Luna is great there classifying her as a 34 weeker she latched for the first time today and is eating well, shes needed no respiratory assistance and is basically staying nicu to grow establish feeding and to mature a little bit
26 and things still seem to be going well. I have my next appointment on Monday. I'm hoping they'll check my stitch because I've been a little worried about it. I know that as baby is getting bigger, he/she will put pressure on my cervix, but I'd rather know for sure that the stitch is holding! They haven't done a length scan since 19 weeks. :/ I haven't had any bleeding or cramping or anything, so that's good. I'm starting to relax a little, but nerves still get to me. 2 more weeks until 3rd trimester! It's kind of hard to believe.
Congratulations on 26 weeks Tcinks! I was still super nervous at 26 weeks as well because even though I knew baby had a good chance I kept thinking of getting farther. I think I finally started breathing a little around 32 weeks, then felt even better at 34. Hope that they give you a measurement on Monday so you can feel even better!
I'm still doing good. Brought my little girl home with me from the hospital, no NICU or anything required. I did have steroid shots because we knew we were inducing at 36 weeks. My cervix was 2 cm dilated from about 27 weeks and then I was 4 cm dilated for another 2 weeks. By the time I went in for induction I was 5 cm. Once they broke my water at 5 cm she was born within 30 minutes. It was a super FAST labor!
I want to say thanks to everyone on this forum for helping keep me sane. It was stressful going through the pregnancy with no cerclage, but I made it!
Hello ladies I'm sorry to hijack this thread. I had a cervical length measurement took at 16 weeks 1 day and it was 3.25 cm. I'm told it's on the 10th centile so nothing to worry about as still normal but that's sounds so short. I go back in 2 weeks when I'll be 18 and 3. I'm worried I'll lose my baby before then anyone had a measurement like mine and been fine??x
That's still a good measurement! Try not to worry. It's great they are checking you again in two weeks. Did you have issues with your cervix in the past?
That's still a good measurement! Try not to worry. It's great they are checking you again in two weeks. Did you have issues with your cervix in the past?
I had my first son in 2010 no issues. I then had problems in a subsequent pregnancy that resulted in it being removed surgically in the second trimester. It was horrific. I fell pregnant again in 2012 and had lots of pressure bleeding etc thought out and always worried that my cervix had been damaged during the surgery I had. Nhs wouldn't scan my cervix until I'd lost a baby in second trimester. I spent most of my second sons pregnancy laid up as pressure was so bad. He came at full term 38 weeks. I am pregnant time to though and have had a build up of pressure from very early on. Again no-one would check my cervical length so I booked privately. They gave me a sheet away explaining I was on the 10th centile for cervical length and I'm freaking out now. My mw finally agreed to my cervical length being checked at 20 weeks but I feel that is so far away. My repeat in 2 weeks is again private xx
I'm sorry you've had a hard time being taken seriously. I hope you can get some answers. It wasn't until after I'd lost my 2nd baby that I got the care that I needed.
Hi all, glad to see some healthy babies! Sorry I fell off the thread there, work just got crazy busy, but I am now almost 39 weeks and still pregnant! Now I am can't wait to give birth, after all that worry about a premie baby. Hope everyone is doing ok. xo
twinklie congratulations!!!lol I remember the worry for so long and then they won't come out!!!waiting for a beautiful update and birth story!
blue sorry to hear all you very been through...I had my son in 2010 without any trouble followed by 2 mmc and then a horrid ic pregnancy in 2012 which gaversion me my dd 5 weeks early (basically as soon as I stood up after 5 months of bed rest). then it was another mc and then had my last dd at 39.3! what I mean to say is not all pregnancits are the same...anything over 3cm is a good length so you don't have to worry but it's great they really checking you anyway!
My TVC did its job! I gave birth to my baby boy May 22 at 37 weeks (induced because of high blood pressure). I was full of anxiety the entire pregnancy, but between the stitch and progesterone shots, everything went according to plan. So happy to have my rainbow. ♥️
Hi everyone sorry to jump on the thread, I'm one of the oldies on the thread & just found out I'm pregnant again and this will be my 3rd cervical stitch 🙌🏻 I'll have a quick read through and look at all of your journeys up to now X X
Question, me and my partner are NTNP... I had an incompetent cervix (started shortening at 23 weeks - 2.8cm by 32 weeks was 0.08cm) and preterm labor with my rainbow - pregnancy was perfect otherwise.. I went full term to 40+3 and he was born at 40+4. Have any of you had this happen and then your next pregnancies were fine?
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