Itchy Nips ? lol !



Anyone else having really itchy nipples :blush:

Only just started today but it has been driving me mad ! Just hope im not on my own on this one :rofl: havnt heard of it before !
i have really bad excema (How ever u spell it lol)
And ive already got a rash on my belly and even getting pigment skin.
My boobs really itch, and its soooo annoying coz i dont know whether there is anything to help relieve the pain.
x x x x
i have eczma too ! its a pain in the backside lol, used to suffer really bad with it when i was younger, used to scream with the pain ! not so bad now though x
yeh tel me about it lol,
Do u use anything for u skin now? as mine gets soooo dry x x x x
Mine were really itchy in 1st tri and its progressively getting worse now along with leaking ewww
oh god, does everyones boobs leak during pregnancy? if so wen does this start happening?
yeh tel me about it lol,
Do u use anything for u skin now? as mine gets soooo dry x x x x

yeah i use hydrocortisone (sp) 2.5% now, dont have to use it as often though thanklgod, i hate this stuff its so oily and sticky !
yeh im prescribed that cream , didnt know whether i could use it or not as it says on the leaflet consult your doctor before usuing, so always been a bit hesitated,
So is it ok to use ? x x x
oh god, does everyones boobs leak during pregnancy? if so wen does this start happening?

Mine started in the 3rd trimester, only a lil bit though.. got worse after i'd given birth :)
you meant whilst pregnant ?
i havnt had to use it yet, didnt think of that tbh. Best to phone ur gp and see x
YES..... mine have only started in the last few days.... annoying me silly... here i am sitting at work itching my boobs lol.. yeah good look lol :)
What can we use???
I use baby oil to make it stop... but, I put it on in the shower so that it's not so greasy. It's working pretty well so far. I also noticed that lacy wireless bras makes it worse.
oh god, does everyones boobs leak during pregnancy? if so wen does this start happening?

Mine started leaking about 2 days ago!! Midwife says its a good thing, just means there will be plenty milk for baby! Its worse at night because I sleep on my side so Im putting pressure on my boobs pushing it out! Oh the joys of being pregnant!!
I use baby oil to make it stop... but, I put it on in the shower so that it's not so greasy. It's working pretty well so far. I also noticed that lacy wireless bras makes it worse.

ive been usuing a dove mosturiser, and its really good :d
Yeaa Mine started itching a couple of week ago lol, its so irritating! Does any one know why they itch?
I have no idea, but its pretty annoying. Especially when your out and you cant NOT itch it, definately doesnt look too good :rofl:
haha yes mine have been itching too, but so do my legs¬! really badly i make me self raw by scratching!
OMG, my nips are driving me nuts! I keep having to go to the bathroom so I can get a good scratch in! :rofl: I think I'll try some baby oil later.
lol.....mine are really bad aswell, its always at work or when there are people around and im trying to keep a straight face!

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