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I have no excuses, Im just green with jealousy!

Urgh, I hate both sides of this. I hate the my children are my priority side, I exercise every day, a lot, and my children are my priority too, infact I have had my three children home-schooling for the past year (up until last week) and my husband works full time with shifts but they are my number one, any one who knows me knows that. Just because I prioritise exercise too doesn't mean it is put before them.

On the flip side, the what is your excuse says that we can all look like that. We cant. I work out at least an hour a day but two or more five times a week, I ran a half marathon this past weekend, I do a ten mile run next weekend, I think it is pretty obvious that I am fit and healthy BUT I will never look like that. I had pre-eclampsia in all my pregnancies but the first time caused such a massive weight gain (water retention is part of it) in such a small amount of time that it ruined my tummy. Exercise doesn't fix it (believe me I have tried). Surgery will do (but until my last baby that isn't an option). The what is your excuse just puts pressure on and makes it seem as if anything less than what she has/is, isn't good enough. It is though, I am proud of how far I've come, I am proud to say I am fit, that I work hard to be fit and healthy and I am a good Mum at the same.

I agree with Tiff, we should each others backs.

Very much agree. This is the connotation in her choice of words and photo and it's probably what most of us are reacting to. That and the fact that I really don't care about looking like that. I do care about getting more fit for my health. And I hugely admire those who manage to work awesome athletic goals like marathons, competitions, etc. into their busy lives. I think that would be a goal to motivate me more than a bikini body, personally. Probably where I am in life, but I kind of really enjoy the freedom of not giving a flying f**k about looking attractive to others. There is something pretty great about being comfortable in your own skin, however it may look.
That being said, I would like to be in better shape. Just for health and energy reasons, not because I'm worried that I look fat.
I think she meant nothing but positivity. Good for her, she looks great! I'm sure she works out a lot and eats right. I think she meant this as a motivation towards other mothers that want to be fit. Which I'm sure genetics are on her side a bit.
If I had that much money and that much time...I would look like her too. Most of us live in the real world. It doesnt make me jealous, or sad....it makes me laugh. Movie stars are really clueless.
Jasmak she isn't a movie star. She is a mum with three children, two businesses.
It really isn't exceptional money or time to do, I've done it myself, but it does require very efficient training and time management.

Eating in the way that she does isn't more expensive, in fact it's cheaper. 3 eggs and oats are what I have every morning. Having some chicken on sale and chopped seasonal vegetables are cheaper than cheese and store-bought bread.

I train with my kids running around in the room at 5:30am and get it out of the way, 30-45 minutes tops 3x a week.

I don't agree with the pejorative message of "excuses" but she's not some mythical person either, it's actually fairly achievable IF you stick to it for years and do the work. If you want to, of course. But there's nothing magical about it. Yes, I'm bringing a protein shake to a Halloween party instead of cupcakes. Yes, I would love to eat the cupcakes. No, it's not really worth it. I eat 3 M&Ms every night (stolen from Alex's potty reward treats) and that's enough to get me through. A slice (... A slice... ) of pizza once a week.
Good for her, but how dare she question everyone else.
Yes she looks wonderful, but her situation applies to her life alone.
Yep, I think it's ridiculous to apply standards of fitness to other women, there is certainly some ego amongst people in the fitness community which is why I avoid them. One of my good friends IRL does not work out, she owns a bakery business, so she spends all day making cupcakes. I seriously die reading her FB page (currently have Philippe's 1st birthday on order LOL!!!). I think everyone needs a hobby for sure, just to keep us sane and individual, but what that person chooses is perfectly fine!
I honestly would not want to look like her, great on her and I'm glad she is happy, but I personally wouldn't want to look like that. Perhaps I am odd for saying that, my body right now is far from the ideal I would like, but my ideal is not ripped abs, and not that it matters but my husbands ideal would not be for me to look like that.

I think there is a massive difference between being ripped and being healthy, I like having curves, I like having breasts, i like being a bit cuddly.

We all have ideals on how we want to look, I don't appreciate this woman telling me this is how I should look. I'm not making excuses, I don't say I don't have time to work out, I might say I don't have the energy but I think any mum of a child with additional needs or twins would agree and I have both. Lol. But I prioritise my time my way, I would have more time to work out if I have up the interest, but that's my choice not my excuse.
Looks like she's proud of herself and she wants to let everyone know about it. And do you know what...why the hell not! BUT WHY does she want to try and make every other mum that struggle etc...feel bad about themselves to give herself that extra buzz. I didn't get 'inspirational'...I got 'oh fuck off!'

Well done for being skinny...high five. Well done for pulling at other peoples insecurities and 'failures'....you look good.

Now....where is my wine and chocolate again. I've just seen a picture of some bitch bragging about how skinny she is after her kids and I've not done it :roll:
I thought she was some lady from a tv show. Regardless....we all have diff lives. At one point I lookd like her too....now I sit at a desk all day. I find SOME people in shape very vain...and snotty. Too bad. But, she does look good.
Well like I said I work out a lot and I do not look like her. I like to stay curvy fit not manly cut fit :) but I still don't see where she says everyone should look like her and I went back and re-read it..sure, she's proud but his does that translate into "oh all u ladies who don't look like me are fat?"

