I am sorry but I need to rant.


Bun No.2 in the oven.
Sep 14, 2011
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Why is that as soon as people find out you are pregnant they think they know better than you? Yes this is my first pregnancy but it doesn't mean I want to hear about you, your pregnancies OR even worse you bloody sisters pregnancy. If I wanted your opinions I would ask.

Maybe I am being snappy. Below are expamples of their "opinions"

1 - "You do realise you will look 10 years older once you have a baby" this coming from someone who has never had kids, doesnt want them but whose sister had. Baring in mind she in her 30s and smokes rollies all day. I quit smoking over a year ago and am only 22 with a "babyface". I still have to give ID to buy alcohol! Grrr.

2 - When speaking to a friend at work about the gender scan I have booked for next week they (Yep more than one) piped up and basically told me I was pathetic for not being able to wait. When I explained my 20 week scan is not a gender scan so I may not be able to find out they told me I would be stupid to waste my money on such a thing as they are never right anyway. Seriously... one of these women has kids older than me - so before they could even find out!

3 - Have been looking after my OHs 7 year old brother for a couple of weeks which has been hard work. Working full time, running the house, looking after him and dealing with the pregnancy symptoms is tough. I know lots of women do it but to go from only having to care for myself to caring for a growing bub AND kid is a bit of a shock to the system. When I was saying (Not to them... to a friend) that I was tired and my tummy was sore they all piped up and told me this was nothing. I would soon get a shock blah blah. I know how hard it is to bring up a baby... I don't need them telling me!

Oh AND they overheard me telling a friend that I had felt the baby moving last week. They told me NO i hadnt... as it is too early. F*ck. Its my body! I know what I feel!

Ontop of this there have been comments about the pain of childbirth, my weight, my name choices. Actually... anything I say about being pregnant they have some sarcy remark to make.

Gd'pcjovugciv£%^I*ER()U*DNJJSJSH!!!! GRRRR!
Is it going to be like this the entire time? Im contemplating hybernating! :wacko:
I completely understand where you are coming from hun!! It's you, your baby, your body, your life! People just seem to forget that in their narrow minded little worlds!

Just ignore them and enjoy your pregnancy xx
I know where your coming from hun, everyone wants to give me their 2 cents! LEEEAAAVVVEEE MEEEE ALLLOOOONEEEE lol xx
There's 2 special words invented for occasions such as these. Theyre "fuck" & "off".
I hear ya and unfortunately you still get it when they are born!

I breastfed and still am at 23 months and people told me to top him up with formula as he was too small? I didn't and he is now being told he looks big!
People tell me that I should stop bf as it will be hard tandem
Feeding..... Actually if u know anything about it it's majorly bonding!

People turned their noses up at some names I liked at first and I have now decided to change them and no one knows.

I am not finding out sex, didn't with my son and apparently I am boring! So u get both angles!

Just always remember your body your baby your life!

F em! X
Oh my goodness i was just having this rant last night. No matter what you do it isn't right. Everyone things it is open season for opinions not asked for. And most of the time it isn't opinions, it is views rammed down your throats. Thing is if you say anything back they just blame the pregnancy hormones which dimiss your feelings. I have decided i cannot win so will stop trying and do my hardest to ignore. Everyone but me seems to know best aparently but i shall just do my own thing anyway so i guess it doesn't really matter, but i sure know my ears would like a rest from these people! xx
Yup! Totally with you on that one! I'm sick of people sticking their noses in "Oh aren't you big for 16 weeks!" "No way you could have any movements until youre at least 20 weeks- its just gas" ETC ETC wish they would all F$!%* off! I know my body and i know its my first baby but im not a total idiot and i think i will be able to look after my own baby in ways which hubby and i feel fit!
Everyone always has an opinion and it always seems like they are going to share it with you whether you what to hear it or not! I just try to keep things to myself so they have less to comment on and if anyone asks me a question outright, like "Will you find out the gender?" I usually just say I don't know/haven't decided yet/we will see so don't give anything away. It's much harder when it's family and friends who should know better though as I want to share things with them!
I think I am just going to avoid any baby conversation at work now. It is not worth the hassle and I only end up p*ssed off!

Am going to spend the rest of the afternoon thinking of all the horrible things I would like to do to them. :D
I'm on my 3rd and STILL get it :growlmad:

You're not very big for 19 weeks! Do you know how hard it is with 3? (This from people who have 1 or 2!)

When your close to labour all the "I know how you can start labour" and "This worked for me" will start. There's one woman for me in particular who drives me in sane and I have to see her on a daily basis, she knows everything (apparantly) grrrrrrrrr

Oh, I feel your pain! There is one particular person at work whom I used to be very good friends with. He and his wife now have a 7 month old and he's become the oracle of all things baby. It is driving me MAD!!

First he had an opinion on re-useable nappies (when I didn't ask for one) and he was quite offensive about it really, insinuating I'd rather spend time washing nappies than bonding with my baby.

Then he is constantly telling me what to expect and how I'm going to be feeling and stuff (I don't care what he thinks)

The most recent was when I was saying about baby kicking and doing a dance on my bladder and he said in this voice that made it sound like I was complaining... it's gonna get a WHOOOOLLE lot worse.... REALLY like I don't know that the kicking is going to get stronger and more frequent? Besides which, I wasn't complaining!!!! I was saying how much I loved feeling it, so why wouldn't I want it to get "worse"? Idiot.
My OH grandma has told me that my babies are real until 23 weeks and I shouldn't be buying anything until then or even be talking about them as they could just die!!!

If I have to hear "HA.. you just wait.." ONE MORE FCKSDNFISGN TIME!!

I totally know where you're coming from. 22 and baby number 1 does NOT equal = CLUELESS.

gah XXxxxx Ignore them honey
My OH grandma has told me that my babies are real until 23 weeks and I shouldn't be buying anything until then or even be talking about them as they could just die!!!


what the actual fuck!?!?!?! *frown* <3 ohhh different generations make me giggle. xxxx
I know I was so upset, OH told her to get on board and keep her nasty mouth shut or she would be seeing alot less of him!!!

Shes not the type of woman you speak to like this so I was gob smacked, she scares me xx
I know I was so upset, OH told her to get on board and keep her nasty mouth shut or she would be seeing alot less of him!!!

Shes not the type of woman you speak to like this so I was gob smacked, she scares me xx

I bet! Well done on your OH standing up for you both.

My grandparents seem alright.. apart from my gran saying to me "why "Harley" anyway?! What do you shorten THAT to.. HURL?!?! It's a HIDEOUS name."

Cheers granny *rolls eys* I guess they're in a different world to us hey xxx
They just drive me crazy!

Its like they are blatantly pulling their pants down and pissing ALL OVER my/our fireworks!

I would sort of understand if I had asked for their bloody opinions.

I'm already practising the elbow dig to the face for when they start being belly gropers!
If I have to hear "HA.. you just wait.." ONE MORE FCKSDNFISGN TIME!!

I totally know where you're coming from. 22 and baby number 1 does NOT equal = CLUELESS.

gah XXxxxx Ignore them honey

Thats the worst. "HA..just you wait until I slap you round the chops"
Grrrrr, who do you ladies hang out with?!?!?!? I want you all to come over to my house for a big sleepover until LOs are born because I am getting none of this. Maybe I give off a 'don't you fucking dare!' vibe but I don't think so! I want to slap every single person who is giving you all such grief!!!

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