Me and my partner of 4 years have been trying for a baby for just under 3 years. I have pcos and its certainly taking its tole on my emotions and I'm sure his although he doesn't express that. I went through a bad phase where I got severely depressed every time my period came and since then we don't discuss the whole 'baby' issue. My partner acts like we're not trying, probably because he's scared to talk about it encase I go back to where I was before, the truth is I think I'm back there already but I'm too scared to tell him.
I feel completely worthless, like I can't do what I should be able to do, I can't give my partner or myself what we crave the most, I feel guilty because I should be able to give him this, I feel angry because so many people find it so easy to concieve. I couldn't even congratulate my best friend on the birth of her baby because I resented her so much, what a horrible person does that make me? Every time a pregnancy is announced I purse my lips and try to turn it into a smile, I am happy for people deep down but jealousy, resentment and bitterness take over and I don't know how to suppress them. I'm no woman, I'm broken.
When I found out I had pcos it cut me up inside because I knew I may not be able to have kids, my mother in law said "you better get it sorted because I want grandkids soon" another reminder that I'm disappointing someone else. My partner doesn't want to be intimate with me often, I don't know if it's because I've shut down emotionally, because he resents me or because he doesn't see a point? Once he's asleep I sneak into our spare room so that he doesn't hear me cry myself to sleep.
I don't know what to do. Sometimes I think maybe it would be easier if I weren't here? He would move on and have the opportunity for a family with someone else. His ex partner now has two kids with another man and I wonder if he regrets leaving her, does he resent being with me? Does he think why me? Probably. I can't talk to anyone without being judged, no one knows how bad it really is. I don't know how to pick myself up. I don't think I can. To be honest in this state I can't become a mother, I have to be ok in myself before I can raise a child. Problem is I don't think I will ever be and that's where I come to the conclusion that maybe I need to just slip away. The worst feeling is I know I'll never have the guts to do it and there's no escape.
I feel completely worthless, like I can't do what I should be able to do, I can't give my partner or myself what we crave the most, I feel guilty because I should be able to give him this, I feel angry because so many people find it so easy to concieve. I couldn't even congratulate my best friend on the birth of her baby because I resented her so much, what a horrible person does that make me? Every time a pregnancy is announced I purse my lips and try to turn it into a smile, I am happy for people deep down but jealousy, resentment and bitterness take over and I don't know how to suppress them. I'm no woman, I'm broken.
When I found out I had pcos it cut me up inside because I knew I may not be able to have kids, my mother in law said "you better get it sorted because I want grandkids soon" another reminder that I'm disappointing someone else. My partner doesn't want to be intimate with me often, I don't know if it's because I've shut down emotionally, because he resents me or because he doesn't see a point? Once he's asleep I sneak into our spare room so that he doesn't hear me cry myself to sleep.
I don't know what to do. Sometimes I think maybe it would be easier if I weren't here? He would move on and have the opportunity for a family with someone else. His ex partner now has two kids with another man and I wonder if he regrets leaving her, does he resent being with me? Does he think why me? Probably. I can't talk to anyone without being judged, no one knows how bad it really is. I don't know how to pick myself up. I don't think I can. To be honest in this state I can't become a mother, I have to be ok in myself before I can raise a child. Problem is I don't think I will ever be and that's where I come to the conclusion that maybe I need to just slip away. The worst feeling is I know I'll never have the guts to do it and there's no escape.