Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

That's so great glad your measurements are higher. I don't have a scan again until next Thursday it'll be 17 days between scans all because of the Memorial Day holiday but I feel fine. Baby is still kicking me in my cervix hard she must not like chinese food because after I ate it she went nuts kicking me. Lol

Yay 28+3 isn't far off for you at all. That's reassuring, my mfm didn't say when or if they would release me back to the reg ob but he said something about 32 weeks so I'm thinking maybe 32, I'll have to ask to be sure. I think at 28 weeks by reg ob changes to biweekly appts so that would probably be a little hectic to balance both of them

Yea, my regular OB said that he would increase my appointments to every other week and just do a gentle manual check at each appointment to make sure that everything is closed. I need to make it to 32 weeks to deliver at the hospital we chose - any earlier and we go into the city to one of the hospitals with a higher level NICU.

How are you feeling? I'm still on pelvic rest but that's our only restriction. I've slowly been doing a little more each week, even though I'm not on any kind of bedrest. I hope that by 28 weeks I'll feel confident enough to get some more exercise in (just some walking). I've gained 25lbs already!
23 and 5 today. My length has dropped to 1.4 so I will be going for steriods shots on Monday (hopefully) have to call for my appt tomorrow. Kinda nervous!

Good luck! It's great that you are getting the shots! Keep us posted.

Has anyone gotten them before? I know I dont have a choice but im worried about side effects...

I haven't had them, but everything I've read has said that the pros outweigh the cons. I hope everything goes smoothly!
23 and 5 today. My length has dropped to 1.4 so I will be going for steriods shots on Monday (hopefully) have to call for my appt tomorrow. Kinda nervous!

Good luck! It's great that you are getting the shots! Keep us posted.

Has anyone gotten them before? I know I dont have a choice but im worried about side effects...

I haven't had them, but everything I've read has said that the pros outweigh the cons. I hope everything goes smoothly!

Yea same here...thanks
I had the steroid shots :)

It burns a little going in (mine was put in my upper thigh in the muscle) and I had a bit of a cramp in that leg for about 30mins. After that, felt nothing! The same thing happened when I got the second shot 24 hours later, but they just alternated legs.

Don't worry. No side effects at all. :hugs:
That's so great glad your measurements are higher. I don't have a scan again until next Thursday it'll be 17 days between scans all because of the Memorial Day holiday but I feel fine. Baby is still kicking me in my cervix hard she must not like chinese food because after I ate it she went nuts kicking me. Lol

Yay 28+3 isn't far off for you at all. That's reassuring, my mfm didn't say when or if they would release me back to the reg ob but he said something about 32 weeks so I'm thinking maybe 32, I'll have to ask to be sure. I think at 28 weeks by reg ob changes to biweekly appts so that would probably be a little hectic to balance both of them

Yea, my regular OB said that he would increase my appointments to every other week and just do a gentle manual check at each appointment to make sure that everything is closed. I need to make it to 32 weeks to deliver at the hospital we chose - any earlier and we go into the city to one of the hospitals with a higher level NICU.

How are you feeling? I'm still on pelvic rest but that's our only restriction. I've slowly been doing a little more each week, even though I'm not on any kind of bedrest. I hope that by 28 weeks I'll feel confident enough to get some more exercise in (just some walking). I've gained 25lbs already!

Same here just pelvic rest and to be cautious not to put myself at risk for infection. So nothing at all in the vagina. I'm 21 weeks tomorrow I've gained about 8 lbs since conceiving but only 3 lbs since our first appt with the obgyn. I feel the weight coming though today I feel like a cow and I've been having issues with sciatic nerve pain in my back and numbness in my upper thigh so I'm def putting on weight. I'm trying not to gain too much but at some point I'm not gonna have much of a choice.

I've read that once you get to 28 weeks that the baby is much higher so your actually much more likely to make it longer bc the baby can't just fall out and it's easier to stop preterm labor at that point. But this is #1 for use so that's just what I've read online. I don't know how true it is but I makes me feel better.

Luckily we already live in a major city so the hospital that we are at have a level 4 nicu....and my mfm is the chief of obstetrics their so I feel like I'm in very good hands but at the same time there is a lot of variables so the next couple of weeks are just going to be alittle nerve wracking for me. Fx tho
I had the steroid shots :)

It burns a little going in (mine was put in my upper thigh in the muscle) and I had a bit of a cramp in that leg for about 30mins. After that, felt nothing! The same thing happened when I got the second shot 24 hours later, but they just alternated legs.