The message I be fit and exercise is a good one and everyone has their take on it. That's really all I took away from it but I have positive glasses on :D
Hey now, some of us couldn't be curvy if we tried ;) We were born like that :kiss:
Hey now, some of us couldn't be curvy if we tried ;) We were born like that :kiss:

Haha sorry no I just meant that I don't wanna exercise to the point of being as cut as her...I have friends who do and they feel great but that's not a look me (or my hubs lol) go for.
So I need to: become bulimic, get cosmetic surgery, acquire fancy hair type extensions and start putting make-up on (besides the eyeliner I just use) and then I too will be looked upon as not having an excuse.

GOTTTSSSS ITTTTTTTT :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:.
My excuse is genetics. I have THOUSANDS of stretch marks. No amount of dieting and working out is going to give me a body like her. Am I jealous? Of course I am! Am I going to sit and cry about not looking like her? Nahhh, I'll just have some ice cream and enjoy it!
I love people who try to motivate others and inspire. I've been trying to figure out WHAT it was about this picture that irks me, and I finally put my finger on it. I really think the concept would have been much more inspiring if she has posted a regular picture. After looking at her Facebook pages, it is evident that she has some of the same issues many of us moms do post-pregnancy. The stretch marks and excess skin are still there, yet are touched up in the professional photo to make them seem non-existent. In training in the past, I have come across MANY blogs of fit mothers who use their experiences to inspire. In my opinion, the reason that most of them are so effective is because many document the "nitty-gritty" of training and everyday life with three young children. You are seeing pictures of tired and drained moms as they head to the gym before dawn, with a sloppy ponytail and not a stitch of make-up on. Not merely the "after picture" taken in a studio with a round of post-processing Photoshop. I get that she is trying to help others lead a happier lifestyle, but also think that part of her motivation is self-serving. Regular swimsuit photoshoots and modeling gigs aren't a reality for most mothers (or people in general), neither is going to the Emmy's to be the representative for a clothing store. Furthermore, posting a picture of your newborn in the hospital in a onesie saying "My mom is prettier than your mom" immediately followed by a series of shots documenting just how flat your belly returned to a mere 2 weeks after labor (when many mothers are still struggling to get out of bed) doesn't scream "get inspired!" to me as much as it says "Look at how hot I am!". Perhaps if Ms. Kang posted more images of those she has inspired instead of her own glamour shots then maybe the goal would feel more attainable to the people she is attempting to motivate?
Also, if anyone is looking for a realistic and motivating blog about a mother and lawyer who embarked on a journey to better her fitness and lifestyle, check out swimbikemom.com. It's a triathlon blog, but can be used to inspire just about anyone:) She is realistic, brutally honest, and hilarious!
I love people who try to motivate others and inspire. I've been trying to figure out WHAT it was about this picture that irks me, and I finally put my finger on it. I really think the concept would have been much more inspiring if she has posted a regular picture. After looking at her Facebook pages, it is evident that she has some of the same issues many of us moms do post-pregnancy. The stretch marks and excess skin are still there, yet are touched up in the professional photo to make them seem non-existent. In training in the past, I have come across MANY blogs of fit mothers who use their experiences to inspire. In my opinion, the reason that most of them are so effective is because many document the "nitty-gritty" of training and everyday life with three young children. You are seeing pictures of tired and drained moms as they head to the gym before dawn, with a sloppy ponytail and not a stitch of make-up on. Not merely the "after picture" taken in a studio with a round of post-processing Photoshop. I get that she is trying to help others lead a happier lifestyle, but also think that part of her motivation is self-serving. Regular swimsuit photoshoots and modeling gigs aren't a reality for most mothers (or people in general), neither is going to the Emmy's to be the representative for a clothing store. Furthermore, posting a picture of your newborn in the hospital in a onesie saying "My mom is prettier than your mom" immediately followed by a series of shots documenting just how flat your belly returned to a mere 2 weeks after labor (when many mothers are still struggling to get out of bed) doesn't scream "get inspired!" to me as much as it says "Look at how hot I am!". Perhaps if Ms. Kang posted more images of those she has inspired instead of her own glamour shots then maybe the goal would feel more attainable to the people she is attempting to motivate?

Did she actually do that? :shock: If so, then I am going to go ahead and say that this lady isn't interested in the slightest in promoting health and fitness. She is looking for attention/publicity that she can translate into career boosts, and then excusing shallow, bitchy behaviour with an insincere declaration of caring oh so much about how healthy we all are.
It sounds like Maria Kang could stand to do some work on developing some self-worth that isn't based solely on looks. :nope:
Yeah, after seeing the controversy I decided to look up her FB page out of boredom (thank you bed rest!) and saw them. Seemed to be exactly the opposite of the message she said she is trying to convey.
Can you link please? :flower:

I saw the picture of her post-baby tummy mere weeks after giving birth, but couldn't find the picture of her kiddo in the "my mommy is prettier than your mommy" onesies. :flower:

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