I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

awww yay...that is soo exciting...we werent trying and not preventing either...it is so fun to be testing again and all that...cant wait..and will be looking for your testing threads too!!! B is 18 months in just a few days!
We are kind of trying but I have decided not to get worked up about it nd just see what happens. I am finding hard to DTD given work, night feeds and general tiredness. All is well with us, Alana is doing very well.

how is the pregnancy mrsJ, how is B doing now?
She is great! I think her molars have stopped pushing up for a bit and so she is super happy! Smiling SOOO much the past few days and just over all resting better and stuff... Twin pregnancy is HARD! I am already as uncomfy physically as I was with B towards the end and I have prolly 12-13 weeks to go given the average twin pregnancy being around 34-36 weeks...so its going to be hard but hubby is definitely helping and wont let me lift anything heavier than a feather haha lol...next appt is Tues the 30th and Im hoping I'll get a scan even if its a quick cervix check one..will update some pics when I can!

How is everyone doing with teething? molars in yet? having as hard of a time as we are with them coming in?


I can imagine carrying twins is tough going. I am not sure how my 4ft 9" body would ever fit them in there if it ever happened. I shall settle for a single pregnancy again, fingers crossed.
B looks very happy in those pictures.

We have our first molars, her teeth came through out of order, she has only Few more to come through, apart from second molars which generally don't come through to around 2.
Lauren has her front 8 teeth and 4 molars. She hasn't gotten any new ones in a while. She is working on the dreaded eye teeth at the moment. She hasn't made much of a fuss with teething in general, but the eye teeth are definitely bugging her. I hope they don't take forever!

It's so great to see B smiling Mrs Jerome :)
I think the teething is so hard on B because of her oral aversion..she hates anything in her mouth so she wont chew on stuff to help them break through or to help relieve the pain...this whole oral aversion thing sucks! lol...
How exciting for you guys TTC again.

I would love to but we can't yet. I was out on Sunday and I must have seen about 15 bumps and loads of newborns and every book shop seemed to be full of baby name books and then just to add to the broodiness I found an appointment letter for my first scan when I was clearing stuff out. I feel like the universe is taunting me ;)

As for teeth, she has the first set of molars, 8 front teeth and her canines are currently causing her a lot of discomfort. I hope she gets a break from teething soon.

Apparently there is an 18 month sleep regression :(

Other than that things are great. I feel like she's at an age now where she can understand reasoning so combined with her ability to communicate pretty well, it makes tantrums a lot less likely. She still needs a lot of attention though. I always thought by 18 months I would be able to get some work done but nope!
I had forgotten all about sleep regressions! maybe thats why B has been staying awake so much at nights..shes perfectly happy just laying there but she was up allll night the other night the nurse said haha
here they are! Jerome Twins 3D shoot 24 weeks...lots of arms and legs and some profile shots and one twins foot in the others face haha...mass confusion! but soo cute!


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Ha ha, Mrs Jerome. Limbs everywhere! How fun!
Haha, the poor one with the others foot in its face. I bet that is going to be a squash soon.
Well....first month of NTNP and I got a BFP, ha! Super excited, but in shock that it actually happened! My midwife is out this week so I am waiting to see her next week. She said at my appointment when she removed the IUD that if I got preggo in the first couple of months I would get a dating scan since we don't have any cycles to go off of. I am hoping that will be scheduled soon. So much more real when you see him/her on an ultrasound!
ahhhh!!! aww congrats hun!! that is super super great news!!! hope they can get you in soon...waiting is just miserable as we all know! :happydance:
Ok so here is my big update post!

First, Brieanans MRI on Monday and her neurology appt on Tues both went well. No tumors, ventricles look pretty much like they did when we checked out of the hospital a month ago without her shunt there, subdural hematoma is a bit smaller without that shunt and her brain looks great! Neurology wise we are knocking her down by a ml a week on her phenobarb which is the most sedative of her three anti seizure meds so she will hopefully tolerate that well and be more alert and more interactive than she already is. She has 4 molars that are finally making headway and she apparently has seasonal allergies too poor thing but she is handling it well and it prolly annoys us more than her haha.

Second, my appt went well today too. 27 weeks now and cervix is still right around 3cm which is great and both babies had good fluid around them and are measuring at 2lbs 3oz and then 2lbs 6oz, both are still boys haha. Glucose wise I went over by like 7 points but instead of doing the 3 hour test I might just have to check it here at home which I had to do when I was preggie with B too so no big deal. Im possibly having some braxton hicks but cant tell if its that or just the positions the babies get into because both cause a tightness so if more than 4 an hour or they are regular I call in but I thinking its just random ones.

Third, well we are still working on the nursery, havent gotten it primed yet but the guy is sposta come over and finish the walls this afternoon I think and then we can prime it and when my mom comes we will paint the rest and then have to install a new closet system, hubby is going to turn the desk in there into a changing table to save some money and then gotta buy our futon and the crib and we will be good. Not sure if we are getting a glider yet or not, who knows. We have pretty much everything major we need and I cant wait to start actually organizing and getting it ready for them to come home to.

So here are some pics of my belly, the twins US today and then of B.







Glad things are going well with B and the babies!! Love the pics :)

Waiting is the worst!! Can't wait! It doesn't seem real yet ;)
Congratulations Acorn! You must be so pleased!

I'm glad everything is going well with you too MrsJ!
Great news Acron, thanks for the update MrsJ, I must have just missed this thread and not seen anyone had posted. We need to start trying properly, I am getting very broody.
Hi Hippy!! it has been a while!! do you guys have plans to start really trying soon? are you just gonna go natural or will you temp and do opks and all that?

Anyone else.... other than Acorn of course lol..gonna start trying again? Hubby says hes getting snipped after this...hes prolly afraid we'll end up with triplets next time haha lol...

B is doing good...Im huge!! and ready to go as soon as the boys are...34 weeks today actually...they were 4lbs12oz and 4lbs14oz as of Friday so pretty good sizes for their gestational age..I was 50% effaced...Baby A was -2 station and Im just 1cm dilated with wiggle room...my next appt is thursday....
I don't want the stress of dipping and temps etc. our biggests issue is finding the time to DTD. We just are too busy and we have a lodger/friend who lives with us and this makes it difficult to make time for us. But I guess being 40 now I really need to make an effort if we are going to have another one.

Not long now then for the boys to arrive, when are they planning on letting you go to?

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