Is everyone against traditional weaning?

I do a combination of both techniques, adopting the 'best bits' of both for Earl and following his lead. He's been eating in a BLW style since 18 weeks when he could successfully do it. He gets spoon fed as well and had purees etc from 17 weeks.

I don't think I've ever found anyone to be derogatory for anyone's choice on how to wean, just when, and to be honest, the guidelines are well published and known and everyone makes their own decisions about this based on their own child and the information they have digested.

Personally I don't really see a problem with either way of weaning.....Traditional Weaning doesn't necessarily mean or equal early weaning - I know of a lots of women who have waited until 6 months nad then taken a TW route as it's what suits them. At the end of the day, if you're not comfortable with a method, or the time is not right, it simply wont work!
Sorry but I don't get what your issue is? You've said that people said to do what you felt was right but that personally they wouldn't. I don't see what is wrong with this attitude? They clearly have tried to see it from your point of view and said that in your position they wouldn't do it, but that it's your baby and your choice. I don't see how you can ask for more than this? I haven't seen the thread, and I couldn't give a monkeys how people feed their children (unless it's dangerous in some way), but if someone asks my opinion on something on a forum then I will tell them what I would do in their situation, as that is my opinion. I could understand your being upset if people jumped on you or criticised but reading your OP in this thread I don't get the point in this thread other than to stir things up when they don't need to be? If people did jump on you or criticise you, then fair enough, but I simply don't get that impression from the way you've worded your post?
Sorry but I don't get what your issue is? You've said that people said to do what you felt was right but that personally they wouldn't. I don't see what is wrong with this attitude? They clearly have tried to see it from your point of view and said that in your position they wouldn't do it, but that it's your baby and your choice. I don't see how you can ask for more than this? I haven't seen the thread, and I couldn't give a monkeys how people feed their children (unless it's dangerous in some way), but if someone asks my opinion on something on a forum then I will tell them what I would do in their situation, as that is my opinion. I could understand your being upset if people jumped on you or criticised but reading your OP in this thread I don't get the point in this thread other than to stir things up when they don't need to be? If people did jump on you or criticise you, then fair enough, but I simply don't get that impression from the way you've worded your post?

I agree and I was initially going to say exactly this - and then I read the weaning thread and noticed that none of the 4 people to reply even said "I wouldn't do it"! I can understand being sick and tired of being made to feel you are doing the wrong thing, but to post this thread, specifically about the replies that people took the time and trouble to post, is in my view unfair and more than a little ungrateful.
And Special-Kala don't worry - no-one who has read that thread could possibly believe you were being anything other than courteous, supportive and helpful - as always!
well morgan was 8-15 when born , was always hungry dint sleep thro till ...... well bout 6mth !
i started giving him babyrice at 4mth he loved it, i dnt BLW and make all his meals myself now hes older he loves to hold and eat the odd thing but i like to make sure hes eaten enough b4 messing bout with food, plus for me it werent ideal / timing etc x

ur baby ur choice is how i see it x
I read that thread and I really don't think anyone on there was suggesting you were doing the wrong thing etc.

And special_kala, I thought you just put your point of view across in a positive way.

But to the OP again, I can understand why you might feel a select few people are against weaning early as there have been a few 'heated' debates but at the end of the day mummy knows best and people are just sharing their views.

(I've learnt that the hard way hehehe.)

To be honest I don't understand what the big divide is between the two techniques. To me, weaning is weaning, whether its classed as TW or BLW doesn't really matter to me.

I've started weaning Lola on doctors advice. So, obviously, she's having purees because she's still young. I'll be introducing finger foods when she's ready and then hopefully give a mixture of pureed/mashed food & finger food. But it all depends on her, what she wants and what makes her happy.

Everyone should do what makes them and their LOs happy & healthy - sod what other people think!
To be honest I don't understand what the big divide is between the two techniques. To me, weaning is weaning, whether its classed as TW or BLW doesn't really matter to me. QUOTE]

I don't think there is such a big divide between the two. To me BLW is just traditional weaning done later so you miss out a few stages and go straight onto more solid stuff. Traditional weaning (whatever that actually is!) can still involve lots of the good aspects of BLW such as all sitting at the table to eat. Plus as others have said many people choose to do a combination of both.

