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Introduce your VIP (Very Important Preemie!)

Lily Arianna - born 34w4d i dont have any new pics of her yet - as she was just born 2 days ago and was transported and im still in the hospital myself - but she was 4lbs 13oz and 18in long... was on cpap when she left but as of yesterday night she was completely on room air and attempting feedings.. yayy!!
Grace was born 31 weeks +2 weighing 5lb4, unfortunatly she had to be born early because i suffer from type 1 diabetes and court swine flu. i wasnt responding to any of the treatment the a&e and itu doctors were giving me and so to try and save both of us Grace has to be born. She was in SCBU for 3 weeks, wasnt able to hold her for over a week as her jardis level was really high and she had to stay under the blue lights.

this is grace 1 day old.

and grace acouple of days ago weighing 18lb3


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This is Liam Richard, born at 30+0 weeks on November 27th 2010 at 1.26pm. He weighed 3lbs 10oz and is currently in the NICU. He's spending 2 hours twice a day off the ventilators and, as of yesterday, has started feeding!!

awww, sleepy puppy.

He is very sweet.:hugs:

And a lovely colour too!
Jake was born on 2nd Aug at 31+1 and weighed 2lb 14. He was on cpap for 3 days and spent 4 weeks and 3 days in scbu. He is now 4 months and weighs 9lb 12! :happydance: Dont know why I went into labour, contractions started at 10pm on the sunday night and by 7am monday I was 7cm dilated:confused: Then got rushed down to theatre for emergency c-section as he was breech! But we feel so lucky that our beautiful boy has had no other complications apart from reflux and i love being a mummy! :cloud9:



katie, that sounds just like me - contractions at 10pm, 9cm dilated at about 1am, and alex was here at 6am!

:hugs: Jake looks fabulous! x
Wow, Jake. What a cutie.

I'm getting so broody with all our new little babies!
Lots of new beautiful babies!

I am very broody too Foogirl! :blush:
Elias was born at 34 weeks at 3.15 PM 08/06/10. Was 5 lbs and 19.6"
He was on CPAP for one day and spent 10 days in hospital.
I had an emergency c-section because I was having a lot of pain in the old scar and after 3 different doctors checking it out, they decided it was best to do a c/s. I was told it was on the verge of rupturing, so they were glad with the decision they made. This was my 3rd c/s by the way.

Just of the feeding tube


For some reason this is the only image I can upload. His 4 month pic is in my siggy.
Lola Wren was born on 3rd December 2010 at 9.41am weighing 4lb 15oz at 35 weeks gestation due to pre-eclampsia. I had to have a C-Section due to placenta previa.

She spent 11 days in SCBU. Her blood sugars crashed soon after birth so she was on a drip, and she swallowed blood during the section so her stomache couldnt handle milk for a few days because she was still asperating dark fluids. She couldnt regulate her own temperature for the first 6 days so she was in a babytherm. She also had a pneumothorax which led to her having lots and lots of desats and bradys too. Then on day 7 her SBR level spiked and she had to have phototherapy for jaundice which she hated! Luckily she was allowed back out of her box after 30 hours, and from that point she went from strength to strength.

She had lots of trouble latching on (her mouth is teeny and my nipples are huge lol), and since I was determined to breastfeed I thought establishing feeding was going to keep us in SCBU till after Xmas. Then we were introduced to the Medela nipple shield and from the first feed we were away and flying! Her NG tube came out 12 hours later and we roomed in 24 hours later, and went home the next day!

So here she is, my little tough cookie:

One day old:

Three days old:

Five days old:

At home, twelve days old:

Lola Wren was born on 3rd December 2010 at 9.41am weighing 4lb 15oz at 35 weeks gestation due to pre-eclampsia. I had to have a C-Section due to placenta previa.

She spent 11 days in SCBU. Her blood sugars crashed soon after birth so she was on a drip, and she swallowed blood during the section so her stomache couldnt handle milk for a few days because she was still asperating dark fluids. She couldnt regulate her own temperature for the first 6 days so she was in a babytherm. She also had a pneumothorax which led to her having lots and lots of desats and bradys too. Then on day 7 her SBR level spiked and she had to have phototherapy for jaundice which she hated! Luckily she was allowed back out of her box after 30 hours, and from that point she went from strength to strength.

She had lots of trouble latching on (her mouth is teeny and my nipples are huge lol), and since I was determined to breastfeed I thought establishing feeding was going to keep us in SCBU till after Xmas. Then we were introduced to the Medela nipple shield and from the first feed we were away and flying! Her NG tube came out 12 hours later and we roomed in 24 hours later, and went home the next day!

