Implantation Bleeding?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
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Hello! I've lurked on this board (and have Given Google a run for its money) for about a week and decided I needed some other opinions on my situation. I'm 30 and have never had a child. Last month, my period started on March 11 and was a short 3 days. I BDed (sorta, he pulled out) on Sunday March 20(Cycle Day 8). I noticed EWCM later that day and 4 days that followed. On CD 14 and 19 and 21 I had sharp lower abdominal pains. On CD22 (Approx 9-10 DPO?) I started spotting very light brown/lt pink which lasted on and off each day for 6 days, mostly showing up when I wipe with a couple small spots on a panty liner. On CD 28 (approx 16 DPO) I started beeding heavy with clots and figured that it was AF. I've had cramps off and on. It lasted for about a day and a half and now has stopped. Today is CD 30 if the bleeding was not AF. I know tracking your cervix isn't very reliable, but within the past 2 days it has gotten very soft and blends in with the walls where it was always harder when I checked it before. I took a test on CD 28 and it was a BFN. My mother had bleeding during her pregnancies (didn't know she was pregnant with my brother for a few months). So in my mind, I have been stressing over if I'm pregnant, had a chemical pregnancy, or just a very odd, abnormal cycle. My cycles aren't regular (usually 28-34 days) and I went off BCP 7 months ago. Anyone go through anything similar or have thoughts on what's going on? I plan on testing next Friday to make sure but that's so far away!

Sorry if this is TMI, but I think to get the best idea it's best to share details.

I'm in the same boat as you. Same amount of days and everything.. And my most obvious sign also seems to be my high, soft "blending in cervix". I haven't had the heavy bleeding/clots however. Anyway, I'd like to follow this thread and wait along with you :)

In my past two pregnancies I had inplantation bleeding both times. Full on thought it was AF. Came during AF time and everything. And I carried both those babies to full term. So, don't count yourself out. Only time will tell, ugh!!!
Oh I'm so glad to hear from you! Stinks we are in the same boat but it helps having someone floating along too! :) Did you check your cervix with your other two? I haven't been checking very long and I've seen mixed reports on what it should be like during AF and early pregnancy. When do you plan on testing?
Hi Bella - I didn't check cp with first but did with second baby and it was still low when I got my BFP. Cervical position has been hard for me to rely on because I swear it's always all over the place! Today it seemed lower and firmer... I'm still spotting (brown mostly, sometimes pink) and have been for five days. I did spot five days with my second... Then it stopped. So I'm giving myself another day to see if it continues, turns into AF or stops before I test. How's it going with you?
I am 7dpo and yesterday (6dpo) I started spotting like brown blood with like a pin prick of reddy/pink blood and now today it's like mucus type discharge with a tint of pink I'm a week away from my af and normally regular every 28 days so I'm a little confused as to whether this is implantation bleeding or not as my af starts off as spotting for the first 2/3 days then full flow so hoping this isn't af come early 😔
Sevilla - Glad to know its not so abnormal to spot for that long. I do usually have 2-3 days of spotting before AF but when it started a week earlier than I would even think to expect and lasted for almost a week- I definitely started questioning things. My cp seems about the same. Still very "squishy" is the best way I can describe it. I was very nauseous and sensitive to smells this am and got sick to my stomach. I took another test today and it was a bfn. I just don't understand all these symptoms and yet the bfn's. I did see on the website WhatToExpect that 5 weeks is the best time to test and that's still next week. How are your symptoms today?

Tink- sounds like your spotting started around the same time mine did (a week before AF was expected.) That's right around when it says that you would experience implantation bleeding. I'm hoping for you!! Are you having any other symptoms?
Hi ladies... My IB always comes at the time AF is due. But from what I understand it usually comes earlier. I think I ovulate late, maybe that's why for me. Those that bleed earlier have to wait longer to get BFP... So maybe that's what's going on with you? Think have you had IB with your other pregnancies? Not that it makes a difference from what I have read, but just curious!
Lol posting here because I might be in the same boat! Sorry I can't provide answers :/ I'll post an update if I get any news. Have you tested again recently Bella?
Just commenting because I had implantation bleeding with both pregnancies (viable and non viable). The first time, I mistook it for AF but was surprised when it ended after only three days. The second time I suspected implantation bleeding because it was much the same way. Started when AF was supposed to but ended after 3-4 days. From what I have read, the main differences between IB and AF is the color and the length. Length more so than color - typically IB lasts 3-4 days max while AF is longer and IB is obviously much less plentiful than AF.

