I've got my anti-witch spray!

Leia- I seriously almost spit my drink out at "a quickie in the woods" thats classic! LMAO!

I cant believe its been 4 months! We need updated pictures!

Last night I re-organized the babys closet for the millionth time and pulled out the bags of clothes I already have so I can throw them in the washer. My stupid babies r us gift card still hasnt arrived so I cant go get the crib just yet.

To do list:
wash and sort clothes
buy and put together crib
hospital bag

Thats really all I can think of that I have to do....anyone else think of anything I need?
leia -- Glad everything is going (relatively) well! Would a more ergonomic baby carrier help? I guess not worth the bother for you if he's starting to be okay playing elsewhere for a bit. And I know all about feeling unrested and like you've slept in a funny position. I have no idea how cosleeping became a habit for us but it has. And it's my and hubby's fault becuase Maisie is generally fine sleeping all night in her crib! :dohh: I just hate going to bed without her, so even if she has fallen asleep in her crib, I'll go dig her out of it when I go to bed. :blush:

Cris -- Install carseat? Bit early for that, but still needs to happen. Wash/sterilize bottles? That's another toward the end thing, though.
I hate co-sleeping! I cant believe you take her out of the crib you crazy lady! We found that co-sleeping was the easiest for the first almost 3 years because he was sick all the time and getting up multiple times a night to check on him or medicate him was too much. Hes finally healthy and sleeping in his own bed! THANK GOODNESS! Hes such a bed hog!

The car seat is on my to do list...I have to figure out how to put the harness strap back on the base because my sister took it off for whatever reason. I think I will install the carseat this weekend since itll be relatively warm...its really early but it will get the damn thing out of my house and also the only person who sits where its going to go is my stepson and i will only be seeing him a few times and he can sit in the back anyways.

The bottles, drop ins, formula and new nipples are all in the kitchen pantry...need to stralize the bottles but will do that while on maternity leave :)
LOL, I have no idea why I'm compelled to take her out of the crib. Whenever she goes to sleep there, I think "FINALLY! I'm going to get a decent night of sleep!" and every. single. time. I lie in bed alone for like 20 seconds before getting up to get her. :dohh: Did it just last night. And yes, she's a terrible bed hog! And she always ends up kicking me in the ear or standing up on my boob or something ridiculously painful. :wacko: We have *got* to break the habit before Violet is born, though. We only have a queen size bed and my experience with newborns (based only on Maisie) is that they don't sleep. So having Maisie and a newborn in bed is not going to work at all.

So, you all know the drama I've had at work lately. Well, the HR director has decided she wants one of the things I do turned around within 10 calendar days of receipt. So, last Thursday, I gave her 5 that I had received December 27 and 28 (so, 6-7 days had already elapsed because I was off 4 of them for the weekend and New Year's). She's now had them on her desk for 6 days..... Soooooo.... yeah. Kind of missed that deadline. She's such an idiot!! :dohh: And no doubt I'm now going to get chewed out for bringing it to her attention that she's the reason I'm missing her completely unreasonable deadlines (okay, I was a little more tactful than to say that, but that was the gist of it). I sent my thoughts to her via e-mail because I'm all kinds of documenting this sh*t. I don't even have words to describe how frustrated I am here every day. My friend (who is a manager in my department) told me her employee informed her yesterday that she's looking for another job because she just can't take it anymore (she's worked here for less than 4 months!).
Julie- it's never good when the turn over rate is bad. I worked at a place like that before and the only reason I stuck around was because they were able to be so flexible with my schedules (I was still in school). Given the choice now I never would have stayed
I hope the email gets things resolved for you and if not i at least hope they don't blame you!!

Afm- for the second time this week I have seen twinges of blood on the tp.... Not sure how common that is at 28 weeks but since I ha this problem earlier on in the pregnancy I wasn't too concerned but two friends told me to call it in so I did.... Just to be on the safe side. I hope it's nothing!
I'm sure it's nothing. But better safe than sorry. And even if it was like worst-case, baby would end up being just fine after a few weeks in the NICU even being born now. So much less scary for me now knowing survival rates are already so high at 27 weeks. Though of course I want her to stay in there for at least 11-12 more (but no more than 13 more! :haha:).