Don't worry. No side effects at all. :hugs:

Thanks for the more worried about the side effects for little ms than for myself. I cant believe how stressful becoming a parent is already :-/

Thought I'd introduce myself on here.

I'm 18 weeks and on Thursday had a cervical cerclage as my cervix length went from 2.6cm (was 3cm pre-pregnancy) to 1.7cm in only a week. I have a history of 2 cone biopsies and had always been told by specialists I would probably need cerclage.

I'm now also on progesterone 200mg PV as well as antibiotics in case of infection.

I've got an appointment to see the surgeon again in 10 days.

I'm a bit worried about membrane rupture - does anyone know how long after the procedure it takes to be 'out of the woods'? I know that cerclage puts you at risk for the rest of the pregnancy anyway.

I haven't really had any guidance as to what I should or shouldn't be doing, apart from 48 hours 'rest' then do my normal activities. I'm not going to be having sex, that's for sure, and I will probably try to work a day or two a week from home each week as I have a long commute. And just as I was getting back into my exercise routine I guess that I will now have to take it easy?

I know all the advice given differs, but given the other issues I have had with this pregnancy I really want to err on the side of caution.

Any advice appreciated!

Thought I'd introduce myself on here.

I'm 18 weeks and on Thursday had a cervical cerclage as my cervix length went from 2.6cm (was 3cm pre-pregnancy) to 1.7cm in only a week. I have a history of 2 cone biopsies and had always been told by specialists I would probably need cerclage.

I'm now also on progesterone 200mg PV as well as antibiotics in case of infection.

I've got an appointment to see the surgeon again in 10 days.

I'm a bit worried about membrane rupture - does anyone know how long after the procedure it takes to be 'out of the woods'? I know that cerclage puts you at risk for the rest of the pregnancy anyway.

I haven't really had any guidance as to what I should or shouldn't be doing, apart from 48 hours 'rest' then do my normal activities. I'm not going to be having sex, that's for sure, and I will probably try to work a day or two a week from home each week as I have a long commute. And just as I was getting back into my exercise routine I guess that I will now have to take it easy?

I know all the advice given differs, but given the other issues I have had with this pregnancy I really want to err on the side of caution.

Any advice appreciated!

Hi Elodie,

you are right that everyone is different so I can only give you my story. I've had 2 previous miscarriages, one at 18+ week. This time I had my cerclage place at about 14 weeks and was fine measuring 4 or more cm. After 2 trips to the ER (one for contractions, one for dehydration), my cervix dropped down to 1.8 cm at about 21 weeks. I was on bed rest pretty much the since about 11 or 12 weeks but not strict. I would walk around a little but stopped working. After the ER visits I lessened movement even more. When I got to that stage at 21 weeks, I was put on strict bed rest...I literally only get up to shower or go to the bathroom. At 22 weeks I dropped to 1.7 but they said that wasnt much cause for concern and that I could move around some butbi didnt do much. At 23 weeks it was the same but i had trouble with constipation and I guess all the pushing took its toll. I just turned 24 weeks and im down to 1.4 so I will be getting steroid shots next week to help babys lungs. All of this happened when I was already taking it easy or on bedrest so if you are trying to stay on the cautious side, I would suggest little to no movement at all especially since you are already so low and its still early. You need to do whatever you have to to at least get to that 24 week mark! Some people get the cerclage and continue normal but its a risk because you never know what could happen. And you see with my case, even one week could make a big difference!

Hope this helps. Good luck!
My situation at this point is different then yours in that mine is more of a preventative measure. I put myself on pelvic rest so like you said obviously no sex. I also decided no baths or swimming, dr agreed but only after I mentioned it. I'm not on bed rest per say but I do have a very sedatary job. I sit upright for more then 8 hours per day and have very minimal walking. So I'm really never standing more then 1-2 hours a day and when I do stand I try not to lift anything at all or bend down real low. But that's probably just my paranoia but either way it's working...or not making it worse I should say. I get a cervical check again on Thursday. It's been 14 days now since I have been checked and I'm not having any pressure or pain so I can only assume all is still well but I'll feel better once Thursday rolls around.