I actually had spotting today (7DPO) and given that I have a longer cycle and ovulate somewhat late its more than a week before my period so I know it's not related to AF, but it's also atypical from what I had experienced before, though I am hoping for the best!!
That's interesting, I wonder if that's the case then. I started IB (dark brown/pink spotting) at approx 9-10 DPO but started having small pains earlier than that. I'm not certain the date of ovulation, just going by my days of having EWCM. I did test yesterday and it was still a BFN. Still having some nausea, light lower ab pain sometimes, and today my cervix was the softest I've ever felt it. I did notice a spot of what was like EWCM but there wasn't much of it so I'm not sure what to take of that.

I have read about some people having very short AF and being pregnant. Glad to talk to someone who has had it happen. I'm curious if that's the case with me! I'm hoping for the best for you!! :) Stick around girls, I'm glad to have you! Keep us updated!!
Hi ladies. I did get my BFP after 5 days of spotting again - third pregnancy. There was some red, some brown and some pink. BUT there was never a "flow". Never enough to fill a tampon or pad. Never heavy. Hope this helps you all :) good luck and baby dust!
Awwww!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Congrats!!! How many DPO were you when you got the BCP??
Hello ladies.... Tonight as I was doing a cp/cm check, my cp is still high and I would say getting softer but my cm has a very light pinkish color to it so since I don't really know exactly where I'm at in my cycle, I know I ovulated between the 2nd and 5th so IDK if this is af starting early or if it's ib... I'm usually cramping horrible days before af but I'm only having sharpness type pain in my lower right pelvic area... IDK... Did test with ic this morning with FMU and it was BFN so gonna wait til Saturday if the spotting stops to test again...
Not even showing up on toilet paper when wiping... Only with the cm check
So 10 days or so ago I had a big gob of clear cm. Then last weekend I had what I assumed was my first post partum period (my lo is 5 months old). It was pretty light flow, but red, lasted about 3 days off and on.

Now this week I've had headaches, and now feeling super nauseous and back ache today. Also absolutely exhausted. And my lo has been sleeping pretty well past couple weeks and I've had some decent sleeps this week so I don't think that's why I'm exhausted.

I assume I'm not pregnant but it is possible and these symptoms are what I had last time...
Karma- the timing sounds more like ib I think with it being 8-11 DPO. That's about when my spotting started but I had a week of it. I still don't have answers though lol. Hopefully you get answers much sooner! If it's IB you should be able to test soon but hormones are different in everyone. I've heard of some women not getting positives for a week or two after their missed or short AF, and others go a long time after that.

Crazycatlady- first of all congrats on your 5 mo old! :) The symptoms definitely seem to point to it. Having just had a child, I'm not sure how that would affect the first AF or what those symptoms would be like. Maybe someone who has gone through it will comment too. :) I'd think if they're the same as what happened before then it's definitely a possibility.
Karma- the timing sounds more like ib I think with it being 8-11 DPO. That's about when my spotting started but I had a week of it. I still don't have answers though lol. Hopefully you get answers much sooner! If it's IB you should be able to test soon but hormones are different in everyone. I've heard of some women not getting positives for a week or two after their missed or short AF, and others go a long time after that.

Crazycatlady- first of all congrats on your 5 mo old! :) The symptoms definitely seem to point to it. Having just had a child, I'm not sure how that would affect the first AF or what those symptoms would be like. Maybe someone who has gone through it will comment too. :) I'd think if they're the same as what happened before then it's definitely a possibility.

My spotting stopped... Nothing there anymore except more like watery cm now... Yesterday it was more school glue sticky... We bd'd last night and I was actually expecting more bloodiness but nothing.... Cp is still high and seems to be getting more softer but after having 4 kids vaginally and 1 csection, my cervix don't quite close all the way but I'm sure it's as closed as it can be... m just getting confused... Hopefully I get a bfp this weekend...
Definitely sounds like it could be IB since it stopped already. I have felt wet, especially during Cp checks. There's very little cm - it was a little more like a little EWCM and today it was more like lotion. Just a small amount both times and only during checks. There has only been a very tiny bit on a liner.

Softer is a good sign if so! I hope you get your BFP!! My fx for you! It is very confusing. At least you've been through it before. Does it seem similar to your previous ones?
Definitely sounds like it could be IB since it stopped already. I have felt wet, especially during Cp checks. There's very little cm - it was a little more like a little EWCM and today it was more like lotion. Just a small amount both times and only during checks. There has only been a very tiny bit on a liner.

Softer is a good sign if so! I hope you get your BFP!! My fx for you! It is very confusing. At least you've been through it before. Does it seem similar to your previous ones?

With my other pregnancies I didn't pay much attention til I noticed my af was late... So I honestly don't remember
Gotcha. When do you plan on testing this weekend?

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