Is it normal? So worried ... please help!


Two girls
Oct 9, 2013
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I am nearly five weeks. I don't have many symptoms except that I have had very sensitive breasts and I had some mild cramping around the time I got the BFP (October 28th). I am also usually very tired. However, for the last few days my symptoms have been fluctuating a bit. I am still tired, but I've not really had any cramping since and my boobs are often not nearly as painful as they were. Haven't had any morning sickness yet, although I occasionally feel slightly nauseous, especially when I am hungry. I just want it to start. I know it sounds ridiculous to wish for painful boobs and vomiting, but I've already lost one baby and couldn't cope with losing another. Does anyone have these symptoms? Did anyone have these symptoms and go on to have a healthy baby? Does anyone know if this is normal and ok? I'm so scared.

It's very understandable for you to worry after suffering a previous loss, but it is completely normal for symptoms to come and go, die down and come back, it isn't a bad thing. When I was pregnant with my 1st I had no symptoms atall, no sickness, no tender breasts, nothing! This carried on all the way through and she was a perfect baby. Try not to stress yourself out about it, it is normal, you might just be lucky and have hardly any sickness or anything. :flower:
Hi, I'm at 8 wks & so far I've suffered virtually no symptoms at all apart from tiredness and sore boobs although even that comes and goes. I've been lucky enough to have had no sickness whatsoever and very little cramping. My 8 wk scan yesterday showed a strong heart beat and all is fine so not everyone gets strong symptoms.

Try to relax and not worry too much, get as much rest as you can and look after yourself, I'm sure all will be fine :) :flower:
Thanks for this lovely reply! :flower:

I guess I'm just scared because with my first I remember having really grim morning sickness and terrible food aversions (but I suppose that means nothing as I lost the baby anyway). I think all that started around week 6, though I don't remember well as it was so long ago and I was a 17 year old thinking about A-Level exams at the time! I also know pregnancy symptoms can vary in the same woman, but it just seems such a delicate and complicated process and there are so many things that can go wrong. I'm having trouble even believing it's real and getting my head round the fact that I could well give birth in July. It's like I'm convinced it's all going to be taken away again. Silly really, as what will be will be.

Thanks for your answer though, it really helps to hear these things!
Ahhh, thank you Loopy lotti. So reassuring to hear. God I hope I am normal and everything is going ok. I am going to be a wreck at my first scan, as that's when the bad news was broken last time. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! :flower:
You don't want morning sickness trust me lol!!!
But yes I totally understand where you're coming from. You're still quite early for MS so still plenty of time for it to pop up, enjoy it will it stays away lol!
As for sore boobs mine come and go and have done from 5 weeks :)
Hello Meep :) I totally understand your worries, because I've felt them too.. I just wanted to share my experience so far; I've had very little symptoms and I am now nine weeks. I had cramping when I missed my period too and then slowly they became stretching feelings occassionally, sometimes I've felt extra tired, hungry, or a little nauseous when I'm hungry, like you.
But really not much and at first I was panicking my hormone levels weren't rising but I've had no bleeding either and now I've missed my second period and feeling more confident that everything is fine. I'm starting to feel lucky that it has been so easy!
Like you I had a pregnancy when I was 17 and sadly had to have a termination because I had the coil in and it implanted in a bad place :/ and during that I had what I thought were really strong symptoms and it has been so different this time.. but I think that the stress of A levels might have made them a lot worse.
Every pregnancy is different and maybe this pregnancy will just be a lucky one for you :) My close friend who's just about to give birth had virtually no symptoms either!

Really hoping everything is healthy and easy for you this time. Love and light to you <3
Misscalais, congratulations on your surprise BFP!!!

I know, I remember being sick practically every morning, and often throughout the day, and not being able to eat anything that I liked, except chilli Doritos! It was crap, and I don't really look forward to having it again, but at least it might be reassuring in that it would mean my pregnancy hormones are probably high. :D

So glad you have been experiencing the same sort of boob thing as me and your pregnancy is still progressing nicely! :flower:

Thanks to ALL of you for your reassuring answers, you are very kind!
Mummafrog, I really relate to what you have written. Thank you so much for sharing with me. I almost started crying actually - not a weepy person at all, but these stupid hormones have me in tears every two minutes! It's so good to know there are others out there with similar stories who are still hopeful and healthy and keeping the faith.

