IVF Cycle #1 - Anyone else?


Growing a Rainbow <3
Aug 16, 2013
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Hello, ladies. Just wanted to introduce myself.

My husband and are on CD6 of our first cycle of IVF and I'd love to make friends with other IVF'ers. I have PCOS, though we don't know why I haven't conceived yet. We timed things right every cycle for almost two years. That's 13 cycles of definite ovulation, including 4 medicated cycles, two with Clomid, one with Femara and IUI, and one with a Clomid/Femara combo. Nothing worked and we've been diagnosed as PCOS plus Unexplained Infertility.

Currently, we are in Prague in the Czech Republic and moved here last month for IVF. We are from the US and most recently were living in Florida, though we sold our house to pay for our treatment.

We've been told we have a 40-45% chance a cycle to conceive with IVF, so we are keeping our FX'd that it will work. For the first time I'm thankful that I have PCOS because my doctor says it's much easier for PCOS ladies to get a good number of eggs. Right now I have 21 follicles growing, so seems about right!

The last month has been like this:

July 16- Started on Provera to induce period due to longer cycle.
July 24- Arrived in Prague on my 9th day of Provera.
July 25- Intake Appt & U/S - Intake went well, but U/S found a cyst on my right ovary.
July 29- Started spotting but never got period. Spotted until Aug 4.
August 1- U/S found that cyst was still there. BW showed estrogen was too high to have proper period.
August 5- U/S found cyst getting larger. Doctor decided to rupture the cyst.
August 6- Doctor rupture the cyst. OWWWW!!!
August 7- U/S looks good. Got an injection to trigger AF.
August 11- AF finally arrived!
August 12- Started on IVF meds. 300iu a day of Gonal-f
August 16- Went in today for U/S. Found 10 follicles on my left ovary and 11 on my right. All ranging from 9mm-12.5mm. Very good news!

Tomorrow I start on Orgalutran to prevent ovulation and then go back in for an U/S on Monday (August 19). Our doctor thinks we'll trigger on either the 19th or 20th and do the ER on 21st or 22nd. We're planning to do a Day-5 Transfer of the one best blastocyst and freeze the rest, however many might make it that far.

If anyone else would like to share their story, that would be wonderful. :flower:
Good luck! I'm in the UK and we have our consultant appointment at the ivf clinic mid-September. Not really sure what to expect but I guess we will find out soon! I'm not on here that much anymore (too depressing thinking about ttc) but I stop by every so often. Keep us updated on how your ivf goes!
Thank, Mrs B. I hope your appt goes well.

I know what you mean about the depression. For me, that feeling has eased a bit now that DH and I are getting into the first cycle of IVF. I'm feeling a lot more hopeful (and social) now that we're actually doing it. I hope it goes the same for you and you get some relief! <3
Thanks :) To be honest I'm pretty numb to everything now... don't really have many feelings towards the whole thing (partly because when I do I just get down!). You never know, maybe once I start ivf I will feel better, like you do. Hopefully!

How you getting on with the drugs so far? That concerns me with ivf... I get fairly grouchy when I'm simply tired... no idea how bad I'm going to be to live with when I'm pumped full of ivf drugs!! :P
The meds actually aren't bad. I was very worried as well, but it has been a breeze so far.

I had a dreadful time on both Clomid and Femara- insanely sick, vomiting, hot flashes, flu symptoms, insomnia, mood swings (my husband called it psychosis...), the whole shebang. After a few cycles of meds, my doctor told me that the best thing to do would be to move to injectibles with either (another) IUI or with IVF since injectibles, though much more expensive, have fewer side effects. Since there wasn't much difference in price between IUI in the US and IVF in CZ, and since the success rate for IVF is so incredibly much higher, we decided to travel for IVF.

Today is day 6 of stims and I feel great. No side effects at all besides getting slightly weepy on the second night for all of five minutes. Well, and (TMI) so much EWCM that I need a tampon. But no hot flashes, no sickness, no yelling, no side effects at all really. Off and on I feel some slight pressure where my ovaries are, which should increase over the next few days before egg retrieval, but so far, it's a cakewalk. DH and I even BD'd yesterday without any pain and may do so again today. (Since ER/fertilization is this coming week, he needs to "clear everything out" today, and then abstain until collection.)

