ICSI/IVF buddy June 2014?

Hi Girls,

T4B: Good luck with ER tomorrow T4B! Hope you get lots of good mature eggies!

I'm on cycle day 9, so not too far behind you T4B! Also, currently on the two shots of orgalutran and menopur. Stabbed myself with the needle today, so that was fun! Not! Have another scan tomorrow (ie Friday) to check if ready for approaching ER.

Lanet: How are you keeping yourself busy until ET?
Hi Girls,

T4B: Good luck with ER tomorrow T4B! Hope you get lots of good mature eggies!

I'm on cycle day 9, so not too far behind you T4B! Also, currently on the two shots of orgalutran and menopur. Stabbed myself with the needle today, so that was fun! Not! Have another scan tomorrow (ie Friday) to check if ready for approaching ER.

Lanet: How are you keeping yourself busy until ET?

Hi all
Had retrieval today. On complete bedrest, dozing on and off and in some pain, which is to be expected.
We got 12 eggs (6 were to small to get) they are quite happy with what they got. Got very emotional/teary as I'd have liked a lot more. Less hope the quality is high. Waiting for the call in the morning to see how they are doing. So it's the waiting game now. Hoping I'll be well tomoro :)

Pisces your very close I'd say to ER have they been giving you numbers and sizes?
Hi T4B,

12 eggs is great, usually a collection between 10-15 eggs is considered optimal at my clinic so as not to comprise egg quality (which can happen if too many eggs are produced). I will send positive thoughts your way, grow embies grow! Grow healthy and strong for your brave and courageous awaiting mother! Hot water bottle and heat packs are always good on the belly, not looking forward to the pain afterwards either! Are you taking any pain meds? When do you get you update day 3 or just await till day 5?

Yes, had my last scan on Friday, I had about 10 follies around 15 - 16mm (5 on either side), but then an extra 3-4 smaller ones between 10-13mm on one ovary. So, nurse wasnt sure if my FE would recommend trigger today (Sat) and ER Monday or if FE would want to try and grow my smaller follies further so trigger Monday and ER collection Wednesday. In the end the FE has decided on Trigger Monday and ER collection Wed.

I also got my blood test scripts so looks like I'm redoing a blood test for ANA (which I previously had as elevated), and some extra tests for screening other autoimmune diseases. The nurse said the FE may choose to put me on clexane at embryo transfer if he thinks there may be a problem.

So, just relaxing this weekend, going tonight to catch up with some old friends so should be nice.
Hi girls! T4b get some rest today and I can't wait to hear your fertlixation report tomorrow! I think 12 sounds
like a great number!
Pisces your retrieval is coming up soon too! Just be glad your needles are still in your tummy and not in your muscle right now! I'm still so scared when my dh gives me my injection. Yikes!!
Transfer seems to be coming up quickly, 2 weeks from now I will be done! Finally!! I can't wait!
Hi all again

Got an update this morning (Saturday) only 8 eggs were suitable for injection (ICSI) and only 4 today all with 1 cell so will hear back tomorrow morning if they've fertilised. They will advise of what day for blast. Only 4 so really want them all to work and grow and be healthy and great quality.

Was in a lot of pain last night and this morning. Taking feminax to ease cramping. Pain is completely different to.first try.

Glad they left you longer to help growth. I would have liken to hAve an extra day or two On menopur and oroglutran, but as I say they are the experts so they know what they are doing. It's crazy to think at this moment that we may have four babies for the future. I'll be doing my tarot cards later, good great positive hope from them a few months back.

Lanet two wks will fly.... How exciting
Good look Pisces for ER on Wednesday.
Wishing you lots of baby dust and luck x x x I'll be back with updates x x x
Hi everyone, I hope you're all coping ok! I've not posted in ages but I'm in the middle of my 2nd icsi cycle and had egg retrieval this morning and felt the urge to join in :) Got 11 eggs but we're egg sharing so only 6 to call our own. Last time we got 9 eggs and donated 4 of them, had a 3day transfer and had none to freeze but got BFN after the TWW. My OH has had a failed vasectomy reversal so he had to have surgical sperm recovery last time so this time eggs are being injected with sperm that was retrieved in February! Weird! Early signs are that its motile and survived the defrost well, the best sign will no doubt come tomorrow though when we get fertilisation news, I dont cope with waiting very well!! Babydust to all! Xxxx
Hi everyone, I hope you're all coping ok! I've not posted in ages but I'm in the middle of my 2nd icsi cycle and had egg retrieval this morning and felt the urge to join in :) Got 11 eggs but we're egg sharing so only 6 to call our own. Last time we got 9 eggs and donated 4 of them, had a 3day transfer and had none to freeze but got BFN after the TWW. My OH has had a failed vasectomy reversal so he had to have surgical sperm recovery last time so this time eggs are being injected with sperm that was retrieved in February! Weird! Early signs are that its motile and survived the defrost well, the best sign will no doubt come tomorrow though when we get fertilisation news, I dont cope with waiting very well!! Babydust to all! Xxxx

Hi jungle, welcome :)
Hope your feeling good after your ER this morning.make sure you rest a lot!! I'd mine two days ago and still very sore. When are you due to have transfer? 6 is a great number, are you transferring on day 3/5 blasto?
Hey all.

