Introducing Food @ 3 Months

Oh and her poos are ALOT better now she has cereal :)
Wow, did u manage to push him out?

Shew! NO way! I was told he was only 7lbs 9oz and therefore went through 22.5 hours of labor, just to be told he was getting a cone head because he 'wouldn't fit'. Ended up with a c-section.
I bet it was a relief to finally be told your going for a caeser! Would be horrible enduring such a long time of pain!
Well.. I had an epidural, so it wasn't that bad especially considering he never moved down far enough for me to even feel 'pressure'. But I was tired, I couldn't sleep any because of the contractions before the epidural (which I didn't get until about 5-6 hours before I had him when the contraction started to become worse).
But, I'm just glad he's healthy. Although next time I'm just going to a section ;)
Wow there are alot of mixed feelings on this subject obviously..

I think every mum knows there baby and not all babies are the same, we have to do what we feel is right for them.. Guidelines are alwas changing, they used to say introduce stage 1 foods at 3 months.. One baby gets a belly ache and to cover their own back sides they change the goal posts to 4 months.. Now some of you are saying 6 months.. How can we keep up.. We are all different, we don't all have the same appetite, neither do our babies..

Louis is showing all the signs that is he ready for stage one food..

Plus I tested his tongue reflex which is meant to be a good sign they are ready.. Their tongue reflex is there to stop them choking but disappears between 3-4 months old..

I tested this with a bit of baby rice on my finger.. and he ate it rather than spat it out..

I decided that I feel happy to introduce Louis to just baby rice for now, once a day in the morning with his first bottle of milk..
only you know him hun, doesnt matter wat everyone else tells you! I was weaned at 12 wks and have no probs at all good luck :)

I found this on the internet, it is a leaflet on weaning done by the department of health

There is one particular paragraph that stood out to me

If you decide to wean at any time before six months, there
are some foods that should be avoided as they may cause
allergies or make your baby ill. These include wheat-based
foods and other foods containing gluten (e.g. bread, rusks,
some breakfast cereals), eggs, fi sh, shellfi sh, nuts, seeds
and soft and unpasteurised cheeses. Ask your health visitor
for advice, especially if your baby was premature.

Solid foods should never be introduced before four months.

The one line at the bottom is what worries me I will be waiting until Kaysie is four months now
Leaving the debate to one side (opinions very varied, personal and of course what mum decides is best for bubbs always varies)

I would suggest speaking to your health visitor.

We saw our when Oscar was 3 months and a bit. He was a heavy weight and our HV said that IF I felt he was ready to try food then to start on easy to digest foods like rice.

about a week later I let him have a taste of rice. TBH he didnt swallow any of it, but he loved the spoon and the fun aspect of it.
2 days later we had another go and he had 2 mouthfuls (losing about 70% of it) and loved the experience.

It wasnt until he was about a week short of 4 months did he actually get the hang of it and start eating (as such)

all of this time it was just baby rice, made with formular.

He didnt try different flavours untill he was over 4 month. And we try them nice and slowly. he only has jars made for 4+mths, they are made without gluten etc.

I will give him home made foods after 6 mths when, I hope, he will start to try our foods.

whatever you do decide I am sure you do so with bubbas best interest at heart and please don't feel attacked for not following the guidlines, they are always changing.
our HV said that IF I felt he was ready to try food then to start on easy to digest foods like rice.

just wanted to add. We didnt ask about feeding.

this was raised by the HV herself

just to be clear :D
I will definately take your advice Newt, I will ask my HV what she thinks on Monday..

She is always very honest and I totally trust her, so I'll go with what she thinks is best..

I do feel happy to give him baby rice in the morning, I just think he is not fully full up on just milk, he gets hungry again very quickly... He's having like 12 bottles within 24 hours... Which seems like alot to me.. And he isn't even chunky!!

But saying all that, I don't want to be stupid about it.. If she says, look its actually dangerous to give him baby rice, then of course I wont.. But I'll see what she says..

Im not doing this to make him sleep or anything.. I just think he is at the stage where he needs something extra now.. Milk doesn't seem to be enough for him now..
Im also tryin my LO with baby rice as i think milk is not enough though i dont think he likes it because he crys when i try give him some , i guess hes not ready but ill keep trying now and again
I think every baby is different, some are ready at 4 months some at 5 etc etc :)
My HV told me however that if i started solids before 4 months i ran the risk of making Joseph obese, so i think I'll stick with her advice & try introducing them at 6 months!
summer was a very hungry baby to and i decided to give her some baby rice at tea time, and she so much happier on it, she is not far off four months anyway and it does say on the packet that you can start from 4 months even tho it is not recomended, therefore its down to personal choice.

i started by giving her some of her bottle so she wasnt really hungry then about half way through i stopped and gave her a few mouthful and she took it fine then i gave her bottle back to her to see if she wanted anymore of tht and i think she just took a few more mouthfuls, hope this helps and gd luck :)
Oscar is a very hungly baby and is very heavy. He's not obese though. What he is is very very tall.

