we like you too!!! lol
I mean for real, we come here to talk about our feelings with other women who understand. I guess the assisted conception page isnt full of infertile women who have had to fight the good fight like we have. Some are just able to say "hey we want a baby, lets get IVF and pay for it cuz we rich SOBs"
So since this is NOT a judgemental area...
I started to be OK with my SIL being pregnant. I started to get excited even (thanks to you ladies and all your advice about it being OK to be angry and to let myself feel it). Everything was going sort of peachy...until...I told my MIL that I was starting to be OK with it. I'm not "mad" at Kelsey (SIL) anymore and I dont necessarily "hate" her anymore. It's still gonna take some more time to be fully OK with it, but I'm slowly getting there. She took that to mean, I'm OK now...and my MIL made it facebook official...:doh: Once I saw it on facebook...in my face again...I went right back to where I started....to post it on facebook means its real....this is really happening...she really is pregnant...so then I had to endure all the congratulations and the congrats on being an auntie again...
I didnt want congrats...I dont wanna be congratulated for THAT...I wanna be congratulated for being a MOMMY again...not an AUNTIE again. I started crying...AGAIN...(i swear im gunna run out of tears after this is all said and done...). My husband says, again, I am over reacting. Really sweetie....over reacting?? We'll see how much I'm over reacting when I smother you with a pillow (our long standing joke, no I'm not gunna really kill him...just hurt him a lil lol jp)
As soon as it seems OK, it becomes not OK.
At least i FINALLY got my referral and the new doc has it. Now its just a matter of getting Doc #3 to send my records. I sent a form to get my records 2 weeks ago...and they just returned to form to me today because I didnt write the date....stupid asstards...they couldnt call me and fax it to me to write the damn date...they had to wait 2 weeks, and send it back. Ass holes. So, we'll see how long this takes!!! But whatever, I'm going on Wednesday, 12/18. And, in the nicest way possible, I am DEMANDING an IVF. I'll go there with a rifle if I gotta (again, a joke...dont need the FBI here).
BTW, another "people piss me off" moment that happened....a chick on my facebook who I went to high school with...she has been pregnant 10 times in the last 11 years....she has had 4 abortions (didnt know you COULD have that many). She has 6 kids by 6 daddies. She doesnt have custody of ANY of them. Her mom has 2 of them, her sister has 1 of them, her brother has 2 of them, and she brought the 6th one to a "baby safe haven." (cuz her mom, brother, and sister couldnt afford to take the last one). Well...shes pregnant....with TWINS!! Shes a massive drug addict, i cant believe her children are healthy. She posted that she doesnt know what to do with those babies. THe daddy denies them (of course) because she prostitutes herself and who knows how many men she has been with. She's asking people if she should abort, or baby safe haven them. I got pissed and posted..."how about...STOP HAVING KIDS!!!" Her mom already has 2 of them, not to mention that she has to take care of her own 29 yr old with down syndrome, and her husband who is dying of lung cancer. Her sister is 24 and has 1 of them, as well as 3 kids of her own, and shes a single mom (husband passed in a car accident 3 years ago. 1 month after she took in her sisters baby). Her brother has her 2 youngest. Hes 27, married, and has 2 other kids. None of them can take her twins. Its like a really bad Maury Povich story. Why are people like her so damn fertile?!?!?!