I've been having lots of strong BH contractions for a few days now. I had nearly constant BH contractions from this point on with Maisie, turning quite painful around 38-39 weeks so I guess I'm in for the same fun ride again this time. My uterus really needs to calm the eff down. :haha:
So I havent felt any BH yet...well I did but for a very short time and very very mild...I would LOVE to feel some more becasue it would mean Im making some kind of progress right? I dont really remember them being painful, just uncomfortable. The way this pregnancy is going though I wouldnt be surprised if the opposite happens

So yesterday I called the Dr told them I had seen some pink on the toilet paper...not much but that I wanted to call in and just be safe. I wasnt expecting them to tell me to go to L&D but they did....turn out my cervix is very aggitated. When they checked me she said I had "an angry cervix"....I busted out laughing because just the way she said it sounded so ridiculous. So yea...my cervix is just super sensitive and it doesnt help that baby girl keeps jumping on it or punching it..whatever shes doing...

hows everyone else?
Angry cervix? Lol! I mean, I'm not laughing if that affects the baby in any way, but it does sound funny! And wishin, BH do NOT progress effacing or dilating the cervix. The doctor and delivery told me that contractions have to be STRONG, painful, and 2-3 minutes apart to actually progress you. I had BH contractions starting around 30 weeks and quite regularly the last few weeks. The whole last week they were 10-15 minutes apart, and still nothing.

AFM - Got some baby smiles the other day and it was the cutest thing ever! I guess this is really her first milestone. Not sure what the next one is... reaching out for things? Laughing? When I left the house this morning she was being fussy and squirmy and not wanting to go back to sleep while Tyler was holding her even though she was clearly tired. About a half an hour ago, Tyler sent me a text telling me that the cat jumped up on the couch, curled up against Quinn, and purred her to sleep. I about died knowing that I had missed that!!
Yeah, wishn, they don't do anything. :nope: In fact, I progressed from 1cm dilated to 3cm dilated between 37 and 38 weeks when mine started getting painful. And I was still 3cm when I went to be induced at 40+5. :dohh: After what I had been through for 2 weeks, I thought for sure baby should be about to fall right out at any moment. :haha:

I'm sorry about your angry cervix. It is a funny term. I'm assuming that's not bad for baby, at all, right? Did they put you on pelvic rest or just basically tell you to stop worrying about it?

Linz -- I had to laugh at your description of Quinn when you left this morning... because that's what Maisie was doing with Scott. Don't tell Tyler it doesn't get easier, okay? :haha: Just kidding, it totally gets easier... and harder. :wacko: :haha: Go sink cat! Looove baby smiles! I think Maisie started those around the same time (5 weeks?). And then I started barely squeezing some baby laughs out of her around 10 weeks. Those never get old. I still make myself look like a total idiot on a daily basis to make her laugh.
Hmmm dont know why I thought they meant your body was doing something. Thanks for clearing that up :)

I really don't remember having any painful contractions until I went into labor. It could just be my mommy amnesia though

As for my "angry cervix" laugh away... It doesn't hurt the baby or me for that matter! It's a totally ridiculous term I couldn't believe she said that lol. Basically no sex was all she told me...and yea that wasn't happening anyways!
Yeah my contractions were not classified as painful until 2 am of the day she was born! Up until then I had been having contractions 5 minutes apart but didn't know until they hooked me up to the monitor. I couldn't even feel all of them the night before she was born.
Hey ladies, it seems I missed a lot! I'm still catching up but just wanted to check in,
Cris 'angry cervix' made me chuckle, like it told the docs to do one or something? Maybe it was cursing? Sorry but yes a funny picture in my head :wacko: glad it's nothing to worry about though :thumbup:

Leia glad all is well with you, in need of some pics please!

Linz love that sink cat is babysitting :haha: am enjoying the pics on fb :winkwink:

Little sounds like your in It for the long haul with the bh! Maybe she's letting you know she likes the name violet isobel? I like it to :winkwink: and they are two of my daughters best friends names!!

Hayley not long now, ur baby shower looked amazing, and I love love love your maternity pics :thumbup:

First, giraffes how's you guys? Pics please :winkwink:

Gemmy how are you? U must be in tww now right?

