Hi everyone! My husband and I have been TTC for a year and a half. I am on my second round of clomid, its CD 34. Still BFN this morning. I am so frustrated. I am not certain of my O date because it wasnt as strong of an OPK as the first round. My feet/ankles have been swelling for about a week, my breast have been super sore and my nipples have been at attention for almost two weeks, extremely sensitive. I have also been extremely tired. I feel like i could be pregnant but seems unlikely as it is CD 34, right? Has anyone out there gotten a BFP after day 34? My GYNO says to wait till day 35, if still negative we are going to do provera to start AF then 100mg clomid this round. I dont want to give up, but i just feel like this will never happen. Please any of your experiences are helpful!! Should i start over if its negative tomorrow or wait it out a little bit??