Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Love Noel, wow...I'm surprised at your Dr However my Dr did tell me there are 2 types of drs...the ones who believe in the cerclage and bedrest and the ones who don't He said uultimately the decision was mine but he advised to do both to air on the side of caution. And I am happy to oblige. I wasnt thrilled with the idea of the cerclage but I would hate to do the opposite and have something go horribly wrong then blame myself.

I go for my first follow up tomorrow since starting the progesterone and I am praying nothing has changed...or at least not ina negative direction anyway. Especially with all the throwing up I have been doing all week. I'm only 22 weeks this Friday so we have some time to put in!

I was surprised at her too and went into this completely terrified. She told me that she would definitely do the cerclage if it appeared that I needed it but was not keen to do it before we had more information as to how my cervix would change. I was very afraid to start (and still am, honestly) but have been happy with the weekly scans. I always feel like my doctor takes my concerns seriously and the weekly scans are exactly what I wanted to make sure that any changes were caught in time to take action - I've read so many stories where doctors do not do close monitoring until you've had a loss. I was also scared that because I didn't insist on a cerclage that if my cervix failed that I would blame myself forever.

I'm glad she feels that we are stable enough to go to scans every other week after next week and I'm just praying that my short cervix remains strong and closed!

I hope that yours remains stable too. I have heard that progesterone can really help and also the cervix can be so dynamic. Mine has been anywhere from 3.0-2.2 during my weekly scans. I also have the fear of going to the bathroom as I can feel the LO sitting right ontop of my cervix!

Keep us updated!
Love Noel, wow...I'm surprised at your Dr However my Dr did tell me there are 2 types of drs...the ones who believe in the cerclage and bedrest and the ones who don't He said uultimately the decision was mine but he advised to do both to air on the side of caution. And I am happy to oblige. I wasnt thrilled with the idea of the cerclage but I would hate to do the opposite and have something go horribly wrong then blame myself.

I go for my first follow up tomorrow since starting the progesterone and I am praying nothing has changed...or at least not ina negative direction anyway. Especially with all the throwing up I have been doing all week. I'm only 22 weeks this Friday so we have some time to put in!

I was surprised at her too and went into this completely terrified. She told me that she would definitely do the cerclage if it appeared that I needed it but was not keen to do it before we had more information as to how my cervix would change. I was very afraid to start (and still am, honestly) but have been happy with the weekly scans. I always feel like my doctor takes my concerns seriously and the weekly scans are exactly what I wanted to make sure that any changes were caught in time to take action - I've read so many stories where doctors do not do close monitoring until you've had a loss. I was also scared that because I didn't insist on a cerclage that if my cervix failed that I would blame myself forever.

I'm glad she feels that we are stable enough to go to scans every other week after next week and I'm just praying that my short cervix remains strong and closed!

I hope that yours remains stable too. I have heard that progesterone can really help and also the cervix can be so dynamic. Mine has been anywhere from 3.0-2.2 during my weekly scans. I also have the fear of going to the bathroom as I can feel the LO sitting right ontop of my cervix!

Keep us updated!

Yes I'm very scared honestly but I have to remain positive. I already lost one at 19 weeks but I was young, ddidn'thave great medical care and had no idea what I was doing. But I feel better about this one and about my Dr.

I def understand your concern about the bathroom. It worries me as well. I already have fibroids pushing on her which is why I really had no choice but to do the cerclage and stay on bed rest. I've pretty much been homebound for about 3 month but didn't realize how severe it was uuntil last week so not I don't get up for anything but to shower and use the bathroom. But I get constipated and that worries me. And my Dr yelled at me today because I didn't know the heaving from the vomiting puts pressure as well!

At this point if it has changed he wants to hospitalize me at least for the next 3 weeks so he can give me the steroids. Maybe longer if necessary. That's my worst nightmare...well no except losing my baby so I will see how it goes tomorrow.

I'm glad to have someone in such a similar situation with me. Please keep in contact.
Hey everyone I've posted before because I lost my son at 18+2 back in February. I've been waiting on AF to start so we could begin our IVF that cycle, I got my BFP yesterday.

I'm 4 weeks pregnant with an incompetent cervix which is scary to say the least. I have my first appointment for a scan on 19th how early did you get a preventative cerclage?
Hey everyone I've posted before because I lost my son at 18+2 back in February. I've been waiting on AF to start so we could begin our IVF that cycle, I got my BFP yesterday.

I'm 4 weeks pregnant with an incompetent cervix which is scary to say the least. I have my first appointment for a scan on 19th how early did you get a preventative cerclage?

