I'm defective and I'm So Happy!!!!


Busy Finding Nirvana!
Sep 12, 2009
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After my third loss I have finally got my answer! Im so gald Im the biggest pest and my puppet docs will do as I ask! :rofl: I managed to get bloods taken on Monday while I was still pregnant to check my hcg level and my progesterone, hcg was a pathetic 16, knew it had stalled big time, but the thing I was more interested in was my progesterone levels, an even more pathetic 7! I could have cried in the docs office, I am so fixable!!!:happydance: All I will need is progesterone suppositories to support my pregnancy, not real sexy, but who gives a flying wahoo!!! :rofl: Im a happy little chappy tonight!:happydance: Bring on the egg!!!
aww hun im so glad its fixable!! heres hoping you get a bean soon!! xx
im very happy that they gave you great answers that are going to help you in this journey!!! xxx
Whoop Whoop!!! *sings* Catch the eggyyyyyy, catch the eggyyyyyy...
So happy you got an answer - bit of a shit deal that you had to suffer losses to get there though :(

FX'd for your sticky bean soon xxx
Am really glad you’ve managed to get some answers – it is so crap that you’ve had to go through so many losses to get there!

Here’s hoping you get a bfp again soon so they can start giving you the treatment to help it stick.
So happy you got an answer - bit of a shit deal that you had to suffer losses to get there though :(

FX'd for your sticky bean soon xxx

I agree Deb, OH was totally pissed that I had to go through all that when it was so preventable. I does make you wonder why they cant at the very least just check your hormone levels out after one mc, such a simple thing to do and could prevent alot of heartache for some women. My case was slightly different in that I had had them checked after the second one and while passed, my levels were on the lower end of the scale at only 24, so enough to get me pregnant , but not enough to keep supporting it. It was only that I was quck enough to push for this lot of bloods to check it out that they caught it, I mced the next day, I had initally been booked in for the Wednesday, but knew it wasnt going to go anyway and got cheeky on the Monday!
Hi WannaB, just seen this thread and I think thats what my problem is!!!! I have been doing lots of reading up on progesterone and I really believe its the reason for my past 2 M/C's, my levels were 5 in december and 7 this time!!! I cannot believe that consultant didnt even say anything about it!
How can this be fixed? Are we suppose to start the thingys stright away or wait until you fall pregnant??xxx
Grrr I'm sooooo mad thinking about this, I even asked the consultant if the levels were anything to worry about and the silly cos said "no, your levels are low because you have miscarried"
I'm going to the EPU tomorrow and I'm going to have words with them about this!!!!xxx

Sorry to rant but it makes me sooooo angry that my m/c could have been prevented.xx
Yours is going to depend Sassy, I had it tested while I was still pregnant thats when it was 7, your doc is right when he says it was low when it was because you had mc and it should be that low at that time. Have you had 21 day bloods done? That was the one that started me of thinking because I was only a 24 when they were taken, thats why I rushed in to get them checked while I was still pregnant. Hopefully that will be your problem too and thats easily fixed!:hugs:
Well in December my HCG was 12 and hormone level was 7 (got it wrong way around in last post) and this time HCG was only 8 by time I got bloods done and hormone level was 5???

Should I request to get my 21 day bloods done?xx
Yeah get them done, at least its another piece of the puzzle! Had you already started mcing when the bloods were taken? That might be the difference too why he's not pinning it on the progesterone, I wasnt mcing when mine were taken.
Yes M/C had already started both times!

Who do I ask for them to be done? EPU or Doctor? or RMC?
I'm so glad you have some answers hun - I'm just so sorry you've had to go thrugh all thi pain to get there! x x x x
Your GP can do them, but if thats the problem I dont know whether he's the one who can perscribe the progesterone for after O, my GP had already referred me to the gyno and they are leaving it to him to fix it.
I have appointment tomorrow at RMC and doctors on Friday so will speak to both.xx

Thanks for your advice, can always count on you.xxx
Great news... how nice to know you can do something so simple and next time you should have your sticky bean. Congrats on pestering the docs we all need to do that i think!
Awww hun :hugs:!!!! i can't believe you have had to go through this to get as far as you have!!! but glad you do know now though....wish i did :( xxxx
I wish you were here T'elle, I would have you booked into my docs so quick it would make your head spin!:hugs:

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