Thank you, and the best of luck! :flower: x x x
Oh bless you darling, I know I get teary all the time too! Hehe
My breasts have been sore, that's the one symptom that has been around since about five weeks on, maybe earlier. But yeah, some people just have less symptoms but I don't think there is any evidence to show that people who feel less symptoms are more likely to have bad outcomes, so just try to enjoy feeling good :)
I bought a pregnancy yoga dvd by Tara Lee and there is a relaxation part of it where you lie down and relax and then imagine a light connecting your heart to your baby's heart and you send a message of love.. and every time I practice this it makes me let go of anxieties and trust my baby's strong little heartbeat is there.. Maybe you could try some visualisation too, also the yoga dvd is brilliant! Gets rid of ligament pain for me.

Hehe I will definitely be trying this. I have read that the baby can pick up on its mother's feelings quite early on, and I want it to stick around so much, so maybe knowing it is loved and wanted might help. It'll certainly help me at least!

I have this little stone angel I bought in Glastonbury two days before my BFP. The lady there told me it would bring me luck. I've been holding it pretty much constantly ever since - when OH and I go out we hold it between our hands while we're walking about, lol.

Thank you for your thoughts and support, it really means a lot. <3
Aww that angel thing is so sweeet.. you could give it to baby once it is old enough to appreciate it :)

Yeah, if you want to start gentle regular exercise I really recommend that dvd, it's wonderful and if I'm feeling ligament pain I do the yoga and it just goes. Also there is a lovely bit to do with your partner as well :)

I have found the support of this forum so helpful, especially before I could tell anyone, this gave me a way to talk to people about the only thing on my mind! hehe. So talk to me any time sweetie and ask me questions, I'm always happy to chat and share <3
Hehe. I am sort of clinging to it as a symbol of hope - I guess to some degree I associate its form as being that of the baby I lost, yet also a figure of protection and goodness. Listen to me lol, I've turned into such a prat since I got pregnant! I'm just so scared and need something to cling on to, lol. I guess it's like when people talk about the power of prayer - nothing radical necessarily happens, but the act itself provides strength and inspires positivity in a person.

Funny you should say that, as I was planning on giving it to my child and explaining the story behind it to him/her. It's made of opal so it's very pretty and just the sort of thing I'd have loved as a child. It's also the last thing I bought for myself before I found out I was expecting, and since I'll probably never buy myself a thing again, its significance is even greater!

OH is a very active dog trainer and walker so I've recently been going out to work with him, but I do tend to get very tired quite quickly, so I think more of an 'at home' exercise would do me good! Yoga seems a great choice.

Ah thanks! I'll probably be badgering every five seconds over every twinge and ache, so sorry in advance. Still, if you're happy answering, I'm very happy asking!!! :flower:
Our mind has an incredible amount of power yes, personally I am not religious but whatever people believe to help them get through the hard times deserves respect and is in some ways very real :)
It's very easy for cycles of anxiety to build and take over our brains and it effects us physically! I try to break those cycles with positive thoughts and visualisations and knowing that if my baby is meant to be born, then it will be, just like yours and me worrying won't change the outcome of that.

hehe aww that's fine, add me to your friends thing and we can chat <3 Whereabouts in the world are you if you don't mind me asking ?
Agreed. I'm not religious either, but definitely believe there is more power to life than that which we see and understand.

I'm going to try so hard to be positive!

I'm in the sort of middle/south-west of England! And you?
I'm just above London :) Talk to you in messages then <3
My symptoms are pretty much the same... It's just our bodies settling down not everyone has symptoms every oreg is different
Hi meep!

I agree with everyone else it's normal to not hav any symptoms or for them to come and go but I totally get the worry (even as I'm saying this I'm wishing for symptoms myself lol!). With both my previous pregnancies I had no morning sickness at all, and they resulted in a MMC first time and the little cheeky monkey in my avatar the second time. I can honestly say there was no difference in symptoms between my two pregnancies, and it's looking like this one is very similar so far too.

I think we are almost the same way along too and all I've had is tiredness (but I'm always tired coz of Emilia lol) needing to pee more and being really really thirsty!
Have you been to a doctor yet? If you haven't I would deffo recommend getting some pregnacare tablets as they have all the vitamins you need plus added folic acid (if you haven't already got them lol).
Hello Bailey!

Haha I just wish something radical would happen. The waiting for a scan/the dreaded first trimester to end really sucks. Just want to know everything is ok.

Yeah lol, you're like one day behind me. I have been so thirsty too, and exhausted, and while my boobs are still being twats, they do hurt at the moment so that's got to be a good thing.

Haven't been to the doctor but have been taking Pregnacare, so hopefully all's well there. Didn't take it for the recommended three months in advance though. :S

Thanks for your comment Laura, the more women who tell me this, the better I feel! :flower:
I didnt take it in advance either, dont worry. Theres even more reason for us countdown to Christmas now Meep lol!

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