My doc said it was best to do by 13-14 weeks. He wanted to wait until the first trimester screening at 12 weeks where they checked to make sure the baby was "normal"... not that I would've terminated anyway. But from the other posts I've been reading it seems pretty common to have it done at around 14 weeks...

Hope this helps and congrats!
Hey everyone I've posted before because I lost my son at 18+2 back in February. I've been waiting on AF to start so we could begin our IVF that cycle, I got my BFP yesterday.

I'm 4 weeks pregnant with an incompetent cervix which is scary to say the least. I have my first appointment for a scan on 19th how early did you get a preventative cerclage?

Hey...I'm sorry to hear abt your loss...I lost my daughter at 22wks due to a short cervix. I got my preventative cerclage at 14wks and now I am 21w5d. I only had 2cm when I got my cerclage but I had a appt at 20wks and my doctor said my cervix looks long...also I'm taking progesterone shots every week since 16wks...good luck with everything and keep us posted. I know exactly how scary this all is!!!
Hi thre, I am glad to find you guys! I am 9 weeks 5 days. I went to my new doctor last week and told him about my abnormal pap smear and LEEP and he said this may be a case of incompetent cervix so he watching closely. I go back week 12 and they will evaluate it then. Has anyone used the other procedure of taping from the inside rather than the stitch?
Wanted to update again!

24w3d today and just had my weekly measurement. Still hanging in there somewhere between 2.2cm and 2.5cm. Doctor was going to let me go two weeks after today's appointment but opted to book me for a scan next week too. At this point they would not do a cerclage but they could give us steroid shots for his lungs if it looks like he may come early.

Baby measured at 1lb 13oz, 66th percentile. Hopefully my cervix stays strong and the LO stays in there and keeps baking!
Wanted to update again!

24w3d today and just had my weekly measurement. Still hanging in there somewhere between 2.2cm and 2.5cm. Doctor was going to let me go two weeks after today's appointment but opted to book me for a scan next week too. At this point they would not do a cerclage but they could give us steroid shots for his lungs if it looks like he may come early.

Baby measured at 1lb 13oz, 66th percentile. Hopefully my cervix stays strong and the LO stays in there and keeps baking!

That's great! In go for my weekly tomorrow. Hopefully I will receive good news as well. Still worried about then pushing in the bathroom...
Hi ladies I posted a couple weeks back and have been silently stalking. I just had my weekly check and level 2 ultrasound and I'm now measuring at 2.7 cm which is progressively getting better since my original measurements of 1.5-1.7 cm. this is the second week I'm measuring over 2.5 so they have decided to switch me back to the biweekly monitor which I'm happy about yet nervous at the same time. Baby is breech right now and likes kicking down real low, which feels weird. I'm still on pelvic rest only to prevent infection and not on bedrest at all dr. says no heaving lifting but other then that I'm not really restricted yet. They are hoping they won't have to do a cerclage at all and went over the game plan and a couple scenarios if things start to change for the worst.

I wish everyone the best and I'll update if anything changes but right now I'm just happy that cervix is stable.
Hi ladies I posted a couple weeks back and have been silently stalking. I just had my weekly check and level 2 ultrasound and I'm now measuring at 2.7 cm which is progressively getting better since my original measurements of 1.5-1.7 cm. this is the second week I'm measuring over 2.5 so they have decided to switch me back to the biweekly monitor which I'm happy about yet nervous at the same time. Baby is breech right now and likes kicking down real low, which feels weird. I'm still on pelvic rest only to prevent infection and not on bedrest at all dr. says no heaving lifting but other then that I'm not really restricted yet. They are hoping they won't have to do a cerclage at all and went over the game plan and a couple scenarios if things start to change for the worst.

I wish everyone the best and I'll update if anything changes but right now I'm just happy that cervix is stable.

Your situation sounds like mine! My cervix has been dynamic, going down to 2.2 and back up to 2.5 with the longest measurements being 3. This week I was down again to 2.2 so I'm still being monitored weekly. Hopefully we can both avoid intervention and carry to term!
Hi ladies I posted a couple weeks back and have been silently stalking. I just had my weekly check and level 2 ultrasound and I'm now measuring at 2.7 cm which is progressively getting better since my original measurements of 1.5-1.7 cm. this is the second week I'm measuring over 2.5 so they have decided to switch me back to the biweekly monitor which I'm happy about yet nervous at the same time. Baby is breech right now and likes kicking down real low, which feels weird. I'm still on pelvic rest only to prevent infection and not on bedrest at all dr. says no heaving lifting but other then that I'm not really restricted yet. They are hoping they won't have to do a cerclage at all and went over the game plan and a couple scenarios if things start to change for the worst.

I wish everyone the best and I'll update if anything changes but right now I'm just happy that cervix is stable.