Afm I'm ok, having good days and bad but trying to stay positive, no signs of ovulating yet which is getting late for me so not sure if I'm going to this month but fingers crossed :winkwink: xxx
Yeah, the painful contractions were my 2-weeks-of-false-labor-fun. :dohh: Seriously, uterus. Chill. My contractions didn't really change until I had been hooked up to pitocin for a few hours and then they got more crampy-type painful. And then they got super intense with literally no break between and just proceeded to straight up kick my ass for the next several hours. :haha: Can hardly wait to do it again. :wacko:

Nats -- Will you be trying this month (assuming you ovulate)? I'm glad you're having some good days. :flower:

Cris -- Yay! You're a squash now! :happydance: Only 2 fruits to go!

OMG, so yeah, nesting is happening. And at a great time since I'm trying to get my house cleaned up to sell! :haha: I can't believe the crap I'm trashing and donating. I'm so sick of STUFF!

I am pretty much done with everything I can do on my "to do list". Hospital bag is partially packed...the stuff that isnt packed is stuff I will put in closer to my due date..stuff I still use etc. Car seat is installed and all baby clothes are cleaned. I havent really put the clothes away because my dumba$$ forgot to buy hangers. I used to have a dresser for when DS was a baby but the room is too small for that. Thankfully the closet has an awesome organizational system in it and plenty of room so itll still work. I will have to hang a lot of the stuff though.

*Hang/put away clothes
* finish hospital bag
* wait for crib to come in (ordered it this weekend) put together crib

Thats pretty much all I have left.

I am in MAJOR nesting mode though so I am clearing out lots of closets and storage spaces. Today I plan on getting rid of more STUFF we have stuffed away under the steps... I hate clutter!

On fun news- I went to check my registry to see if anything was on sale since I have some extra money coming in this month and like 6 items have been bought off my registry!!! I was so surprised and extremely happy! My surprise shower must be coming up lol!
hey ladies hope you all well - yes nats at the end of my 2ww - not pregnant :(. spotting tonight at 11dpo, temp low this morning and a bfn. on to my 13th cycle. good luck to you x

love to the bumps and babies x
Awwww sorry to hear that gemmy,

Yes little if I ever get a positive opk we will be trying, we are bding anyway but just when we feel like it as no positive opk yet, not even close yet! Really don't think it's going to happen this cycle :nope:
Hey ladies!

Things are creeping up on us! I wish I was as on top of everything as Wishin is!! Are you available for hire?? Lol

We got a ton done this weekend but really wanted to pack our bags and get the car seat installed. Neither happened, but we did get all the duplicates from my shower returned and purchased a few items that were on sale. We have a good deal of stuff to still buy but with all the gift cards and returned amount we shouldn't have to pay out of pocket for anything!

Her room is almost ready. Just waiting on the dresser topper to come in for the changing pad and such! I can't believe it's so close. I go back to the Dr tomorrow :) Been having loads of BH contractions... Joy! And sleep is pretty much not happening :(

Hope all is well!!

Nats, been thinking of you dear! Hope you are doing ok!!

Haley, you're way more on top of it than I am! I *just* started getting stuff ready this weekend.

OMG, Maisie won't stop screaming tonight. I'm losing my mind. :wacko:
Haley- I am a crazy lady....sounds like you are doing everything just right and on normal people time haha

gemmy- **hugs**

Nats- how are the kids? the weight loss? you're a busy lady!

AFM- I have been finally feeling baby girl move around more. I dont really think shes more active ..just bigger..so I can feel it more. Shes still nameless.

Last night DH kept me up with his tv blaring (hes partially deaf) until 2am then finally when he went to sleep DS woke me up because he was having bad dreams about witches...then I finally got him into bed and DH decided he wanted to not only hog the bed but sleep damn near on top of me...I finally was able to roll him off and DS came back in and I realized he was running a fever..so I told him to hop on into bed with us. Needless to say I got ZERO sleep. I am super tired and cranky today. A nap is def going to be in order!
Ah cris the joys of oh and ds lol,
Hope lo is ok and not to poorly,
Good to hear that baby is moving around more, puts ur mind at rest doesn't it.
I'm doing ok, I think my opks are finally starting to change :happydance: didn't think it was going to happen, typically oh is off sick today so might not get a chance to bd if he's poorly. But fingers crossed I'll convince him lol.

All my beautiful children are well thank you (thank goodness) Henry is supposed to be having his very long hair cut tonight, so look out for pics on fb! I'm scared as I don't want it done but he has been confused for a girl so I guess it's time!
The weight loss isn't going quite so well, had a rubbish couple of weeks and lost incentive, did lots of comfort eating, so not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in but I am going to start again so hopefully not to much damage done xx

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