I've got my anti-witch spray!

My sister is still pregnant :( My nephew is due this Saturday the 16th...she will have a stress test on MOnday and then prob schedule an induction between 40-41 weeks

AFM- Nursery is done the only thing missing is the name over the crib. I have an u/s in 2 weeks to measure the baby and check position. Nothing else too exciting going on

Julie- hows it going bump buddy?

Nats- where are you in the process? just takign it easy this month right? When is the next appt?

Gemmy- when are you testing?

Haley- not long now!
You got it cris, no opks or anything this month! It's always the way though have had a shed load of ewcm the last few days! No bd ing though, well actually there was once on mon, but that's it, and I'd like to think that we will tonight just because its valentines day, nothing to do with baby making lol.
So am definitely not expecting a bfp this cycle!
Got a scan to check the womb on sat then test results next fri. So all exciting stuff,
Henry is going to be two next week and its killing me! He is growing so fast, learning a new word practically everyday and has now become a toddler! It's official he is no longer a baby! :cry::cry:

Cris can we see pics of the nursery please??

Gemmy is due af sat I think, am waiting on her posting with good news! Come on gemmy let this be your month :winkwink: xxxx
I promise I will post pics...I really just want to put the name over her crib so ti doesnt look so bare lol
I joined this group because i really liked the notion of "anti witch spray"! It just ain't working on me!! ;)

Definitely spotted today - tinge of red on the tissue paper. now wiping clean but this is typical me on 12do. so glad not to have tested though. i find that harder since the result on the tissue paper is instant but waiting, hopes up, staring, tilting tests can't do anymore.

Not feeling too down though. what is ment to be. onto cycle 14..... and getting dh to book his sperm test. my progesterone and clotting blood tests all came back normal. so need to get Dh sorted this week. i have another appointment 28th Feb which is when funny enough i should be ov .

Enjoy your valentines ladies x
Gemmy- I must have been using the wrong spray because it took me 15 cycles :( Dont give up and keep up the positive attitude!! It WILL happen!

The cycle i conceived was a releaxed one because we were goingto start fertility treatment the following month...knowing i had ruled out anything being "wrong" with us and that help was on the way must have relaxed me and lead to conception...good luck~
Gemmy- I must have been using the wrong spray because it took me 15 cycles :( Dont give up and keep up the positive attitude!! It WILL happen!

The cycle i conceived was a releaxed one because we were goingto start fertility treatment the following month...knowing i had ruled out anything being "wrong" with us and that help was on the way must have relaxed me and lead to conception...good luck~

Thank you for this wishin - it makes me feel a lot better. i will try a new spray ;) a more relaxed one. it helps knowing you conceived on cycle 15 as i am close to that and it seems like a lot of cycles now, just double figures is hard enough. thanks :hugs:
gemmy - :hugs:

Cris -- I'm bored.:haha: Waiting to close on our new place, still (Fannie Mae really needs to get their freaking act together. We're paying cash for the damn thing so this delay is ALL them, the seller). The anticipation of that is causing time to stand still for me. Finally got some newborn clothes washed and most of my hospital bag packed. Still haven't set up the crib. Don't even have a mattress for it. :wacko:
Julie- so no closing date? I thought it was scheduled for the 8th? Booo! I hate dealing with banks!

AFM- I am 34 weeks today. I know that 37 is full term but as soon as 36 weeks rolls around I am going to start trying to kick her out! I have a pretty busy week...work will be crazy and busy, I have parent teacher conference at B's school, and then Thursday I have an appointment to enroll him for pre-k. Apparently its a long process but I am so excited that hes finally going to big boy school even if its only half day. Hopefully in the middle of all this my nephew will decide to grace us with his presence. My sister is now 40w+2. She having a stress test today and then an appt and I guess they might schedule an induction date then? She did mention she felt a lot of pressure this morning so maybe thats a good sign?

Nothing much going on besides that...I thought I was ready but the one thing I havent done is pack a bag for DS because he will be staying at my parents' while im in the hospital. He doesnt have many pairs of pants left though he keeps ripping the knees on them from sliding around and I refuse to buy more pants when winter will be over soon and he will only wear them a month or two. I will prob start packing other stuff though so it wont be as much.

ok im done rambling....DS is at work with me today he woke me up last night with a fever so I cant take him to school....hes being a good boy and watching tv in the other room <3
Hey Hey ladies!!! Got some news for ya! I'm being induced tomorrow night and Cora will be here sometime on Wednesday!! If you're on Facebook ill be sure to post pics so you'll see her there. Yay!!! Got a few things to get done before tomorrow night so I'm gonna run but keep me in y'all thoughts! :)
Oh Haley, I am so excited for you! I remember the excitement and nerves the day before I was supposed to be induced, just knowibg she'll be in your arms sometime the next day! Take lots of pictures and kiss that baby from all of us! Can't wait to see her beautiful little face!
Good luck Haley!

Cris, it was scheduled for the 8th but the bank pushed it back because they said they didn't have enough time to get the "master deed" ready. Whatever that even means. Said it should be by the end of the month but that's like 10 days away now and we've heard nothing. Seriously getting irritated!