Your situation sounds like mine! My cervix has been dynamic, going down to 2.2 and back up to 2.5 with the longest measurements being 3. This week I was down again to 2.2 so I'm still being monitored weekly. Hopefully we can both avoid intervention and carry to term!

I was thinking the same thing when I saw your previous posts. How many weeks are you?
Hey just wanted to update, weekly scan showed cervix is holding steady at 1.7. I was hoping it would increase some but steady is better than nothing. They gave me the go ahead to walk around at home but I'm gonna stay in bed. Just a week and a half to get to 6 months. That's our short term goal
Hi ladies I posted a couple weeks back and have been silently stalking. I just had my weekly check and level 2 ultrasound and I'm now measuring at 2.7 cm which is progressively getting better since my original measurements of 1.5-1.7 cm. this is the second week I'm measuring over 2.5 so they have decided to switch me back to the biweekly monitor which I'm happy about yet nervous at the same time. Baby is breech right now and likes kicking down real low, which feels weird. I'm still on pelvic rest only to prevent infection and not on bedrest at all dr. says no heaving lifting but other then that I'm not really restricted yet. They are hoping they won't have to do a cerclage at all and went over the game plan and a couple scenarios if things start to change for the worst.

I wish everyone the best and I'll update if anything changes but right now I'm just happy that cervix is stable.

Your situation sounds like mine! My cervix has been dynamic, going down to 2.2 and back up to 2.5 with the longest measurements being 3. This week I was down again to 2.2 so I'm still being monitored weekly. Hopefully we can both avoid intervention and carry to term!

I was thinking the same thing when I saw your previous posts. How many weeks are you?

Just saw this. I'm 24w6d today. My guy is also breech right now and kicking me waaay low.
Hey just wanted to update, weekly scan showed cervix is holding steady at 1.7. I was hoping it would increase some but steady is better than nothing. They gave me the go ahead to walk around at home but I'm gonna stay in bed. Just a week and a half to get to 6 months. That's our short term goal

Hey, great news! Glad it's stable! Hang in there...6 months isn't far off!
Hey just wanted to update, weekly scan showed cervix is holding steady at 1.7. I was hoping it would increase some but steady is better than nothing. They gave me the go ahead to walk around at home but I'm gonna stay in bed. Just a week and a half to get to 6 months. That's our short term goal

Hey, great news! Glad it's stable! Hang in there...6 months isn't far off!

Thanks! 23 weeks today. Counting down but I really want to get to 7 months before I even start to celebrate. Then I guess its going to be a mad dash for everything. I haven't even announced publicly that I'm pregnant yet much less to plan a shower.
Had my weekly measurement today...25w3d. Cervix is up from 2.2cm last week to 2.4-2.5ish today. I have done a lot in the past week, too...been up and helping out around the house, went to Target to scan things for our registry, etc. Baby is still butt down and loves whacking me in the cervix, but my doctor assured me today that he can't kick his way out.

Have another scan at 26w3d and then one at 28w3d and after that my MFM doctor says she doesn't need to see me'll be all my regular OB as long as my measurements stay steady.

Hope you are all doing well!
That's so great glad your measurements are higher. I don't have a scan again until next Thursday it'll be 17 days between scans all because of the Memorial Day holiday but I feel fine. Baby is still kicking me in my cervix hard she must not like chinese food because after I ate it she went nuts kicking me. Lol

Yay 28+3 isn't far off for you at all. That's reassuring, my mfm didn't say when or if they would release me back to the reg ob but he said something about 32 weeks so I'm thinking maybe 32, I'll have to ask to be sure. I think at 28 weeks by reg ob changes to biweekly appts so that would probably be a little hectic to balance both of them
Hey just wanted to update, weekly scan showed cervix is holding steady at 1.7. I was hoping it would increase some but steady is better than nothing. They gave me the go ahead to walk around at home but I'm gonna stay in bed. Just a week and a half to get to 6 months. That's our short term goal

Hey, great news! Glad it's stable! Hang in there...6 months isn't far off!

Thanks! 23 weeks today. Counting down but I really want to get to 7 months before I even start to celebrate. Then I guess its going to be a mad dash for everything. I haven't even announced publicly that I'm pregnant yet much less to plan a shower.

23 and 5 today. My length has dropped to 1.4 so I will be going for steriods shots on Monday (hopefully) have to call for my appt tomorrow. Kinda nervous!
23 and 5 today. My length has dropped to 1.4 so I will be going for steriods shots on Monday (hopefully) have to call for my appt tomorrow. Kinda nervous!

Good luck! It's great that you are getting the shots! Keep us posted.

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