They should give her vote money to charity if people don't collect their refund. Probablly a lot of money there!
I thought that lizard thing was going to bite Linford! His hand went in there a bit quickly!
Fake Fake Fake!!! DH and I burst out laughing when we saw it - not perhaps the reaction she was looking for.that was definately fake wasnt it! wat a complete moron she is! thinks she'l get outta it now, or the others wil give her the sympathy vote! hopefully theyll see her for her for how perthetic she is too!fool!
Oooh has he actually gone? He was a misery guts wasnt he!Nigel Havers has walked, the miserable sod!
Fake Fake Fake!!! DH and I burst out laughing when we saw it - not perhaps the reaction she was looking for.that was definately fake wasnt it! wat a complete moron she is! thinks she'l get outta it now, or the others wil give her the sympathy vote! hopefully theyll see her for her for how perthetic she is too!fool!
I dont think the rest of the celebs bought it either - Linford certainly didnt. Gotta admire that man's focus, blew through that trial and loved every minute - just wish he didnt irritate me so much!
Oooh has he actually gone? He was a misery guts wasnt he!Nigel Havers has walked, the miserable sod!