Hi love, I know how you feel, its just the longest roller coaster that you can't get off isn't it?
We have just found out that DH has no sperm and our only option is donor. But also they found a lession, which they took a biopsy on so we are also waiting for the results on that.
It seems like you get through one hurdle then are waiting for the next one, even though I know we can't get pregnant, we are still doing it at ovulation and I am still temp testing (but this helps me forcast my AF too which is helpful) and I am always a litte hopeful each month, which then means I am dispressed again each month!
try to keep your chin up, if you have the sperm at least you have a good chance, its just going to be a longer journey with the ICSI, and I know when we were facing that it looks like a tough journey, but you may end up with a fantastic result, like many of the other ladies on here.
Fingers crossed for you, make sure you have friends and family who you can confide in, and keep talking, its amazing how much it helps to share problems with those who love you.