im so unwell

Adele came home from nursery on friday and was sick that night on saturday she developed a cough and by saturday night i was being sick and couldnt stop coughing. By sunday night Adele seemd alot better with just a slight cough. Sunday night (tmi sorry) i couldnt stop going to the loo and it was stinging but very little was comming out and it was really dark coloured, and right in my kidneys is so painfull, so are all my insides with coughing ect. I rang NHS 24 on sunday night as where i stay you have to ring them before you can go see an out of hours gp wich is crap, waited 2 hours for a nurse to ring back and she said i would have to wait till the morning to make an appointment with the gp

dont know what else to do but i feel like i have loads of gunk in my chest and every time i cough it breaks up but i cant cough hard enough to get it up cos its too painfull,
sorry i just need a big moan feeling sorry for myself