In the night garden


Mummy to 2 boys
Nov 16, 2007
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as soon as i put In the night garden on the tv for Charlie theres instant silence till it goes off he loves it . He was crying just the minute ago so i put it on and hes gone quiet lol bless him xxx
its a fave here too, Katie also goes nuts at teletubbies; shes starts freaking out and dancing when it comes on :lol:
Caitlyn gets excited when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Winnie the Pooh and Friends is on!

Depending what time she wakes up, she watches one or the other of those in the morning.
my LO is probably a bit young to have a preference quite yet but he just seems to like the TV full stop - he's obsessed!
Mine was In The Night Garden.She has all the toys and books but has now become addicted to Teletubbies.So much so that lately she wander round the house with the DVD case asking for it to be put on constantly.I was hanging out the washing earlier and she was trying to work out DVD player!I'm trying to get a few bits for xmas for her but as it's fairly old there isnt as much range as The Night Garden.I must say the makers of theses programmes deserve a medal,as I get so much peace to do the chores lol
Caitlin LOVES in the night Garden, she took a paddy today in Next coz we seen a sleepsuit with the Tombliboos on and she wouldnt let go of it :shock:

As soon as it comes on she starts shouting 'piggle, pakka, daisy, tombliboos etc' and she does the dances too haha :D
*shudders and twitches* after 2 years the night garden drives you insane :lol:
Caitlin LOVES in the night Garden, she took a paddy today in Next coz we seen a sleepsuit with the Tombliboos on and she wouldnt let go of it :shock:

As soon as it comes on she starts shouting 'piggle, pakka, daisy, tombliboos etc' and she does the dances too haha :D

aww thats so sweet
My DH bought a Baby Einstein and put it on. OMG, who makes these things? Seriously it is for babies and people who do acid.
My DH bought a Baby Einstein and put it on. OMG, who makes these things? Seriously it is for babies and people who do acid.

:rofl: my partner said that about a kids programme the other day hehe xxx
Caitlin cried because it finished last night! :shock: surely it's not healthy for a kid to be that sad about a TV program lol xx

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