So here she is, my little tough cookie:
Tough cookie right enough! What a lot to go through, I'm glad your sweet little bundle is coming along fine now. We had the same issues with feeding. It must be really daunting for the littlest ones to deal with our big boobs! I stupidly resisted nipple shields for a couple of weeks as I was so set on doing it "properly" I definitely should have done it sooner as like Lola, Abby just clicked into it immediately. I'm glad it worked out for you!
HI Ladies,

I signed up to this a long time ago, when I was 5weeks pregnant, My Daughter Daisy Cooper was born on Monday 22nd November 2010 at 11.38pm I gave birth to my little girl weighin 585grams, at 23weeks+1day gestation ( 17weeks premature) she has had a operation on her heart to close a duct that is common in prem babies, and was a success, she as also fought infection in her long line and over come serious skin problems after severe reaction to antseptic wipes ( she was coverd in burns) , she keeps loosing then gaining waight, but since the op 3days ago Daisy as since had her milk upped to 3.5mls per hour and they are hopefully taking her off her ventolater in a few days to put her onto CPAP, it is going to be a long journey but worth it, so we can take her home well and healthy.

tryed putting pics of my girl on here, but wouldnt let me x
Hi kayleigh!
Wow wow wow you do have a tiny preemie! I think you need about 10 posts to put up a pic, which you now have, so you should be able to post pics from now on, either using the upload tool or photobucket.
Welcome to the preemie section :wave:
Welcome! I am excited and admittedly a little sad to have another 23 weeker join us! Sad only because I know what a long journey they have ahead. Daisy sounds like a fighter already!!

Welcome! Congrats! And cannot wait for pictures!

I had Jai at 23+4 after PPROM. He is needing a liver transplant and has hearing loss but id otherwise fine. I had complications after having him which resulted in my prem twins.

Ethan arrived at 23+3 and Ava at 23+4 after PPROM (Ethan) and an incompetent cervix. Ava is unable to walk/stand/crawl due to her hip being dislocated and needing various surgeries to reconstruct the muscle. Ethan spent 8 and a half months on a ventilator, He's severely asthmatic and gets chest infections regularly which leave him in hospital. I think we were lucky that they are the only issues we have
I had Jai at 23+4 after PPROM. He is needing a liver transplant and has hearing loss but id otherwise fine. I had complications after having him which resulted in my prem twins.

Ethan arrived at 23+3 and Ava at 23+4 after PPROM (Ethan) and an incompetent cervix. Ava is unable to walk/stand/crawl due to her hip being dislocated and needing various surgeries to reconstruct the muscle. Ethan spent 8 and a half months on a ventilator, He's severely asthmatic and gets chest infections regularly which leave him in hospital. I think we were lucky that they are the only issues we have

Welcome :hugs:

Wow - twins with different birthdays! What a novelty. And one of them born on my birthday too (9th March).

It does sound like you've had an eventful journey so far. I love the positivity though. I find it is one of the easier ways to get through it all.
Hey all, thought I would introduce my wee preemie - Jessica

I have been lurking on Baby and Bump for some time now, starting when I was pregnant and found many answers to many pregnancy questions - you know the things no one tells you about?!?! lol

On the 21st September I found myself eligible for this lovely wee cosy forum after giving birth to a baby girl - Jessica - at 24+4, weighing 1lb 5oz (600g), due to severe pre-eclampsia. We were given a 50/50 chance of her surviving before I was rushed for an emergency c-sec. I was only able to receive one dose of steroids.

On Monday just passed, my beautiful girl was discharged from the Neonatal Unit after 1 day short of 13 weeks. :cloud9: She weighed 4lb 14oz on discharge and yesterday weighed in at 5lb 2oz with the HV.

It has been one hell of a journey with ups and downs but we know from what we have witnessed that we are some of the lucky ones as we have had it relatively easy. She has not come out unscathed and there are a few medical issues to be seen to and we have the usual acid reflux etc etc but we know how VERY lucky we are to have her here.

I tried to post pics but they appear to be too big to upload.

Anyway Hi everyone. xx
your stories and photos are amazing, my little man was born at 35 weeks and he was a good size 6lb 5oz although he was a good weight he was still a premature baby and we had to see past his weight. He was on cpap for 2days and under the light for jaundice for 24 hours. He was born because of severe bleeding from placenta previa. He stayed in SCBU for just under 2weeks while we sorted his feeding out, we have since found out he has a tongue tie which he will have snipped on the 13th Jan, he is a little sweetheart, hardly ever cries and is really laid back.
Hey all, thought I would introduce my wee preemie - Jessica

I have been lurking on Baby and Bump for some time now, starting when I was pregnant and found many answers to many pregnancy questions - you know the things no one tells you about?!?! lol

On the 21st September I found myself eligible for this lovely wee cosy forum after giving birth to a baby girl - Jessica - at 24+4, weighing 1lb 5oz (600g), due to severe pre-eclampsia. We were given a 50/50 chance of her surviving before I was rushed for an emergency c-sec. I was only able to receive one dose of steroids.

On Monday just passed, my beautiful girl was discharged from the Neonatal Unit after 1 day short of 13 weeks. :cloud9: She weighed 4lb 14oz on discharge and yesterday weighed in at 5lb 2oz with the HV.

It has been one hell of a journey with ups and downs but we know from what we have witnessed that we are some of the lucky ones as we have had it relatively easy. She has not come out unscathed and there are a few medical issues to be seen to and we have the usual acid reflux etc etc but we know how VERY lucky we are to have her here.

I tried to post pics but they appear to be too big to upload.

Anyway Hi everyone. xx

Welcome Princess Pea. How has everything been in NNICU? And great you're all home for christmas! Hopefully we can have some pictures soon.:hugs:
Thanks Foogirl :hugs:,

Have had just the best Christmas ever.

NNICU was an experience, its not until you are actually there that you realise how important the unit is.

Just noticed you are in Falkirk, I live in Bonnybridge!

Will try and upload pics again, not very technical. :haha::blush:


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