I don't see nub but based on skull I'll say girl
Cant see a nub but babies skull looks just like my 3rd sons. So mu guess isbut that's just a guess lol
Nub is invisible. From the ultrasound taken at 16 weeks we can clearly determine the gender. Don't know why nub is invisible in this pic.
Do you have another pic? If yes, please post it here.
HI. I can't see a nub either. Nubs can be seen between 12 and 14 weeks though not all scan photos show a nub, and the most accurate time to guess on a nub is 13 weeks.
I'm guessingbased on the skull.
Nub is invisible. From the ultrasound taken at 16 weeks we can clearly determine the gender. Don't know why nub is invisible in this pic.
Do you have another pic? If yes, please post it here.
I sure don't :/ but thanks for responding! I'm thinking of doing a sneak peak in 2-3 weeks so I'll update on what it is!
I got lucky having my scan at 13 weeks and could see a nub. I had no idea before then and I've avidly read up on nubs until they're coming out my ears.
I hope you get your boy. Will you find out at the anatomy scan?