Nothing new here really. Starting to get some crampy BH contractions that I didn't have with Maisie. Every time I have one I get worried about preterm labor but I haven't had more than a few at a time. *shrug* I really feel like I don't have to worry about her coming early. If I had to bet, I'd bet I'll be kicking her ass out a solid 2+ months from now. But maybe that's because I was so convinced Maisie would be early I learned my lesson. Really not in a hurry this time with so much to do with moving and all. A bit uncomfy now but I know I'll be MUCH more uncomfortable for like a month after she's born so it's easier for me to get it done when she's still my little parasite. :haha:
Wow great news Haley! Good luck, will be stalking face book! How comes there inducing you? Xxxx
Haley- I was so exctied when I saw FB! I cant wait to see pics!!!

Julie- Im sorry they are being such turds...Im feeling really impatient mostly to get on maternity leave. Im so over working...no strong BH for me yet...I hope I dont go over 40 wks because that would really piss me off since I have been anticipating going early again.

My u/s next wed should show me how big she is and Im expecting that she wont be as big as DS...she has been measuring right on time whereas he was always a few weeks ahead. Besides that nothing eventful going on here...
oh- my sister is 40+3 and i asked her about induction and she got kind of pissy with me. At my Doctor's office they will let you induce at 39 weeks if the baby is ready so I was asking why her doctor hadnt already scheduled an induction...like not even before 40 weeks but like at her 39 week appt I think they should have had something scheduled...she got mad at me...whatever..I am just anxious to meet my nephew. Most likely she will be induced Sunday, but we wont know for sure until her next apt on thursday
If I got offered an induction earlier than 41 weeks, I'd take it! My doctor's office makes you wait till you are at minimum 41 weeks, and when I went to schedule it at 39+5, that 41 week date was all full, so they scheduled me for 41+1, and then she came on her own that day. However, I'm not keen to squeeze a 9+lb baby out of my lady parts again (my bladder may be forever damaged from her), so if I had the chance to get her out at 8 lbs I would have jumped at it! However, I had no idea she was that big as my belly was measuring 40 weeks at 40+5, and the last u/s was at 19 weeks.

Some people are weird about inductions though and will happily go 2 weeks over. I call them crazy, but they do exist! ;) Of course I was 100% my dates were correct, so if I had no idea, I may not be so eager to jump the gun and evict.
I'm not going to elect induction this time. I'm still irritated with myself that I did the first time at 40+5. I'm going to wait this one out as long as my OB office will let me (Which will be 42 weeks. And I will not be one to HAPPILY make it to 42 weeks. :rofl: You will all be getting an eye full from me on a daily basis if that happens. :winkwink:). They started offering with Maisie at 39 weeks but I'm personally not comfortable with that so I waited until I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. It's such a personal decision. So, Cris, try not to ask me about it when I'm 40+3. :haha: I'll be super uncomfortable and pissed that I'm still pregnant when you have like 4 week old as it is. :p
Lil, how big was maisie? Cause seriously, 9 lbs is no fun! God I think she probably would have been a csection had she waited til 42 weeks... o_O
At 40+3 they estimated her weight at 8lbs 1oz "give or take a pound." :haha: She was 7.12. I had a bad tear regardless because she rocketed out. :dohh: Wouldn't have mattered if she was 6 pounds or 10 pounds, I'm positive the tear would have happened with the way I delivered.

I'm not really concerned about baby's size this time. I mean, I'd prefer her to not be a 15 pounder or something, but I'm alright with the 6-10 range. I have a wide frame and birthin' hips so I'm not worried at all about a c-section for that reason. I'm actually much more worried about being pushed into a c-section due to a "failed" induction. That's so common. "Well, you've been in labor long enough. Haven't made enough progress. C-section time!" It's happened so several of my friends. No actual reason other than "you've been in labor long enough." No fetal or mama distress. :nope: Now some of them did have c-sections for very real medical reasons and I'd be okay with that if it happens to me. But so many of them were pushed into it because they didn't give birth quickly enough after their induction started (and in some cases I'm talking like 12 freaking hours and that's all! That makes me nervous because I was in active labor with Maisie for about 10.) and I just don't want to have to deal with being pushed into that if waiting may help me avoid it. :nope: I feel like although I had a very hard/painful labor with induction, I actually had a very smooth labor and delivery and I guess I'm afraid to press my luck with it again if there's a chance I can avoid it. :shrug: I have a few more reasons I want a more "natural" labor if possible (though I'll be honest and say and epi is probably happening :haha:) but I'll spare you all. :haha:
lol Julie....I know....I felt really bad about bugging my sister about it as I am sure shes already anxious enough and I wasnt helping the situation. She really doesnt want to be induced and is totally against it unless its for a medical reason. I keep forgetting that her circumstance is much different than mine was. I was already dialted and effaced when I was given the option...shes still at 0 and not dialted at all. So for her an induction would really be an ordeal at this point since they would be starting from scratch. I apologized to her last night and then tried to send her funny eviction notices to read to her belly.

I prob wouldnt elect to be induced either but ask me again if I go past 39 weeks and I might change my mind haha....I think Id be a complete bitch if I went to a full 40 weeks

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