Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

That's definitely one way to look at it positively septie, thanks :)
And wow I can't believe you re there already! When's your section planned for? THe area around my belly button was very very often sore to the touch as if their was a bruise on the inside.
Hi Septie I also had the sore patch near my belly button I still actually have it, with neve (my 1
I got to 8cm with silent contractions ( was full term at this point ).
Christiana you poor thing I think u r very brave goin on hols on ur own don't know how u r doing it without a break. The coconut oil u get at health food shops just make sure u get the organic unrefined stuff it has kind of the consistency of butter but goes liquid if u heat it so u can have it on toast, people have it in tea or coffee ( haven't tried this yuck) I put it in smoothies so a handful of strawberries, banana, whatever milk u r using and a tablespoon of coconut oil I love it u need a tbsp a day for ur milk. The nettle is just a tablet from health food shop. I have also discovered today that apparently spirulina ( again health food shop ) and spinach are 2 more big milk makers so I shall be getting some tomorrow, I'll be chucking the spinach in my smoothie u don't really taste it then xxx I also read Brewers yeast is supposed to be good as well haven't got any of this though xxx
Lol I just took a pic of your reply laney and as soon as we re back from hols I m buying everything!! Thanks for that!!! It's been tough being alone all day but finally the rest of the family is here and having some spare time on the beach with the older ones is such fun!!! How are you, little Noah n your big ones doing??

How's everyone's else doing ladies?
lol I'm pretty addicted to my breast milk smoothies. It's been a roughish week for me, my infected stitches got worse before they got better, the antibiotics in my milk really did upset poor Noah's tummy they gave him reallybad tummy cramp and explosive poos I must admit I stopped them 1 day early just felt so bad on him. My other 2 little monkeys are either as good as gold or little monkeys (putting it mildly). Omg as I type this my daughter has just come just come running in with a packet of condoms asking what type of sweets they are and can she have one 😱. Her new habit is looking through my bedroom drawers argh
Good morning my lovelies 😘
I've left everything to the last minute so I've now been shopping like crazy and sorting things out. Can't believe this time next week I will be meeting my prince❤
Laney, I was drinking my tea whilst reading your post and when I got to the condoms part let me tell you my bed is covered in tea😂😂😂😂 children are the best, aren't they? Lololol
How's everyone doing?
Septie, I am thinking of you. Your c-section is this week isn't it? Hope it all goes well.
Hope Maya and Noah are behaving themselves 😍 Christiana, I am so jealous that you are on holiday hahaha. All my family and friends keep posting pictures of them in Portugal enjoying the sun, beach and food. I hate them😂😂
Koifish, how are the twins? Hope you are all ok.

I am 38 weeks today❤ can't believe we've come this far after all we've been through. My only fear now is going into labour before my section next Monday...cannot deal with another rupture.
My mum is coming the day after tomorrow. Really excited❤
Love you all xx
Hi all,

I am heading in for a section tomorrow morning (well, middle of the night, really - need to get up at 4am at the latest!). Praying all goes well and baby and I make it through ok!! Haven't really slept well for a couple of nights, so nervous. Also hoping we get a single room, so OH can stay with me and baby!
My eldest is acting up (my inlaws are here to help) - think he is nervous too!
Tuga, same here, last minute - also just ordered stuff online this past week - like carseat, mattress! Just one more week till it's your turn! Can't believe we've made it this far!
Christiana, I can't believe Maya is almost 2 months old!!! Is she starting to smile? Or too busy burping and colicking? Holidays with the family must be nice!
Laney - o my, condoms lol!
Koifish, I hope your boys are growing and it's not too exhausting!
Not sure if I will be able to post from the hospital...
Good luck for tomorrow Septie. Will be thinking about you. 😘
I'll update later but boys are good, still in nicu though. I hope you all are doing well.

Septie I know today is the date so I wanted to wish you luck and happy safe delivery of your little one! Hope you are doing well and have a speedy recovery 💛
Ow my I missed some good posts!!

