..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

Hi ajoylenem! :flower:

I am not quite sure what exactly Clomid is supposed to do. I think if you take it early in your cycle, It's supposed to help improve the quality of the egg. If you take it later it should result in more follicles. That's what I read online so, I could be wrong. My doc never actually told me the reason why I have to take Clomid or what It's supposed to do. :shrug:

As for your question: no, I don't test at home (I would if OPKs weren't so expensive). The clinic just makes me take the Clomid, go in for an u/s on cd12 and if they see a mature follicle they give me the trigger shot. If not, then I have to use an OPK and go in for the IUI the day after the surge.

Anyways, GOOD LUCK!! I wish you lots of baby dust! :) Let us know how it went! :)

All went well today! DH's SA was excellent and I had one mature follicle- very excited and anxious to see how this works. I have to wait 22 days- slightly longer than a normal TWW, but I O'd so early, my dr wont let me test until CD35!!
I don't understand why u have to wait so long to test...that would kill me....best of luck!

I was told not to use HPT's to test if AF is late for two reasons- On my first cylce with clomid so I dont know for sure when AF is due- could be my normal 26 day cycle or clomid could make it longer and the trigger shot they gave me is HCG which can give a false positive...although I have been trying to research this and I am finding that the shot should be out of my system within 10-14 days... so surely I can test before then?? I think I would still by skeptical... and DR wont let me come in until CD35 to make sure so regardless, I guess I will be waiting! Its frustrating.
Hi ladies...hope you don't mind I join the thread, but I go for my first iui Monday after taking clomid days 3-7. Had my follow up today and have one big ole ripe egg. Taking trigger shot tonight. Anything I should know?

Hi missy!

Good luck with your IUI! :)

There's really not much to tell you. It's gonna be over really fast. It's just like a pap-smear except that afterwards they'll ask you lay down for another 15 minutes before getting up.;)
ajoylenem, if you have access to those cheap pregnancy tests, then you could test every day and see when the HCG is out of your system. If you get a positive test on 14dpiui then you'll know it's a real positive and not caused by the trigger shot.
I really don't think that the trigger shot stays in your system for that long.
AFM, I just got back from the cd12 scan. My doc said I have a beautiful lining but there are no mature follicles yet. However, there are 2 that are about 14+. So, she wants me to go back for another scan on Thursday. She said this time she'd rather monitor my follies by u/s and give me the trigger shot so that both eggs will be released and thus, give us double the chances. She said that I could also use OPKs but going for another u/s and getting the trigger shot would give her better control. :shrug: so, I opted for the u/s instead of OPKs.

She said everything looks perfect down there so she has no doubt I will get pregnant sooner or later. That felt kinda reassuring. Lol!
That sounds very promising...best of luck! How many more days till u go for another U/S?
Thanks! I really really hope it'll work this time despite dh's low numbers. One follie is on the left, one on the right. So, at least this time the little swimmers can't go into the wrong tube. Lol!
But we shall see. Not gonna allow myself to raise my hopes too much!
I'll go back in 3 days for the u/s (cd15). ;)

How have you been? Any news?
Thanks oculi. I went and it wasn't that bad. I was thinking it would be like the hsg. Now I think the next two weeks will be so long! But they said everything seemed good and ready to go. Fingers crossed!
Yay Oculi! I hope your next scan looks better, I am excited to hear for you! I wanted to do the test daily thing but my husband told me no... says he thinks it will add to my stress level... and although i could push the issue, I decided for now (although I may change my mind tomorrow) that I will respect his wishes! Good Luck Missy! We arent too far apart- I just had my IUI this past Thursday!
Thanks oculi. I went and it wasn't that bad. I was thinking it would be like the hsg. Now I think the next two weeks will be so long! But they said everything seemed good and ready to go. Fingers crossed!

I'm glad everything went well. :)
Yeah, the TWW is the worst! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope to hear good news from you in two weeks.
Yay Oculi! I hope your next scan looks better, I am excited to hear for you! I wanted to do the test daily thing but my husband told me no... says he thinks it will add to my stress level... and although i could push the issue, I decided for now (although I may change my mind tomorrow) that I will respect his wishes! Good Luck Missy! We arent too far apart- I just had my IUI this past Thursday!

Thanks.:) yeah, I really hope my follies will be mature by Thursday. I'll keep you ladies posted.

Well, if you think it'll stress you out then better not do it.;) Your husband is right. But at least you know you have the option if you really need to know.:)
Sorry ladies that I readily haven't been on here but found out that I will have to get a new job as they are removing my yearly salary and benefits. On a good note AF showed again.
Lucinda, yay for AF showing! So, what's the plan for this cycle? :)

I'm sorry to hear about your job. I hope you'll find something better soon!! Keep me posted!
Yay Oculi! I hope your next scan looks better, I am excited to hear for you! I wanted to do the test daily thing but my husband told me no... says he thinks it will add to my stress level... and although i could push the issue, I decided for now (although I may change my mind tomorrow) that I will respect his wishes! Good Luck Missy! We arent too far apart- I just had my IUI this past Thursday!

I hate testing...I agree that it adds stress and leads to extra disappointment.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! I had given up any hope each month, so Im feeling really hopeful about this one even tho I know the odds...
yay Lucinda! Hope this month goes your way! I broke down tonight and bought a cheapy test from Dollar General and guess what- negative already... is this normal at 6 days past trigger? I hope its right because that means I may get to test sooner!!! keeping my fingers crossed for you too Missy!
yay Lucinda! Hope this month goes your way! I broke down tonight and bought a cheapy test from Dollar General and guess what- negative already... is this normal at 6 days past trigger? I hope its right because that means I may get to test sooner!!! keeping my fingers crossed for you too Missy!

Yes its normal....i tested negative at 7 days past trigger. The soonest it would be a real positive is at about 11 dpiui; maybe faint at 10 dpiui.
ajoylenem ,
Thanks...hope all goes well this month too as the clomid messed up my last cycle with cysts and a 20 day cycle with only a 2 day AF. I just cant take any more IUI's with my low chances and DH having issues producing a sample.
Alright, just went for my u/s. I already ovulated! But she could tell from the follicle and uterine lining that it happened just recently. So, dh is giving his sperm sample now and in two hours we'll have the IUI. I released both eggs. So, yay for that. Now, just hoping for a good SA. Will update later.
Alright, just went for my u/s. I already ovulated! But she could tell from the follicle and uterine lining that it happened just recently. So, dh is giving his sperm sample now and in two hours we'll have the IUI. I released both eggs. So, yay for that. Now, just hoping for a good SA. Will update later.
Update: I just got home from the IUI. We had to go to a different clinic for the sperm wash as the other one is doing some renovation. Their result slip is not detailed at all and a bit confusing. But anyway, dh's post wash count was 8.6mil. Not great but definitely an improvement (1st IUI 2mil, 2nd IUI 1.1mil).

Thank goodness my hubby decided to come with me. For the cd12 scan I drove there alone and the valet parking guys tried to hit on me even though I made it very clear that I'm married and not interested (wtf)! So, dh wasn't too happy about that and refused to let me go by myself again. Haha!

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