share the journey with!

I'm on CD6 this month, usually have cycles of around 34/35 days lately so on the longer side. How long have you been ttc?

I'm 36 by the way x
Hi Vera & Nat, :hi: I'm 38 and on CD11 with a regular cycle of 28-30 days. Would be good to buddy up and compare notes. Everyone on here is lovely and very supportive.
Hi Sbee

How long have you been ttc? Is it your first? x
Just wanted to welcome you to the TTC journey... all the best and lots of baby dust!!!
Hi Nat, we've been ttc for over a year now. It's so frustrating! I already have a daughter from a previous relationship (no problems 10 years ago but then I was much younger!!). We've had most of the initial tests done which came back ok so am now awaiting my HSG next week to see if my tubes are blocked.

Weird thing today: feeling ovulation happen at 5pm during the weekly Tesco run! Bit frustrated by this as not allowed to ttc this month due to the HSG next week so feel like I'm missing out on a month ... but here's hoping the HSG clears out my tubes as I've been told that there's a 30% increased chance of falling preggers after one!

How about you Nat, how long have you been ttc? Any tests done/lined up? x
Hi Sbee

We've been ttc 'actively' for around 8 months now but had a year of NTNP before that. Not had any tests done yet but we've agreed we will visit docs early in the New Year if no :bfp: by then.

The thought of all the tests scares me a bit, especially a HSG. But I will do anything to get a :baby:!

It must be frustrating to feel ov and not be able to do anything about it. Do they tell you definitely not to try when you are soon to have a HSG then? x
Hi Nat, don't worry about the initial tests - they're ok, you generally get day 3 and day 21 blood tests for you and SA for your OH then if all that is ok then HSG is the next stage. HSGs are normally booked for when you are CD6 to CD10 so there is v little chance that you are pregnant and I would have been ok to BD after my HSG as appointment was on CD 8 but they cancelled appoint cos machine broke :-( so they rebooked which takes me to CD15 so after OV time but was told by nurse (very stictly - like being back in the headmaster's office!) not to BD inbetween as mustn't risk being preggers as with HSG they squeeze dye into your tubes. Such fun and games (not) but anything to get that :baby: have even ordered a conceptio nreading from Gail to see what she says about it all :wacko: x x x
Well good luck with the HSG next week, let me know how it goes x
Like you, I'm due to turn 40 this Dec too and also TTC for No. 1.
I can't help but feel selfish for leaving it so late and perhaps I have missed the boat sometimes. This is our 5th month of TTC. Happy to buddy up
Hi Swapette :hi:

I completely understand, I too worry I've bought problems on myself by leaving it this late. But I try to stop thinking like that as it isn't fair on my OH, who I have only been with for less than 3 years. I was married before and if I think like that it means I'm regretting not having a :baby: with my ex, which I don't because we split and it's obviously better now that I didn't have children with him.

My current OH is so much better for me and will be a fabulous father x
Nat - your story mirrors mine, my OH is my 2nd husband and I don't regret not having any children with my ex. Sometimes the right person comes along later in life (been with mine for 7 yrs).
My OH says if it happens it happens and if it doesn't it doesn't. I don't like my chances of going for NHS IVF :(
Just hoping we can do this naturally but is there anything else a Doc might be able to help with?
I'm 43 and trying for my first child. I'm not doing any of the tracking but we would like to have a baby. Part of me is not trying because every time I think of the excitement having a child, some crazy dose of real life happens and I get worried. Anyone in that same position?
My last MC cost me $2,800 out of pocket even with insurance. So now tacking that bill onto my monthly expenses, do I keep trying? I'm now on my husband's insurance (much better coverage, we were recently married).
We are living comfortably, but I hate added bills, even if they are temporary. Am I making mountains out of molehills?
How long have you been ttc Swapette?

I think different NHS trusts have different criteria regarding eligibility for IVF etc so you would need to check with yours. I had a quick look on our NHS site and it appears me and OH will be eligible for 2 free IVF cycles. I know, for example, that our trust has no upper age limit for women, which I was surprised at, but does have an upper age limit of 50 for men. Other criteria with ours seems to be - neither of you can have any other children, you must have been in a stable relationship for at least 2 years and you must both have been registered with a local doctor for 2 years. We fit everything. Obviously I'm hoping we don't need anything like IVF but it's good to know. I haven't been to docs yet but am planning to in New Year - guess I've been putting it off but getting to the point now that I need to know if anything is wrong :shrug:

Welcome 40sGal :thumbup: Are you in a similar situation to us too? x
Although I sincerely wish that none of us are in this predicament, it's comforting to know we're not alone in this.
I did a quick look re: ivf (Warwickshire) and the general criteria stated is that the female age cut off is 39 (i assume that means including 39) at time of treatment, must have been trying for 3 years and cause of infertility is known.
We've been ttc on and off for 3 years but consistently for 5 cycles. Don't know if that will qualify me.

However, they have put a hold on NHS ivf until early next year due to costs which means I will not be 40 plus a queue of younger candidates will have built up by then.

I'm in half a mind to try and do it without ivf, so if I'm meant to be a mother then it will happen? I don't know.

I think I'll be going to the soca at some point v soon anyway to talk to them about it but 5 cycles isn't long though is it? Been using cbfm for 2 cycles now.
I'm on my 4th month of using the CBFM now. Sorry for being thick, but what is a SOCA? :haha:
Oh my! I mean Docs, iPod touch keypad is a little hit and miss at times!!

Eta: I really like the cbfm, takes the guesswork out of it. Here's hoping plenty of baby dust to go round for everyone.

Hi guys, I would like to buddy up. I am on cycle day 14 at the moment. I was married before to a man with azoospermia. We went the adoption route. Got our gorgeous baby girl only to have her taken from us 28mths later (May just gone) Relative came forward after all that time, adoption wasn't finalized, actually it was foster to adopt. Anyway, in the mean time hubby had an affair (3 years ago) 18mths ago I met a wonderful man, whom I am in love with. We decided to have a baby last July, got pregnant within 3 months, lost the little one, got pregnant again and lost that little one:( We are now really only on the baby wagon since July. I took a break. I did previous ICSI attempts in my previous marriage because of my x but nothing. I guess my baby is waiting for daddy right:)

Heres to a wonderful baby dancing, baby dusting, BFP'ing good ol' time;)
Hi Glenoakgirl

So very sorry to hear what you've been through. It must have been so hard to lose your little girl after over 2 years, I can't imagine how hard that must be. Sending hugs to you :hugs:

Good luck for getting your :bfp: very soon x
Thanks hun.... I am doing good. Have good days, bad days and very bad days. I miss her something awful. You really don't have to carry a child to love them. I forgot I didn't give birth to her:) Gods reasoning I won't question. I will however ask him for peace, especially in my aching heart.

Good news, my wonderful man asked me to marry him last night....I was floored. Of course I said yes:) Pretty lucky girl. I do count my blessings.

Cycle day 16, just got my cm....egg white stretchy (sorry gals) I think I am a ready. Although baby dancing, Firday and last night. I guess tonight and tomorrow night won't hurt:)

lovies x

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