I'm going to smack someone!!


Mum to AJ & Pumpkin
Jan 13, 2008
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:hissy: 'I do not look like this cause i ate too much, I'm very obviously pregnant!'

Twice this week I've been made to feel like a big fat pig!!

I swear the next person to ask if i want 'just one??'(cream doughnut) I will swing for them :grr:
Or if I want to sit in with a 10 piece bargain bucket (10 pieces of chicken and 4 portions of fries) with large beans AFTER watching me walk in alone!!! I will really lose it!! :gun:

Sorry guess it was my turn to rant!!
Has anyone else had this??
People think they're being funny, but they're not, they're just boring. And brave, as it's not the cleverest thing to antagonise a heavily pregnant woman, who's already feeling fed up, fat and brimming over with unpredictable hormones. They're cruising for a bruising! :grr:

Just try to ignore them hun. You won't be pregnant for ever, but they'll always be an asshole!
Theyre just jelous they ALL look fat and dont have an excuse. I think Im going to write to the PM to make it against the law to comment on pregnant women unless its about how gorgeous they look!
Oh hon. Just ignore them, the others are right these people clearly are not being very thoughful and have nothing constructive to say to you.

x x x
Ha ha ha i get asked.. 'are you really sure you want to eat that, you know its really hard to loose after baby is born..' :lol: I think people want me to starve, or if i eat a bit of cake (which they are eating too) i get told oh its ok for you being pregnant.. how is there a difference here!?! Wish they'd make up their minds :lol: Gotta laugh else i'd cry
some people are just rude and thoughtless... nothing more beautiful then a pregnant woman.. stressed and and done with it all or not :)
People just look at my belly in shock like I have eaten to much. I am pregnant why are you staring at my belly in shock and I see a flicker of digust there also!
I was in the shopping centre last weekend when a woman stepped out from behind her stall and asked me if I wanted to buy some 'tummy control pants' or a 'tummy belt' - I exclaimed, "How rude! I'm pregnant!" My DH was with me and didn't know what to do when I started going on about how she would like it if I pointed out that she clearly had no chest and would she like me to point out where she could get a good padded bra, etc... I stalked off and left him to deal with her after that!!
Dunno if you saw my thread before but I had a delivery driver state that if I could fit through the door space then he might just be able to get the fridge freezer through it!!! :shock:

People can be wankers but as Cuddles said they'll always be so whereas we're gonna have a baby soon. :D
I was in the shopping centre last weekend when a woman stepped out from behind her stall and asked me if I wanted to buy some 'tummy control pants' or a 'tummy belt' - I exclaimed, "How rude! I'm pregnant!" My DH was with me and didn't know what to do when I started going on about how she would like it if I pointed out that she clearly had no chest and would she like me to point out where she could get a good padded bra, etc... I stalked off and left him to deal with her after that!!

pregnant or not what a cheeky mare! I would have given her some of my hormones to keep her in check.
Dunno if you saw my thread before but I had a delivery driver state that if I could fit through the door space then he might just be able to get the fridge freezer through it!!! :shock:

People can be wankers but as Cuddles said they'll always be so whereas we're gonna have a baby soon. :D

Some people must really enjoy messing with the wrong people!!
I did see it, Did you complain to the company?? x
Theyre just jelous they ALL look fat and dont have an excuse. I think Im going to write to the PM to make it against the law to comment on pregnant women unless its about how gorgeous they look!

I don't think you'll have trouble finding signatures for a petition!!
Some people must really enjoy messing with the wrong people!!
I did see it, Did you complain to the company?? x

Couldn't get through in the end. Tried several times but the phone just rang off!

We're gonna vote with our feet instead.
I don't get comment's,I just get stared at.

I think that is the worst thing ever - being stared at.I hate it..!

Yes,I am pregnant. - Now look away,and get on with your life.

Argh,It gets me annoyed just thinking about those people,:rofl:
Oh the pregnancy stare! I dont get it. People REALLY REALLY stare! I actually stared back at a lady in Boots until she had to turn away! What are they staring at?! Ive never stared at a pregnant lady - maybe I quickly looked and thought oooh lucky lady shes having a baby but thats it! Another man was infront of me walking along the pavement and he actually turned around and stared!!!!!
I took an order for my OH and his labourers the other day and went to McDonalds drive through, well they said park in Bay 1 etc and wait..... There was about 13 burgers in total, about 4 chips and 3 drinks. She bought it out and laughing I said 'sorry I am really hungry...... then I said not really all for me you know' she said ' well dont matter if it is' I thought YEAH RIGHT stupid woman as If I can eat this much, know I am no skinnie minnie but god some people are thick!! :lol:

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