I'm using the Gonal-F pen @ 300iu a day, and it is so easy. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, half the time I don't even feel it. I'm adding in another injection today to suppress ovulation and the needle is the exact same size as the Gonal-F ones: Super tiny!
I'm glad you're finding it okay! It makes a change to hear that instead of the horror stories that seem to be all over the net! I've never been on any fertility drugs (in the UK, for unexplained infertility, the only treatment they do is go straight to ivf) so I'm not sure how I will react. Super tiny needles sound good to me... not looking forward to the injecting myself part!!
bunyhuny - Hi, How you doing? Im on similar boat as you. In fact we are on the same stage. I am currently doing IVF and I started the Gonal F injection on 7th August. I started Cetrotide injection from 12th August. I am taking both these injections daily. One in the morning and one in the evening. I had a scan on 16th August like you, the doctor said I have 3 follicles on the right and 6 on the left, the size were 10mm due to which now my Gonal F dosage has increased from 150 to 225.

My next scan is on 21st August which is 3 days away (I cant wait to finish with these injections and move on to the next stage)
I agree with you, Gonal F injection doesnt really hurt, sometimes you cant even feel it. Just once I felt it and it hurt bad but I think it was the way my position was.
Best of luck with your IVF, I hope you have a BFP and everything goes well. Keep us updated, good luck with your scan tomorrow. x
Mrs B - I was so scared actually I still am, of needles! I hate them! I hate injections. My husband gives the injections to me. Its not really that bad, I think the thought of needles inserted into the skin is more scary then the actual process.

As for depression, I know what you mean. Dont stress too much, take it easy. Iv had so many momments in my life were I was moody,angry,depressed,heart borken - Well I think we all have been. With me, taking all these medications and injections sometimes gets to me mentally. Sometimes I just cry over nothing - It just feels like a pressure and Im just so scared of if it doesnt work. Its a tough journey for all those who are TTC. Its alright to let out the tears and I think we have an excuse to be moody at times! :-P
Mrs B.- The injecting myself bit was definitely scary the first couple times I did it, but I got used to it with doing my trigger shots during my medicated cycles. The triggers we big needles into muscle, and those were definitely a bit scary. Then I had a progesterone shot I had to do a couple weeks ago and that one was really big. After all that, the teeny tiny Gonal-F needles just going into muscle are pretty much nothing at all. You'll be fine. I've found it easier to do them myself. DH was going to do them the first time and I chickened out right when he was about to do it. Just grabbed it from him and stuck it in as fast as I could. I was so surprised when it didn't hurt!! The great thing about doing it myself is I can control how fast I'm injecting the medication in. A lot of nurse inject too fast and that can make the shots hurt, but if you do it yourself, no pain at all, at least with the Gonal-F.

YearningHeart- Oh that is so neat that we're at the exact same place! Though, it does sound like you were started at a much lower dose than me. It always took me 10 days of Clomid or Femara to get follicles, so my RE started me on a high dose to make sure I'd respond well. If you have to do another cycle will they start you out on a higher dose? Oh, and which one is Cetrotide? Is it one of the anti-ovulation ones? I started on Orgalutran yesterday. The needle was slightly bigger than my Gonal-F one and I was a bit skittish with it. Didn't go fast enough and only got the needle part way in, kind of just poked myself. Anyway, I shrieked, pulled it out, realized what I'd done, and started laughing at myself. DH looked at me like I was crazy. So funny. Next try I didn't hesitate and it just went in, didn't feel it at all. Strangely, once I got the medication in and needle out, I could feel the medication under my skin. It felt icy and hot and itchy all at the same time. Stayed that way for maybe 15 minutes. So weird.... Is the Cetrotide like that?

*Update* Nothing new to report today. The pressure I was feeling in my ovaries on Friday and yesterday has subsided. The only thing I've noticed is some slight breast tenderness, but that has been going since I started the Gonal-F. Can't wait for my scan tomorrow. I'm really hoping to see some good follicle growth!
bunyhuny - Yeah I did start at lower dosage, I started at 150 then went up to 225. Sorry I didnt understand what you meant by 'next cycle'. I have PCOS, my right tube is blocked and I have been TTC for many years, looking at this the doctor put me on IVF straight away. I didnt have any clomid etc.

I hope my IVF does work out, if it doesnt then I will move on to IVF again the 2nd time. My eggs will be frozen in this IVF round, so if this IVF fails I will not need to do the injections/medications again as I will have eggs hopefully.

Cetrotidehas similar effects, the area goes red,ichy and sometimes looks like a rash for little while. Gonal F injection does not hurt but I find Cetrotide injection a little painful. I hate that injection!

Good Luck with you appointment tomorrow. I look forward to your update. xx
Thanks, YearningHeart. I am hoping my follicles have gotten nice and big and that I'll be able to trigger soon.