Waited all morning for the embryologist to call and finally the phone rang. She congratulated us both as we now have three frosties. So happy, one is slow and is at 2cells instead of 4cells but they are keeping an eye on it to see if it'll get to become a frostie, so potenially we have 3 potential babies in the freezer. So so happy. Also asked about the sperm quality and the amount and turns out the quality is 50% morphology is at a whopping 97% :) and his count increased from one million to 7million so its improving. I've a lot of questions for the doctors so I'm gonna make an appointment to get some answers..... One important one is we were going for blastocyst and on day 2 with the three frosties all at 4 cells were frozen, not sure why?? Or is it possible that when they thaw that they can proceed to blasto??
Anyways I'm happy we have 3 potential chances maybe 4 chances if this one picks up the pace.. Probably been stubborn lol
Baby dust to allllll xxxx
That's great news trying4babies, good strong embryos! And super sperm! My OH's favourite moment was when they operated on him and took a sample from the reservoir between the pipe and the testicle and he embryologist shouted really loud through the hatch "plenty of sperm!!" Haha!
we had our call this morning and we're down to 2 fertilised embryos, I was a bit disappointed at first but starting to feel more positive now, it only takes one after all. We'll see what tomorrows call brings. Day 2 or 3 transfer is most likely on the cards for us.
I'm not sure about the freezing questions you have trying4babies, ive never had FET but always wondered whether they transfer the embryo in its frozen state or do they thaw them first?
That's great news trying4babies, good strong embryos! And super sperm! My OH's favourite moment was when they operated on him and took a sample from the reservoir between the pipe and the testicle and he embryologist shouted really loud through the hatch "plenty of sperm!!" Haha!
we had our call this morning and we're down to 2 fertilised embryos, I was a bit disappointed at first but starting to feel more positive now, it only takes one after all. We'll see what tomorrows call brings. Day 2 or 3 transfer is most likely on the cards for us.
I'm not sure about the freezing questions you have trying4babies, ive never had FET but always wondered whether they transfer the embryo in its frozen state or do they thaw them first?

I'd say ur OH was delighted with 'plenty of sperm' lol
Never done an FET before. I developed a polyp this time and they advised I was doing really well so they advised to keep going that they'd freeze them and when my fresh cycle begins after the polyp is gone I'll just need tablets. I'd have preferred a fresh embryo transfer but they really think it's the best option.
Oh lovely day 2/3 transfer we would have transfered near enough same time.
Doctor said to.wait for period to see if the polyp flushes out (a different doctor said he'd put me asleep)
This time was told to call make an appointment when I get my period to have a scan on Day2/3 to see if it's gone, if not he would schedule a D&C and also another endometrial scratch at the same time. I'm hoping to have my transfer no later than August as I'm starting into college so don't want to miss out hence why I'm making an appointment for the questions I have....
Say ur really excited for the call tomoro I'll say a little prayer xx
Great news girls on the embie update! Must be good to hear that you have more than one chance for a baby! Hooray! How are you girls going with recovery? Feeling any better?

ATM: I got the call call from the nurse, trigger shot is at 8pm tonight (last needle, for the cycle, I hope) for ER on Wed at 9am, I have to be at the hospital at 8am, so early morning start for me! Getting nervous, that I have enough good mature eggs and that I have to go under a general anesthetic. One more day to go till ER. I get the fertilisation update on Thursday, also trying to go for day 5 but depends on how many embryos we get by day 3. So, fingers crossed.
It's so strange because my OH is an eternal optimist and always expects good news, I'm the other way and I'm constantly thinking somethings going to go wrong! For our first cycle, that meant the BFN news hit him harder than me. You must have been realy gutted when they told you about the polyp, let's just hope it disappears on its own accord so you don't have to have any more invasive procedures. Some have many more barriers put in their way than others, but we have to have faith that we'll be blessed with our baby/babies soon xxxx
Good luck for your retrieval pisces! I had an 8am arrival too but thankfully it was saturday so not too much traffic on the roads. Still didn't get a huge amount of sleep the night before! xxx
Great news girls on the embie update! Must be good to hear that you have more than one chance for a baby! Hooray! How are you girls going with recovery? Feeling any better?

ATM: I got the call call from the nurse, trigger shot is at 8pm tonight (last needle, for the cycle, I hope) for ER on Wed at 9am, I have to be at the hospital at 8am, so early morning start for me! Getting nervous, that I have enough good mature eggs and that I have to go under a general anesthetic. One more day to go till ER. I get the fertilisation update on Thursday, also trying to go for day 5 but depends on how many embryos we get by day 3. So, fingers crossed.

