..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

Still waiting - no AF but still :bfn: I hate the wait! Today makes CD 30- I normally have 26 say cycles... I just don't know what to think!!

Well, as long as AF doesn't show you're not out yet.
Are you on any meds?

The :witch: is here :( So I will be moving on to round 2! :wacko: I am on prometrium-well, not now, but I was until 3 days after IUI. Better luck next time maybe? Hope so!
Lucinda, when exactly do you have your appointment?

Ajoylenem, I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you'll have more luck next time! :hugs:

AFM, I think I'm out, too. Had a teeny weeny amount of light pink discharge yesterday and been cramping a lot today and again had a little bit of light pink discharge. Think AF is on the way! :(
Oh ladies I'm sorry to hear :/ hope u both get better results this upcoming round.
Oculi, my apt is on Thurs 12 pm here.....ill update you that afternoon for sure on how things went !
Lucinda, how did your appointment go? :)

I'm still spotting. Expecting AF to arrive soon.

Looks like next month we'll take a break from everything. We have an appointment with an infertility specialist on March 5. So, looking forward to that. I think it'll be good for my body to get a break from all the meds. So, we'll try naturally this upcoming cycle. And then proceed with whatever the specialist suggests.
My apt went well yest...sorry i didnt update earlier but i was trying to fill some prescriptions. I began BC which ill take for 2 weeks and then go back in for monitoring.
Also your idea to take a break from meds sounds like a great idea to me!!!! Hope you really like this new specialist and whatever he suggests works!
Lucinda, sorry for the late reply.
Yes, I hope whatever that specialist suggests will work. Kinda start thinking about IVF as well. Think that would give us the best chances. But we'll see what the doc says. Gotta wait another week to see him/her. The day before our appointment I gotta go extract my wisdom teeth! Yucks! Lol!

How are things going with you?
Lucinda, sorry for the late reply.
Yes, I hope whatever that specialist suggests will work. Kinda start thinking about IVF as well. Think that would give us the best chances. But we'll see what the doc says. Gotta wait another week to see him/her. The day before our appointment I gotta go extract my wisdom teeth! Yucks! Lol!

How are things going with you?

No need to apologize; I am still on BC....will be taking my last pill on Wed. I will then go for ultrasound on Fri to see if I can move on to stims. I began spotting today which RE said is normal but I also began cramps. AF is suppose to start after I stop the BC pills. Also it's my birthday 2 days after your apt with your new specialist ;)
And ouch about the wisdom tooth; are you getting sedated??? I did when I did mine and I'm glad I did ;)
What exactly are you taking the BC pills for? I know It's standard procedure. But for what? Just to make sure you're not pregnant when you start your other meds or to control the start of your AF or what?

Your birthday is on March 7? :) well, I sincerely hope It's your last one without a baby in your arms! ;)

Haha.. Nah, I'm just getting local anesthesia. I already got the ones on my right side removed and now gonna take out the ones on my left. Local anesthesia is not too bad. The worst part for me was having to bite on the gauze even after the effect of the anesthetics had worn off. That was pretty painful. I hope this time the bleeding will stop sooner.
Btw.. I'm on CD9 today and sorry if this is TMI but I got some mild cramps on my left side this afternoon and had light pink discharge and EWCM!!!! How could this be?? I never ovulate this early! Wonder if It's because of the previous 3 cycles of Clomid. Or maybe my body's just playing mind-games again. But gonna BD today just in case. So weird.
The BC is to "suppress"; basically so that they can be in control of my cycle. I would have had a full period last Sat if I wasn't on these pills. So when I go on Fri they will see if I'm ready for stims....aka injectables.
Oh and don't worry not too much info....btw that is not weird at all as I too ovulated around cd 9 last month....I ended up with 2 periods in that same month. I talked to my RE about it and he said its normal for your cycle to be messed up because of the clomid.....so def do bd!!!!
Ill keep you posted on my progress but regardless I wouldn't have a transfer until April as I'm having a frozen transfer....if I get to that point that is
Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation. Dh and I are considering IVF, too. Well, obviously it all depends on what the specialist says. But we discussed it and if the doc lets us choose between another IUI and IVF, we're very likely to go straight for IVF.
Once you start your meds, how soon after can you go for the egg retrieval? Btw, I read that FET has higher success rates than a fresh cycle! ;)

Phew.. good to know that it's 'normal'. What CDs did you get your two periods? The luteal phase is about 14 days, right? So, should I expect AF on CD23? Was your cycle that short?

What makes you doubt you'll get to do the FET?
Well best of luck on the 5th with this new specialist!!!! I can stim(inject medication) for about a week but some people do it longer; follies have to be mature just like IUI and once they are...just like IUI you will trigger but instead of having the IUI you have an egg retrieval. What I meant by if I get to that point is that I have to have enough eggs retrieved and most importantly they need to fertilize and then make it to blast!
So I had AF 1/7 and then again 1/26.....I went to an apt with RE on 1/16 and he stated I had ovulated already at that point
Alrighty, thought I'd give you an update:
So, yesterday I got my wisdom teeth extracted. They had to remove part of my jaw bone to get to the tooth. That's probably why it's more painful this time. Oh.. and I look like a hamster! The left side of my face is swollen. They gave me some sort of steroid to take for two days on top of all the other meds to prevent excessive swelling. Lol! Anyways.. I'm glad it's over! :)

Today dh and I went to see the specialist. They said that they need to do some blood checks and a pelvic ultrasound on specific days of my cycle just to make sure everything's fine before they can advise us on what's the best option for us.
So, next Monday I gotta go for the first blood test. Then again on CD2 or 3 and on April 16 I'll have the pelvic ultrasound and we'll discuss the results of my blood tests.
Can't wait! For some reason I hope they'll find a problem. Lol! So, at least we know what's going on and can start fixing whatever's wrong. Haha.. am I weird? Oh well.. maybe it's the meds I'm taking! ;)

How are things with you? :)
Oh Geez the wisdom tooth extraction sounds like an ordeal but sounds like DH's experience....I'm glad it's over for u as well ;)
I'm really happy that u met with the new specialist and that they hurry up and tell you what's wrong already n how to move forward ;)
As for me I started stims on Sunday n go back for bw n ultrasound on Fri
Im going to join back if y'all dont mind. Today I start CD1 again :( AF came today, 3 days early (after IUI #2.) So I go back in Friday for an ultrasound/bloodwork on CD3. It's so frustrating. All the numbers seemed promising last month, and I had 2 eggs! Insurance approved 3 rounds of IUI, so I dont even know the next step. :-/

I still wish they had found more of a problem (a slight morphology problem with DH) so there was a better idea of what I needed to do. I hope your appt's go well.

Wisdom teeth surgery sucks...I hated having mine out! Good luck with that.
Goodluck at your monitoring apt tom Missy; what's the protocol this time?
Tomorrow morning is just a baseline ultrasound and bloodwork. Not even completely sure what they look for, just that everything is progressing normally I suppose. It's kinda cool to see everything tho, dont you think?

On another note, we are trying to plan a trip for the end of this cycle, whether or not it works. Hopefully we'll get the time off and find something fun to do for a long weekend :)

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