Oh i am also overweight to begin with and I was told not to gain more then 11-20 lbs and for some reason I have it in my head that I have to eat very healthy and not gain weight because I have this fear that the bigger the baby gets the more pressure will be on my cervix. Probably paranoia again. I've only gained 3-5 lbs so far and baby is right on track growth wise.
My situation at this point is different then yours in that mine is more of a preventative measure. I put myself on pelvic rest so like you said obviously no sex. I also decided no baths or swimming, dr agreed but only after I mentioned it. I'm not on bed rest per say but I do have a very sedatary job. I sit upright for more then 8 hours per day and have very minimal walking. So I'm really never standing more then 1-2 hours a day and when I do stand I try not to lift anything at all or bend down real low. But that's probably just my paranoia but either way it's working...or not making it worse I should say. I get a cervical check again on Thursday. It's been 14 days now since I have been checked and I'm not having any pressure or pain so I can only assume all is still well but I'll feel better once Thursday rolls around.

Oh i am also overweight to begin with and I was told not to gain more then 11-20 lbs and for some reason I have it in my head that I have to eat very healthy and not gain weight because I have this fear that the bigger the baby gets the more pressure will be on my cervix. Probably paranoia again. I've only gained 3-5 lbs so far and baby is right on track growth wise.

Just listen to your instincts. I know there are daily things that need to be done so just rest when you can. Mine was preventative also and ive glad I did it. Yes the weight adds to it. That is a factor for me as well but luckily ive actually loss weight! But baby is on target so drs arent worried about it...and I eat...constantly!

Im only stressing concern because im currently in the hospital getting my steriod shots and some test called an FFM which measures to see if I will go into labor soon and now im wishing I had stayed on full bed rest instead of trying to do things because I definitely dont want her to come out this early!

Anyway good luck to both of us!
MrsRiot I hope you are not in labor yet! How far are you now? Keep us updated!

Thanks for concern BabyMaybe917. No no labor thank God! The steroids are just in case and the FFM is to check to see if labor will be any time soon I guess so they could give me meds... I'm praying its negative because even though I made it through the night, I dont wanna have to stay here permanently lol

BTW for those who had the Steroid shots, did you have a problem with being hot? My temperature is normal but im hot and sweating like crazy! At first I thought it was the room/hot day but they transfered me upstairs and I froze my husband out last night. Even though my skin is cold, the bed is soaked with sweat. Waiting for my dr to get here to talk to not too trusting of the PA (she looks like shes been up for days)! Just wondering if its normal...
Are you on magnesium also? That made me so hot. We turned the room temp down to 50's lol. Poor DH. :rofl:
Are you on magnesium also? That made me so hot. We turned the room temp down to 50's lol. Poor DH. :rofl:

No magnesium. I am in progesterone and I know they said that could do it sometimes but I hadn't taken it yet. I started feeling the heat within an hr of the steroid shot and it hasnt subsided. Im getting the second one in about 2 hrs so God help me! :-/
Glad you're getting the shots MrsRiot! And you're 24w4d - awesome!

I had my weekly measurement today (26w3d). The first measurement that the tech took was 1.8cm, which is the lowest I've ever had. All subsequent measurements were 2.2-2.4cm - the tech tried to get a 2nd short measurement but could not, even with fundal pressure. My doctor came in to talk to me afterwards and did not seem super concerned. She said that since the 1.8 was isolated and 4 other lengths were above 2cm that she would not give me steroid shots today and also reassured me that I can come back in 2 weeks instead of 1.

If I'm measuring short in 2 weeks (I'll be 28w3d), she said she will consider the steroid shots. In the meantime, I'm not on bedrest and I am supposed to call my doctor if I feel increased pressure, have any bleeding, or painful contractions.

I'm nervous but I do trust my doctor. It'll be a long 2 weeks!
Glad you're getting the shots MrsRiot! And you're 24w4d - awesome!

I had my weekly measurement today (26w3d). The first measurement that the tech took was 1.8cm, which is the lowest I've ever had. All subsequent measurements were 2.2-2.4cm - the tech tried to get a 2nd short measurement but could not, even with fundal pressure. My doctor came in to talk to me afterwards and did not seem super concerned. She said that since the 1.8 was isolated and 4 other lengths were above 2cm that she would not give me steroid shots today and also reassured me that I can come back in 2 weeks instead of 1.

If I'm measuring short in 2 weeks (I'll be 28w3d), she said she will consider the steroid shots. In the meantime, I'm not on bedrest and I am supposed to call my doctor if I feel increased pressure, have any bleeding, or painful contractions.

I'm nervous but I do trust my doctor. It'll be a long 2 weeks!

Good luck! And yes the 2 weeks will be long. Mine are currently weekly and it still drives me crazy waiting.

Evidently something was wrong with the FFM test so I have to stay another night now... NOT HAPPY. waiting formthe dr to get here to discuss with me.

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