Firstly I hope it was a fast n safe delivery septie and you're now enjoying your sweet baby!

Laney hahahahahaha that's so funny with the condoms!!!! Sorry to hear about the antibiotics being rough on little Noah. I think I would have stopped early too! Are your stitches better?

Tuga I can't believe you're 38 weeks! That's fantastic!! When's the section again??

Koifish I m hoping your boys are growing strong!

Afm: well we re back from hols! It was a good holiday after all! Maya has been sleeping really good at night (6 hour stretches!) and has been a lot better during the day! She's smiling a lot and melts my heart! She ll be 2 tomorrow!!
Septie, Hope you had a safe delivery and are now enjoying your little one. Many kisses.

Christiana, my section is on Monday. Can't believe it and I qm so excited to meet my prince❤

Hope everyone is ok. Many kisses to all😘
Ow wow tuga that's in 4 days!!!!!!!!! Just in case I forget it (mushy brain) have a safe delivery sweetheart!
Tuga, thinking about you today!!
We are back home, and baby is thriving. Breastfeeding like a champ (actually latched on in the operating room!). My 3rd section was in many ways my worst...But there was a true knot in the cord - apparently quite rare and dangerous during labor and I am so so grateful we had a planned section without labor (uterus was also very thin so could have ruptured during labor). Recovery was tougher than prior ones, but only really need pain meds at night now.
How is everybody doing?
Koifish, thinking of your boys!!
Septic it's so good to hear from you and to know everything went great :) sorry about the section and it being harder than before, I know the one section I had was pretty tough on me so I can only imagine what a third one must feel on your body. Well done momma! And well done bfing little champ :) easier said than done but et all the help you need to heal properly and rest friend :)

Tuga how are you girl? Thinking of you and your rainbow :)
Hello my lovelies😘
My son, Nuno, was born on Monday and he is doing really well. He is absolutely gorgeous and I am so in love lol
As for me, I am not doing too well. I second Septie regarding third section being the worse. I've never suffered so much before. 4 days later and I am unable to walk, get off bed by myself. Good thing my mum is here and my hubby is an absolute star. Don't know what I would do without them.
My section almost went horribly wrong. My blood pressure went up to 200 and they had to give me emergency medication to prevent further complications. Hubby was there and he had a rough time when all the emergency situation started. I am now having to inject myself with a syringe everyday to prevent blood clotting...its just been awful. I've been unable to enjoy my pregnancy and now I can't even enjoy my newborn. Yesterday night I cried because he wanted to feed and I couldn't even do it without waking up my bubby to help me. I feel so bad with this whole situation. I am trying to be positive. At least I have a healthy baby...
Love you all😘
Give yourself a break my lovely it's tough oh so tough.

You sound like you're doing amazingly and you are an awesome team :hugs:

It will get better xxx
Hi Tuga,

Glad to hear your baby arrived safely!! So sorry to hear that your section also was terrible! I left out some of the gruesome details of my section: I started feeling awful and thought I was about to faint (hubby told me later my BP plummeted...), then I vomited for a while. And the last third of the very long section, I could feel pain. My pain has actually started back up. Back on pain killers. Hope it's nothing...
I am still so grateful though that our boys are here safe and sound after a not so good pregnancy and delivery. Hoping the experience will lessen any desire that I will certainly feel for more babies (out of the question for me for multiple reasons!)
HI Septie,
I had my tubes tied after my section and I think that's what is making my pain even worse this time around. Nevertheless, the fact that I am in so much pain is a remainder that I have made the best decision possible. There's no way I can go through this again. My hubby and my children deserve so much better than seeing me like this and more importantly, I deserve to not feel like this ever ever again. I am extremely grateful for my children but there is no way I could ever put myself and my family through all of this again.
I am so glad we have both managed to get our rainbows. Cant believe I went all the way to 39 weeks after all the scares I had. 😘
Oh ladies you poor things. A massive congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful sons I'm so sorry you are suffering so much at least your boys are here safe and you will both heal it will get better really soon. Xxx

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