Personally I have never seen any judgement on here of people not doing BLW. All I have seen is people pointing out the 6 month guideline. Some people seem to view this as people "getting on their high horse". I think its only right that people are advised of the guidelines so that they all the information before they make their decision. Nowt wrong with that and surely thats why they ask for peoples advice/opinion

Hun, babies have been weaned at 4 months for years and years with little or no serious effects. In many countries, like the USA, the advice still is 4 months in many places. And they can make their formula with tap water and don't need to sterilise their bottles etc- their scientists say this is all fine, here it's seen as a huge no no! What I mean is trends change and scientists will do this study and that study and prove this and then change their mind 6 months later.

BLW is the current trend but in a few months it'll probably go back to traditional weaning again. Not to have a go at either but they will both go in and out of fashion. So all you can do is listen to your baby and do what you think is right and stuff what anyone else says!
Firstly I am not trying to stir up anything, I wasn't just responding to the three people who replied to my other thread but do stand by the fact that I felt criticised (ok I'm feeling hormonal and emotional today), yes I feel guilty for not following the advise on 6mths but rather than people offering advice it didn't feel constructive (eg comments like Lo prob doesn't need the food). I'm all for everyone doing what is right for them because that's taking each case on its own merit (i wasn't convinced people read everything) But that's not the main reason for my post, blw seems to be being pushed everywhere with criticism being made of tw (even on Amazon and other non baby related sites) I was just curious, I only included my case as a point. Sorry ladies
My eldest 2 were both traditionally weaned at 4 months as was the age recommendation then. They are both healthy happy boys with great appetites. My daughter is born of the era where its now recommended to wean at 6 months (which i find bizarre as babies havent changed in the last few years have they?? lol). I read somewhere that they moved the age because people always start early so if its up at 6 months it gives room for a bit of leeway rather than people weaning at 2 or 3 months. My boys were great at 4 months and ateloads but my daughter (who i tried earlier than 6 months showed no interest) has been harder to wean and only in the last few weeks has started taking an interest in food. She is however very good at feeding herself wee sandwiches, fruit and veg chunks. We mix traditional weaning wiht lots of finger foods and it works for us. Do what works for you and LO.
To be honest I don't understand what the big divide is between the two techniques. To me, weaning is weaning, whether its classed as TW or BLW doesn't really matter to me. QUOTE]

I don't think there is such a big divide between the two. To me BLW is just traditional weaning done later so you miss out a few stages and go straight onto more solid stuff. Traditional weaning (whatever that actually is!) can still involve lots of the good aspects of BLW such as all sitting at the table to eat. Plus as others have said many people choose to do a combination of both.

Personally I have never seen any judgement on here of people not doing BLW. All I have seen is people pointing out the 6 month guideline. Some people seem to view this as people "getting on their high horse". I think its only right that people are advised of the guidelines so that they all the information before they make their decision. Nowt wrong with that and surely thats why they ask for peoples advice/opinion


Thats kinda what I meant - but worded very badly!

I don't think there should be a divide. I don't understand why there has to be different names for each technique. Its me it doesn't matter whther baby is feeding themselves or not!

Argh...I'm tired....cannot explain what I mean :dohh:
Firstly I am not trying to stir up anything, I wasn't just responding to the three people who replied to my other thread but do stand by the fact that I felt criticised (ok I'm feeling hormonal and emotional today), yes I feel guilty for not following the advise on 6mths but rather than people offering advice it didn't feel constructive (eg comments like Lo prob doesn't need the food). I'm all for everyone doing what is right for them because that's taking each case on its own merit (i wasn't convinced people read everything) But that's not the main reason for my post, blw seems to be being pushed everywhere with criticism being made of tw (even on Amazon and other non baby related sites) I was just curious, I only included my case as a point. Sorry ladies

Don't be sorry hun! We all have those sleep deprived, hormonal days!! :hugs:

I know I've had my fair share!!! :rofl:
I traditionally weaned at 20 wks & so far happy about the results. Omar is already taking 3 solid meals & 3-4 bottles. It helped with his reflux & he's more content & happy. He is taking baby food, & just recently he showed interest in real food. I recently gave him small amount of cooked rice & lentil soup & he was happy to eat both. I feel he's prepared to take real food now, but I still want to go slow. it' ur baby & ur choice, & u knw best what works for u & ur baby
To be honest I don't understand what the big divide is between the two techniques. To me, weaning is weaning, whether its classed as TW or BLW doesn't really matter to me. QUOTE]

I don't think there is such a big divide between the two. To me BLW is just traditional weaning done later so you miss out a few stages and go straight onto more solid stuff. Traditional weaning (whatever that actually is!) can still involve lots of the good aspects of BLW such as all sitting at the table to eat. Plus as others have said many people choose to do a combination of both.

Personally I have never seen any judgement on here of people not doing BLW. All I have seen is people pointing out the 6 month guideline. Some people seem to view this as people "getting on their high horse". I think its only right that people are advised of the guidelines so that they all the information before they make their decision. Nowt wrong with that and surely thats why they ask for peoples advice/opinion


Thats kinda what I meant - but worded very badly!

I don't think there should be a divide. I don't understand why there has to be different names for each technique. Its me it doesn't matter whther baby is feeding themselves or not!

Argh...I'm tired....cannot explain what I mean :dohh:


I don't give a flying monkeys how other parents feed their bubbas, as long as they're fed and happy. (And we see pictures of those first messy spoonfuls or finger foods being chucked about! :haha:)
i will be waiting aslong as i can, and then pureeing food the traditional way :) xx
I also haven't noticed any divide between TW/BLW - it's all personal preference! Personally I chose TW at 5.5 months, choosing TW for reasons given to me by a dietican at the hospital.. Turns out at nearly 9 months my LO is starting to refuse the spoon so I am now using a BLW approach and am wishing I had done from the start. Sam doesn't seem to like the inbetween mashed food (thicker than purees) and prefers to hold the food himself - So I did what I thought was best to start but Sam has indicated the rest and I am going to go with him, that is unless he started to drop in weight etc

As regards weaning before 6 months, people tend to 'push' this point as it is the official guildline - best to do that than advise someone to do something that really should only be recommended by a health professional or judged by the paren as they know their baby more than I could ever know them by reading a few posts on here. If you feel something is right for your baby and your instinct tells you it then do it but people shouldn't feel guilty for offering advice, especially when it's been asked, and especially when it's advising what officially it has been suggested it is advisable to do.

There will always be exceptions to every rule, every baby is different and if there are reasons you feel your child should need weaning earlier than the recommended 6 months then don't feel bad doing it, especially if you have researched your choice.
I really can't explain what I mean by divide.... heat ÷ baby = one majorly mashed up brain :rofl:

But just to clarify, I don't mean a divide between the people, or a divide on bnb.

If anyone understands what I'm trying to get at....and has more brain cells than I do right now....feel free to explain :D

I really can't explain what I mean by divide.... heat ÷ baby = one majorly mashed up brain :rofl:

But just to clarify, I don't mean a divide between the people, or a divide on bnb.

If anyone understands what I'm trying to get at....and has more brain cells than I do right now....feel free to explain :D


I understand what you mean :haha: at the end of the day weaning is weaning. BLW and TW are essentially the same with just with different labels stuck to them :thumbup:
i give Bella pureés. She just doesnt seem interested in eating 'proper' food and because of her slow weight gain (or lack of weight gain altogether!) i wanted to make sure she is actually getting food into her, rather than just playing with it, which was what she was doing with her cucumer and carrot sticks! Lol. And i waited until about 5 months, when my HV advised me it was time to start solids, because of her weight gain. The only reason i didnt start earlier if that i cant cook to save my life, so would be buying her jars of food, and three jars a day can get expensive! Lol, and i'm a skint single mum and wanted to avoid the extra expense! Haha.
Not being funny but all babys put everything in their mouths and watch people eat, it doesnt mean they're ready for solids. Theres a reason why its reccommended to wait til 6 months and IMO you should try and aim for as close as possible unless theres a problem like reflux.

I weaned amelie at 5 and a bit months b/c her tummy was rumbling between feeds. I started off with purees but she was eating toast by 6 months and was eating 'real food' (not mashed, lumpy or pureed) by about 9 months.

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