I think I have done it...

Awww hunni!!

Sorry what a head fook! ... have a lovely holiday and good luck with your appointment

:hugs: Donna, enjoy your holiday, and good luck with your hospital appointment.
Donna,:hugs: Im sorry you got a BFN.......Good luck on your apointment....

Did your AF arrive?
Sorry to hear that Donna. :hugs:

Hope you have a brill holiday and are ready to face whatever your fertility clinic appointment throws at you.

Hi Ladies,

My AF was a late and I have bleed for 2 days heavy and now it as stopped and its old brown blood (sorry TMI). I was in agony yesterday could hardly stand or walk. Major pain in my right side (ovary area). Not sure what is wrong. Was going to have the day off but got so much to do before I go on holiday. I am really worried now that there is something seriously wrong or am I getting bad cramps cos I have miscarried or is it in the wrong place.... I am so emotional its scarey....

Ladies who have had a miscarriage did you have really bad cramps so much so you could hardly walk / did you bled for a couple of days only? Can you help :-(

Thank Q xx
Chemical pregnancies are just like AF with an unusual period I would keep an eye on things.

Did you test the second time with a digi or normal test?

Hi Wobbles,

I tested with digital.

Why so much pain? I usually have 7 day of bleeding but only 2 with mega pain now old blood????????

x:wacko: :headspin: :cry:
Can only answer what I would personally do & that would be to test with a normal pg test not digital & then as Layla says pop down to teh docs - Or skip the test & go to the docs :D


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