Is this HG?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2012
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I'm struggling, really struggling and have been sick now with out fail 4-6 times a day violently since week 5.
I haven't gone to the doctors because I've just been assuming it's normal ms.
Eating is hit and miss. I do manage one meal a day and can go for about 1hour 30 till I'm sick again and water makes me be sick. Which hurts and leaves me tired after doesn't make me feel any better.
I'm groggy and just can't smell properly, my house smells really weird but I know its clean which doesn't help because naturally I want to be at home but makes me feel worse . It's getting me down now feeling the same day in and out morning till night. Nothing's has worked have tried everything. I tried making an doc ap but nothing till April? Just this just sound standard ms or HG?:flower:
Firstly sorry to hear your so rough.
I would push the doctors - especially baing pregnant they have to see you. I rang today and was managed to be seen within 30 mins (as they were closing but said because im pregnant i should come)
They need to dip your urine for keytones if your struggling to keep anything down. I was always sent straight to hospital once my keytones reached 4 i think as i was so dehydrated i needed a drip.
It will pass although it doesnt feel like it now I bet. 😊
I'm not sure at what point MS tips into HG but I don't think it matters too much if you are that sick and struggling to keep food & water down! I know everyone has their own opinion on medication but in my opinion it's how you can handle the sickness. Everyone is different. There are actually a lot of options for MS these days, you don't have to suffer even if it's not HG.

I have a vomiting phobia, so once MS started, I took myself straight off to the doc. I got put straight on Zofran and that stopped the vomiting pretty much straight away. The horrific nausea continued until 16/17 weeks but the meds allowed me to eat & drink without worrying I was just going to throw it back up! Totally personal choice but don't worry at all about speaking to your doctor if you are struggling!
HG is classified as vomiting "several" times per day, so the diagnosis can be vague but that sounds worth a visit to the doctor to be sure you're not dehydrated.
HG is severe nausea, with or without vomiting, that affects your ability to eat or drink. I'd say if you're that sick you should head to the doctor. You really do have to push them for meds because they don't like to give meds to pregnant women (although you need it take it because there is much greater risk to the baby if you're dehydrated) and it may take trying a few different ones to find out which one makes you feel the best. I've had HG in 2 of my past 3 pregnancies and it was rough so I know how you feel :hugs:

Just an FYI 9 weeks for me was the worst, then after that I started feeling better so take heart in that you're probably going through the worst part of MS right now and it should start easing after this. Take care, hun.
I've had HG three times with this being my 4th ( one miscarriage at 10 weeks)
Id vomit everything I ate and I couldn't drink. So after I stopped urinating for an entire day I was admitted to hospital put on permanent IV and zofran. The IV line stayed in and a nurse would come to the house at night to change the bags over. I think it doesn't matter if they don't class you as HG but if you can't function or hold any type of liquid down I think you need help.
The zofran made me super constipated plus not eating so wasn't enough to make a bowel movement I ended up using fleet enemas. Not the one you drink the one you insert. So if you do get zofran ask for a safe stool softener to prevent that.
Try hydralite ice blocks if you can't drink
Hi whatwillbe... Sorry its been so rough. Ive had it almost as bad as you, throwing up a few times a day, even just water pr stomach acid, and hardly eating so i cant really say if the food stays down or not. I called the midwife worried about HG and she ran tests to check sugar, urine etc. Although i didnt have HG thankfully, a lot depends on your own body and i would suggest getting tested instead of going by symptoms alone. She told me specifically not to come in for more tests if i felt worse and go to the emergency care for IV straight away. She also suggested a solution like pedialyte, or water+sugar+salt and having a sip of that every 5 mins to keep myself hydrated. Thankfully that helps to keep some fluid down. If you cant get an appointment then treat yourself as if you are dehydrated, and also try and get tested asap. Really hope you feel better soon... MS can be a real downer.
Thanks everyone. So I managed to get an appointment this morning which was a miracle but had to see a different dr. Basically the male dr told me it was part and parcel of being pregnant and just have to sought of grin and bare it. I've come out really frustrating like how would he know what this feels like. There was no empathy there. Just got to get on with it he said. :thumbup: Dr rubbish lol he said there's only a month to go and it's should have eased off. A month!!
I have to go back in a week's time to see if it's improved he said book an appointment to see me next week so I did and the receptionist said he was on annual leave :dohh:
Felt so misunderstood x
I'm sorry he didn't seem to care, so frustrated for you. Can you see another doctor at a different surgery?
He seemed very reluctant to offer any meds. He said and why did your midwife want you to see me? I said because I'm struggling with drinking. He said just keep taking small sips of water. I felt such a Wally, it's like having to convince someone how ill you are. I'm grateful I'm not at that end of dehydration where I need a drip because it just got a shrugged off as that means it's a healthy pregnancy, he then said you will loose weight. I'm thinking preventions better than cure surely?
Sorry some doctors are just that way.. Why dont you schedule an appointment with someone else while he's on leave?
I'm going to try and get an ap with my original dr. She maybe able to help x
Ugh, some doctors attitudes stink. My doc is quite young and female and extremely helpful. She never once questioned giving me meds or made me feel bad etc. I then saw an older, male doctor for something else and he proceed to give me a massive lecture on the risks of medication and how I should just cope. I was so upset, I went to complain to reception and burst into tears. My original doctor told me to wait and she'd see me and ended up having quite a word with her colleague and pulling off all this research on medication in pregnancy for him to read! I felt so awkward.. !

I hope another doctor is much kinder to you :(!
Thank you SonnyH, he was an older doctor. Maybe it's the same dr lol He told me about 100 years ago women didn't need medication "big sigh" :dohh: times have changed!
I'm going to ring first thing Monday x
Blooming doctor, what he fails to mention is that 100 years ago women died more commonly in pregnancy! Apparently it's thought one of the Bronte sisters died of HG. And quite frankly, in any other situation that anyone was being sick repeatedly in a day for several days, they be bundled into hospital! Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean it can't make you really ill! Hope you have more luck on Monday!
Very true, I could have done with you in the appointment today! Haha

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