Recovering still. I overate because of all the hurting and pain, so in a depressed state and full of self pity. Back on the wagon today tho and lots of positive thinking :)

Oh very exciting for ER on wed.. You'll be really excited, I had weird dreams afterwards about embryosLOL
Praying you'll get good quality embryos and a perfected transfer. Don't be to worried about Day 3/5 personally I always trust the embyrologist as they're the experts. They'll probably ask you to be ready for day three just in case
Not great news for us this morning, our 2 embryos have made it to the 4cell stage but with a degree of fragmentation which only makes them medium quality. Because of this they think my body is the best place for them so they're transferring both embryos later this morning. It's apparently not unknown for embryos like this to form a pregnancy but it's quite rare so it will be a miracle if we get our BFP a week on Saturday. My body raged with false pregnancy hormone in the 2ww of our last cycle which ended with BFN (I was nauseous, dizzy, and if OH came anywhere near my nipples then there couldve been a war! Lol) so I'm not looking forward to the next 2 weeks, but will be praying for my little imperfect embryos to turn into perfect ones when they see how attractive a home my uterus is and they fancy staying there for 9 months. Sigh... xxxx
It's so strange because my OH is an eternal optimist and always expects good news, I'm the other way and I'm constantly thinking somethings going to go wrong! For our first cycle, that meant the BFN news hit him harder than me. You must have been realy gutted when they told you about the polyp, let's just hope it disappears on its own accord so you don't have to have any more invasive procedures. Some have many more barriers put in their way than others, but we have to have faith that we'll be blessed with our baby/babies soon xxxx

Your poor OH must have been distraught. Our first try my DH was not expecting it to happen but I had geared myself up a lot and truly believed it was working. I was very positive about the whole thing. So when our egg was transfered on Day 3 at a High quality grade, I expected it to work. I started spotting Brown on Day 13 which was really day 16 having transfered on Day 3 thought it was implantation bleed & tested with a BFN. I still had to test on the actual 16th day post transfer and my period came. I was devastated. Went into deep depression and cried for weeks. The DH didn't know what to do and swore he'd never put me tthrough anything like that again
But after years of convincing, in better form and ready we decided it was time. :)
Hope you havr a BFP this time, we all deserve a beautiful healthy baby x x

Just got ur new post there. I've read a lot about stages of embryos and fragmentations. Its not rare in parts of the world, I wouldn't worry to much. It's a good sign there at 4cell stage which is the actual stage now for ur embryos.. Keep up.ur spirits... Xxx
We're back home with 2 embryos on board :) feeling ok now but i was soo emotional earlier, i was crying in the waiting room!! Embarrassing!
Our experiences sound very similar trying4babies. We had a perfect grade day3 transfer for our first unsuccessful cycle too.
One of our embryos is definitely more fragmented than the other, the other doesn't look too bad so got fingers and toes crossed
babydust to all xxxx
Fingers crossed jungle! I can't wait to be in the 2ww!
T4b, what's your next step with the polyp? Just wait for af and go from there? Congrats on your frosties!!
Pisces how was trigger? Good luck with retrieval. My clinic is 3 hours away and I was feeling so nervous and just bad the night before that at the last minute, like 9pm the night before, I decided we needed to go up and get a hotel instead of drive that morning. My poor dh just went along with my irrational decisions and we got to our hotel at midnight;) but it made me feel better being close to the clinic.
I had my cd 9 lining check today, after only 2 estrogen injections my lining is at 8. I'm excited and feel blessed that other than the ohss, I've responded really well to the whole process. I cannot wait to transfer. I will start progesterone Sunday, time is moving pretty fast thankfully!
We're back home with 2 embryos on board :) feeling ok now but i was soo emotional earlier, i was crying in the waiting room!! Embarrassing!
Our experiences sound very similar trying4babies. We had a perfect grade day3 transfer for our first unsuccessful cycle too.
One of our embryos is definitely more fragmented than the other, the other doesn't look too bad so got fingers and toes crossed
babydust to all xxxx

Never be embarrassed about crying because I'm.sure anyone that seen you felt your pain. I'd be the very same. I'm terribly emotional myself and cry a lot but clears your head too so it's healthy to cry....
It's great hearing that ur in a similar position as me, helps to get through this long awaited journey.
Great that you've 2 embryos on board. I really wouldn't worry to much bout the fragments, I call them baby personalities been stubborn and taking the long route.
I've read so many stories before. His mam says we're the ones that have the better pick of the bunch as they are the chosen ones. All his sisters have lots of kids between them...
Another thing I heard on my clinics website was you could have a high graded embryo which couldn't be more perfect and another that's not expected to make it. The high graded couple are devastated when its not good news whereas the other couple who had diminished hope get what they've hoped for... She goes on to say "We can only assist Mother Nature Not control it...."
That saying itself gets me through each day now.. Hope it'll help you through each day too. Xxx

Are they going to transfer both ur embies?? Xx

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