I just don't know what to think......please someone help :-( xxx

:hug: So sorry to hear it's still going on, the waiting game can be so stressfull. Really hoping everything goes ok :hugs:
Welshrose is there no way you could get a scan between now and then? When I went into A&E I was kept in (this was because they thought I was having an ectopic) and they scanned me the next morning.

Now I'm not suggesting that you go to A&E and say you are in a lot of pain but......well I suppose I am actually....and you might be able to get scanned earlier IYSWIM. I think it would be justifiable given the circumstances and how long your going to have to wait otherwise.
Thanks girls :hugs:

Well another loo update (are you getting bored with all this yet?~cos I am :hissy:) .......It looks like the spotting is stopping again! :yipee: Only the tinyiest amount of very light pink on the loo paper :yipee:
However I am in quite a bit of pain? Has anyone had a UTI before? Is pain up around your belly button and up to a hand's palm width above it where UTI pain should be?
I'm resisting going to the hospital hun but will definately consider it if the pain gets worse.

HUGE :hug:
Hi hun,

Well the spotting stopping/slowing down is definitely a good sign!

I've had UTI's a plenty before now, what I normally get is burning/blood when I pass urine, if it gets worse than the pain normally goes into my back although I do get this kind of bloated/painful sensation in my tummy to.

I suppose a UTI would make sense really, I mean I was thinking today with the amount of times I've been to the loo the past couple of days (to check if the skanky witch has arrived) I thought I was going to give myself a UTI! I suppose it's the same with you, if you're constantly checking/wiping then that could cause something couldn't it.

Try and drink plenty and maybe get some cranberry (great for UTI's) and see how you go for the next couple of days.

Hope you're ok tonight! x x
Hi hun,

Well the spotting stopping/slowing down is definitely a good sign!

I've had UTI's a plenty before now, what I normally get is burning/blood when I pass urine, if it gets worse than the pain normally goes into my back although I do get this kind of bloated/painful sensation in my tummy to.

I suppose a UTI would make sense really, I mean I was thinking today with the amount of times I've been to the loo the past couple of days (to check if the skanky witch has arrived) I thought I was going to give myself a UTI! I suppose it's the same with you, if you're constantly checking/wiping then that could cause something couldn't it.

Try and drink plenty and maybe get some cranberry (great for UTI's) and see how you go for the next couple of days.

Hope you're ok tonight! x x

Thanks Claire hun :hugs:
I haven't had any burning just mainly a bloated tum with high cramps. I've drunk so much today!!! Determined to flush it out.
I'm not getting hardly anything on the toilet paper now but have noticed a couple of spots of blood in the bottom of the toilet the last couple of times. Only very small but definately there. I don't know where they've come from thou????? It's driving me nuts!
Thanks for the suggestion of cranberry juice hun, I've been drinking cranberry and raspberry squash all day but will get some juice tomorrow.

Heaps of :hug:
Hello sweetie
Hope your taking good care of your self. Its an old one but try not to worry sweetie. Though like the other ladies have said. See how you feel in a few days and if it gets worse go to a + e.
Thinking of you.
:hug::hug:Thinking of u, and pray everything will be ok with lo x x xx :hugs:
Hey there Everyone :wave:
Well today has been pretty uneventful, still the same old stuff going on. Although it would seem that the spotting is only now happening in the last couple of hours leading upto me taking another antibiotic tablet. Not sure how or why the two things seem to be linked, but besides blood in my urine at this time which also increases there is definately vaginal spotting as well.....any ideas?
On the positive the @@s are still sore and have had mild heartburn tonight.

I just feel like I am going round in circles all the time. :hissy::cry:

Hope everyone has had an ok day,

Heaps of love 'n' :hug:

Lisa xx
It all sounds very positive to me. The fact that your symptoms are still there and the bleeding hasn't gotten heavier is a great sign. :hugs::hugs:
Sounds good to me hun!

God I bet the days are dragging till your scan huh?? Just over a week to go now, once Xmas is over with it'll be here before you know it.