(he came on him due date, but TBH I recon he was about a month late :lol:)

I did try him on hungry baby milk first, but this made him very ill. You would be surprised how far a little baby can projectile :dohh:

He is still on SMA gold and I'll keep him on that for about a year I think, but the rice did fill him up. He didnt eat less often (always been a grazer, 3 hrly) but he is more settled on it :D happy baby = happy mammie
Just wanted to say MarchBaby you are doing a fantastic job with Colton, he looks really healthy. You know your bubs and only you knew when he was ready.

Louisa only you know your LO and if you think its time for some foods then i would try them. If your LO doesn't like it, or the foods dont go down well them i'm sure you'll know... ie, spitting them out, or sicking them up. Advice has changed a lot from when we were all children and i think it frightens us all sometimes. As long as we are reasonable and aren't trying to feed them pork chops i think its ok to experiment! But then again that is only my opinion, i am a first time mum and my baby isnt weaning yet so my advice isn't all that great. But everyone learns huh? I cannot see Caitlyn managing 6 months on milk alone, and i hope to hold out on weaning for as long as i can... it kinda scares me a little because of all the guidelines there are out there.

Do what you feel right, and seek the advice of your HV some of them are really helpful.

As long as we are reasonable and aren't trying to feed them pork chops i think its ok to experiment!


just had a mental image of a baby gumming a pork chop :rofl:
Just wanted to say MarchBaby you are doing a fantastic job with Colton, he looks really healthy. You know your bubs and only you knew when he was ready.

Louisa only you know your LO and if you think its time for some foods then i would try them. If your LO doesn't like it, or the foods dont go down well them i'm sure you'll know... ie, spitting them out, or sicking them up. Advice has changed a lot from when we were all children and i think it frightens us all sometimes. As long as we are reasonable and aren't trying to feed them pork chops i think its ok to experiment! But then again that is only my opinion, i am a first time mum and my baby isnt weaning yet so my advice isn't all that great. But everyone learns huh? I cannot see Caitlyn managing 6 months on milk alone, and i hope to hold out on weaning for as long as i can... it kinda scares me a little because of all the guidelines there are out there.

Do what you feel right, and seek the advice of your HV some of them are really helpful.


Thanks :)
And I'm with Newt.. kinda pictured a baby eating a pork chop there! :rofl:
Jack is 3 mths tomorrow & I will be asking the HV's opinion on when I can think of starting him on baby rice as he never seems content on just milk. He drinks between 5-7oz of milk every 2-3 hrs depending on how long it has been since the last bottle, has started waking at night for feeds, doesn't really settle for naps during the day, is chewing his fist constantly, watches intently when we are eating & seemed to be copying us by sitting there bringing his fist to his mouth as if he had a spoon in his hand:rofl:
He has been on hungrier baby milk since about 4 weeks old & has had no problems at all - he has never ever been sick!
He is having his 2nd lot of injections tomorrow (which I am dreading:hissy:) so will ask her then - if she says ok I will try him, but I think if she suggests to wait, I will as she has always been very open minded about everything else & is not the type to follow rules for rules sake.
Louis is the same Bev, he is never sick.. He is constantly wanting bottle after bottle this last week or so.. He seems actually hungry and its like he is trying to ask for food, he keeps sticking his tongue out and kicking his legs when he watches me eat..
When Dan was born I was advised to wean him at 3 months!!!! because I lived at home at the time I took my mothers advice and started weaning at 2 months (mothers know best) by 5 months he was off formula and eating what we were eating (omg I was a stupid f***) at the moment he is a very healthy 10 year old, never had a complaint with him at all apart from asthma.
With Dec I done things my way, I started him on rice at 21/2 months (with HV blessing) at 3 1/2 months I started introducing small bits of puree fruit and veg by 5 1/2 months he was on stage 2 baby food and now that he is 9 months he eats what we eat. I have had help and advice from my HV (who I dont like) through out because he was always a very hungry baby, he is normal weight for his age and is a very happy and healthy boy.
I say each child and mother is different, you know your baby best, do what you think is best for your baby and dont let anyone question your mothering skills for doing what you want.

oh and Marchbaby Colton is adorable and it looks like he is healthy, happy and well loved, I think you are doing a fantastic job. xxx

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