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exactly, that's my point. i don't think you (we) created a bad sleeper, he already had problems sleeping and we tried to help them.
Yeah but we made it worse didn't we?
exactly, that's my point. i don't think you (we) created a bad sleeper, he already had problems sleeping and we tried to help them.
For the first time ever Thomas (sort of) slept through last night. He fell asleep at 10pm and woke briefly 3 times. I had to wake him up at 12pm today! He had his mmr jab today though so I don't expect him to sleep through for a while.
Wow that is a long sleep! I hope you got some sleep too in the meantime?![]()
exactly, that's my point. i don't think you (we) created a bad sleeper, he already had problems sleeping and we tried to help them.
Yeah but we made it worse didn't we?
For the first time ever Thomas (sort of) slept through last night. He fell asleep at 10pm and woke briefly 3 times. I had to wake him up at 12pm today! He had his mmr jab today though so I don't expect him to sleep through for a while.
Wow that is a long sleep! I hope you got some sleep too in the meantime?![]()
I couldn't sleep until 3am and kept waking up but I got more sleep than usual![]()
I am off to bed. OH has the nightwatch and I will put in my earphones not really listen to my audiobooks and sleeeeeeeeep!Night ladies xxx
For the first time ever Thomas (sort of) slept through last night. He fell asleep at 10pm and woke briefly 3 times. I had to wake him up at 12pm today! He had his mmr jab today though so I don't expect him to sleep through for a while.
Wow that is a long sleep! I hope you got some sleep too in the meantime?![]()
I couldn't sleep until 3am and kept waking up but I got more sleep than usual![]()
it's funny how when they DO sleep one is still awake looking at them in disbelief!![]()
Bid - I have the whole dog hair every where thing as we have a black lab too. The amount of fur she sheds on the carpet is amazing, I'm surprised she's not bald!
I also have ffs moments on a daily basis, I'm having on now in fact as I'm trying to get Lily to sleep, but as usual she's fighting it!
Anyway, I finally had Lily's tongue tie assessment today from milk matters, it was really interesting. Because its only done with photos and a questionnaire she can never say 100% that there is or isn't a tongue tie, she needs to see the baby in person for that. But she can't tell with Lily whether is a tt or not as Lily cannot lift her tongue up at all, infact her tongue when crying is totally flat, which is unusual and suggests there is a lot of tension in her tongue, mouth, head area. There could also be a tt as well, as suggested from the information I gave her. The tension, she reckons would have been caused by our long labour, Lily being back to back and 3 hours pushing. All this tension that Lily is carrying is what causes her to fight sleep so much as she just can't relax.
So, we're going to get Lily some osteopathy to sort the tension out, then we'll look into the tt again, as hopefully Lily will the be able to lift her tongue so we can see what's going on under there. She also suspects Lily may have an upper lip tie, which i have suspected too, having done a fair bit of research into this.
I feel so relived now, to finally have possible reasons as to why Lily fights sleep so hard, though I wish we had done something sooner, but we didn't know that what we are going through with Lily really isn't normal.
Kosh, a question as your little one had a tt, when you were pregnant did he get hiccups a lot? Apparently hiccups in the womb can be an early sigh of tt.
wow, I didn't know this - yes he did!!
i remember reading the 'milk matters' pages re. TT. I couldn't believe how my LO hadn't been diagnosed at the hospital as he was a text-book case!
you didn't have problems BFing? that was our main issue, he could not latch correctly and it was soooo painful! have they said if she is TT then? we too took LO to a cranial osteopath and it helped so much with his latch it was amazing. she also did some work to help him sleep better but the improvement was not consistent unfortunately. hope it works for you.
oh - i read and replied to your thread re. painful latch and teeth - i know that it shouldn't affect it but it did affect us! and now taht i know about your case, i'm tempted to say that maybe LO with TT and/or high palate find it more difficult to adjust? there was another girl in that thread that had the same problem. actually i'm wondering were she is as she is one of my 'initial 4'![]()
Firefly - I wondered where you were?! Have you tried any sleep training stuff? Are you planning to?
Kosh - I couldn't believe it when he held his arms out to go to sleep! He's NEVER done that before (and prob won't ever again) but it gave me so much hope that he's 'getting' it somehow . I'm going to really try to continue to settle him in the cot (I was getting a bit slack last week as it didn't seem to be working) as maybe it's getting us somewhere.