Hope you've got your feet up and are having some deserved TLC from hubs?? x x
Thanks so much girls :hugs:
I'd love to believe everything is ok, just scared I guess that I would be setting myself up for a big fall.
Claire, Hubs is being absolutely amazing bless him he's one in a million and I love him to bits.
As you say once christmas is out of the way the 29th should come a bit quicker. As you know I'm going to do my last CB digi on boxing day to check the number of weeks have gone up again....FX'd
Hopefully this wretched UTI will have disappeared then too :hissy:

I'm keeping my eyes and ears open ClaireLR and Mugzy for those POAS results.....sending you both all the luck, love and sticky :dust: in the world :hugs:

wow Lisa I am so sorry that u are going through all of this!!! Not good at all!! :( BUT I do think that this sound particularly positive!! keep your chin up and ur feet and relax ok. I think the test thing on boxing day is a good idea - what will u be by then? i am hoping and praying this is just ur UTI and a bit of placenta implantation!! Maybe talk to Gabrielle?? She currently has a very bad UTI there is a thread in TTC and she has been suffering a lot she may be able to shed some light - she is also a nurse so I think would be worth having a chat with....!?!?

Take care ok and keep me updated!! some sticky :dust: for you and your little bean xxx
Thanks Jai_Jai :hugs:
I might pm her now, I've just seen her thread bless her.
I'll be technically 5+6 on boxing day so should definately be eligible for the 3+ (5+) to appear if my levels have been continuing to rise normally.
Thanks for dropping by hun, and I'll definately let you know how boxing day's poas goes.

Take care, heaps of :hug:
Thanks so much girls :hugs:
I'd love to believe everything is ok, just scared I guess that I would be setting myself up for a big fall.

I think if it does turn out to be a miscarriage it's going to be a big fall regardless of how you prepare yourself now. You want this baby, and we become attached to the dream of it from when we first know we've ovulated. Best thing you can do for you and your baby right now is to believe that it will all work out ok. And if it comes down it, you can deal with the loss later. But for now you have every reason to hope and to hold on that little person. :hug:
Thanks so much girls :hugs:
I'd love to believe everything is ok, just scared I guess that I would be setting myself up for a big fall.

I think if it does turn out to be a miscarriage it's going to be a big fall regardless of how you prepare yourself now. You want this baby, and we become attached to the dream of it from when we first know we've ovulated. Best thing you can do for you and your baby right now is to believe that it will all work out ok. And if it comes down it, you can deal with the loss later. But for now you have every reason to hope and to hold on that little person. :hug:

Your so right babe, thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow :hugs:

Well still no increase in the spotting and the @@s are still sore so I guess in line with PMA we're celebrating :happydance::rofl:
Half way thru my antibiotics today and I get my urine test result later so fingers crossed that will shed a bit more light on the UTI situation.

Hope you all have a good day and thankyou again for not only posting but for all your support......It truly has been amazing :hugs::hugs::hugs:
How are you Lisa?? Have u got your results?? xxx
Update please Welshrose! Hope you're ok since you're not lurking here??
Hey there Lovely's :wave:
Well for the update......
My water results came back showing no sensitivity growth (no infection), lots of white cells and lots of blood......
The GP who isn't my usual GP says what do you think we need to do now?! (this is a telephone conversation by the way) My reply.....I don't know, I'm not the doctor, all I do know is it's not normal for an otherwise healthy 28yr old to have that much blood in their urine.
She then tries to tell me that it's the spotting......But if it was the spotting surely it would be marking my pad inbetween visits to pee.....and it's not. And also the doc that I saw on fri said the amount of blood was more than you'd expect to see for someone on a heavy period......Of which I'm obviously not having!!!
So after feeling as thou I was ](*,) she said that she'd leave a msg with my usual gp to see if we can get an ultrasound scan done to rule out ectopic pregnancy.......I really don't think I have an ectopic. :hissy:

This morning I did definately have a small vaginal bleed which was red but again on drinking it seems to have stopped again. I just don't know what is going on and more :hissy: the doctors don't seem to have a clue either!

Right my rant is over....I promise :hugs::hugs: Thanks for reading and looking forward, as always, to hearing from you :hug::hug::hug:
Really hope you get some answers soon:hugs:xxx


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