Secondly, you've come to the right place to chat about your experiences and get advice. Some of the ladies on here are fantastic, and their baby stories are amazing, have a read through.
So, little Neave - incredibly early when compared to my Andrew (29+1). Did you know she was coming early or was it a shock? How big was she at birth, and how is she doing now?
Andrew started on the ventilator, moved onto Cpap, then onto the O2 by nasal cannula - high flow, lo-flow, back to high again ... then started pulling them out and throwing them out the back of the cot, so they decided (with my persuasion) to let him try without them. We were actually at the point of prep'ing to bring him home on O2 and he decided he didn't want that, came off it really quickly!
Are you expressing to feed Neave, or is she on NutriPrem? I've been expressing since day 3 and, as we haven't successfully established BF, I'm still doing it !!!
Please - when you have the energy - tell us more! Feel free to ask questions too.