I've declined any kind of testing and I'm 37 years old and expecting our first! And my midwife was absolutely fine about it. It is your choice, no-one elses.
My reasons are that I would never abort my child, no matter what. I understand the previous poster that said it could be kinder to abort than let a child be born who will not live long, but I believe it is God who should make the choice not me. I am very, very against abortion. It is just how I am. Should my child be born with an abnormality of some kind, we will adapt and we will love that child just as much. We tried quite a while to get pregnant the first time and then had a missed miscarriage with our first pregnancy. So this baby, whether it be perfect or not, is extremely precious and loved already. What is perfect anyway? No-one is. And the ladies who have posted on here who have children with DS, Autism etc just prove how rewarding and loving these children are.
I also have a friend who had the NT test and was told she was extremely high risk for DS. She had CVS and was offered a termination. She refused point blank to abort her child. Her little boy was born perfectly healthy and is now a gorgeous 3 year old. She spent her whole pregnancy worrying for nothing and could have aborted a perfectly healthy child! That is VERY scary. She said that throughout the whole pregnancy, she just knew her child was fine.