I also agree that it's a personality thing to some extent. I was a nightmare sleeper and nothing worked to get me to sleep better. My parents were advised to try CIO and even that didn't work cos I could scream for hours, literally. They say now that they think I just had to grow out of it in my own time, which is maybe true. I think there are things we can do to facilitate good sleep or to make bad sleepers worse, but ultimately I don't think it's all in our control.
I do think that sometimes you can hit upon the 'sleep training' (I hate that term but ykwim) method which works for your child's personality, as I think Flippityflop has done (I'm so glad this is still working out great for you btw). That's why I personally think that you really need to do whatever feels right for you and your child, as it's such an individual thing.
Sequeena - that's amazing! Hopefully next time he does it you'll get some sleep too
Angel - I hope you enjoyed your night off
As for me, he actually slept pretty well last night. He went down at 8.30pm and didn't stir again until I went to bed at 10pm, when I put him in the bed. He then woke to feed at 12.30am and then again at 5.30am then up for the day at 7.30am which is excellent. I am very happy with 2-3 nightwakings if he'll feed and go straight back to sleep - I can handle that.
I'm starting to think that it's OH disturbing his sleep (he's a loud, snorey, farty, talking-in-sleep, sleeper). He's working nights atm and LO has slept much betterHopefully this means he'll sleep better once he's in his own room. We're planning to move him at the weekend once OH has finished his night shifts as I don't want to deal with any fallout on my own
Hope you all had decent nights![]()
Been offline due to internet problems a couple of weeks ago and then we've been up at the in laws since last week so haven't been on for ages!
Our sleep is still amazingly crap. Ever since we had teething, then illness, then heatwave and then more illness he's been in a pattern of waking every 2 hours - sometimes more often, sometimes we get 3 hours from him but he always wants to feed when he wakes now no matter when the last feed was![]()
To answer a few of the questions from earlier in the thread:
1) did you have any stress/complications during your pregnancy/birth?
Pregnancy was straightforward. I had to be induced at 42 weeks as he had no intention of appearing on his own. Labour was awful - no contractions to blocks of 3 with no gap between them and coming every minute in a very short time so ended up with an epidural and a long time to dilate. I had to wait an hour after I was fully dilated to push as LO was still quite high up and then 2 hours of pushing before they worked out he was coming down with his head turned sideways and so forceps to get him out. Not at all the experience I wanted and it still makes me shudder.
Kosh - just realised that I'm up in your patch at the moment! MIL and FIL live about 20 mins outside of Newcastle!
Been offline due to internet problems a couple of weeks ago and then we've been up at the in laws since last week so haven't been on for ages!
So far we haven't done any sleep training, I'm so convinced that it won't work as LO is so stubborn that I kind of don't want to try. It feels like the last bit of hope to change things and as long as I haven't tried it and failed then the hope is still there if that makes sense?!
I totally know what you mean... I also feel that proper sleep training is my last bastion of hope and I don't want to 'waste' it in case it doesn't work and I'm left with nowheree else to go.
We're in Stocksfield
Well done getting him back to sleep with no feed - to me at the moment that sort of thing sounds nothing short of miraculous!
Also, is it weird that I feel kind of happy to be one of the 4 mums?!?! Obviously I am not happy that the sleep sucks so badly for all of us, but I always feel so much better after 'talking' to you all about it!!
Been offline due to internet problems a couple of weeks ago and then we've been up at the in laws since last week so haven't been on for ages!
So far we haven't done any sleep training, I'm so convinced that it won't work as LO is so stubborn that I kind of don't want to try. It feels like the last bit of hope to change things and as long as I haven't tried it and failed then the hope is still there if that makes sense?!
I totally know what you mean... I also feel that proper sleep training is my last bastion of hope and I don't want to 'waste' it in case it doesn't work and I'm left with nowheree else to go.
I will be giving the gentle option a go when we get back home - so staying with him until he falls asleep in the cot and using methods other than boob to soothe him, but we've done that before and it only works for a little while and then goes back to where we are now. Having said that, he's more and more refusing to fall asleep after a feed at bedtime and wanting DH to put him to bed which is definitely new. Most of the time it's been on DHs shoulder that he's fallen asleep but ome of the time he will do it in the cot so I guess small progress is being made...maybe.
Tonight has started ok - he slept from 6.10pm (rubbish naps today so he was knackered) until 9.30pm and then had a 10 minute feed and has gone back down. That's a pretty long stretch for him so hopefully the rest of the night might follow that pattern?!
His daytime naps are much better than they were a few weeks ago so I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with those, but sadly it doesn't seem to have made a difference to the nights so far