That is awesome that you were able to move right to IVF. DH and I have been doing the "doctor thing" for over a year now, so PCOS treatment with meds, first with timed intercourse and then with IUI. After non of that worked, they tacked on Unexplained Infertility to our diagnosis and we finally found out we needed IVF this past February. It took some time to financially make IVF possible, but now that we are here, we are VERY happy to finally be moving forward again- it had gotten to be a real downer for a while there.

So if you don't get your BFP this cycle, will you move straight into a frozen cycle? I know that many ladies take a break for a month or so before doing a frozen one, but DH and I have decided to do back to back cycles if we need to. We've been told we'll probably need 1-3 cycles total, so one fresh and then if necessary doing frozen. (Hoping for lots of blastocysts left over to freeze!)
bunyhuny -

My process with the specialist was also a year. I had to have several checks, 2 surgery's because the doctor thought I had a fibroid but luckily it turned out I didn't. Just those things kind of dragged for a year and then they said the best move for me is IVF.

As for what I will do if I dont get a BFP, ummm.. Im not sure, I most likely have a little break or might just start it again. It all depends on how I will be. Even now sometimes it feels hard to cope with.

I know IVF is a good thing for those who are struggle big time to conceive like me, but it just makes you emotional too. I dont know if thats how you feel too. I mean sometimes Im very happy and excited and sometimes I feel sad (Sad the fact that I couldn't conceive naturally) and I am feeling like this now I dont know how I will feel if I get a BFN nevertheless I keep saying to myself to be strong and be ready for any news weather it be good news or bad. I always pray it works for me and for all those heart broken ladies! xxx
Ugh, a whole year of testing. That sounds less than fun. I'm so happy that they're letting you move forward with treatment now. I can't even imagine waiting a whole year for assisted TTC.

I know what you mean about feeling down. When I got into my assisted cycles last year with meds and then IUI it was so hard, especially the BFN's. I ended up very depressed, couldn't even get myself out of the house. DH and I took a break from everything while we saved up for IVF, so from April until the start of this IVF cycle I was able to refocus on myself and and my husband. We visited family, took a mini-vacation, and really did everything we could to reduce the stress. The end of last month and beginning of this month were difficult because there were so many delays getting into the cycle, but once I finally was handed my Gonal-F shots, I just felt so much better. I don't know. I think deep down I always knew we would need IVF and now that it's here I just feel so relieved. I'm sure I'll be a wreck if I get a BFN this cycle, those BFN's always are so hard, but I think I'm prepared a bit better for it this time that usual. DH and I are going into this knowing full well that it could easily take more than one cycle, so I'm trying to look at this as a few month process, if that makes sense.

*Update* - Went in today for CD9 u/s. After 8 days of stims I have 20+ follicles all measuring between 17mm and 21.5mm. :happydance: I do two trigger injections tonight, one at 8pm and one at 9pm. DH and I have to be at the doctor's office with his "sample" at 7a on Wednesday, and as soon as that is turned in, we head upstairs so I can be prepped for the retrieval!
bunyhuny - Thats great! Glad to hear your follicles grew, not long left now. Take it easy, I hope it goes well for you and me!

I know what you mean, those BFN are so hard to take in. I actually never thought I would do IVF, I thought baby making is easy, just do the actions! The little did I realise!

I do understand what you mean 'This could be few months process' I keep saying to myself that be prepared for any news, dont have too much expectations. Everything is easy said then done of course. I feel as though my injection phase is just dragging. Today is day 13 of my injections. I have a scan on Wednesday I hope my follicles are grown to perfect size by then. I just cant wait for these injection phase to go. I dont know why but I am getting emotional when I take the injections, my poor lovely husband keeps comforting me and keeps telling me to stay strong but I can see in his eyes how badly he wants this to work. Everytime I see him I feel more of the want to have a child.
How long have you TTC by the way?

Keep us updated how your Wednesdays appointment goes? Looking forward to your update! xx
I think you shouldn't feel too bad about your follicles taking longer. From what I've been reading, the women who take a bit longer (12-15 days) to be ready for trigger tend to have healthier eggs than women who only stim for 8-11 days before trigger time (like myself). Not sure why, but maybe take it as a good sign that your eggs will be nice and mature and not rushed.

Um... so let's see. We've been trying just about two years now. (My new journal is in my siggy and has a breakdown of when we did what.) We were NTNP for a while before that. I charted my BBT while we were NTNP and we DTD at the right time about 4 cycles in the year before we were actively TTC.

It's been hard in many ways because we started actively "trying" just before we got married and our entire marriage has been revolving around trying to make a child. Before our first anniversary, we were already 2 Clomid rounds, a midwife, an OB/Gyn, an RE, countless ultrasounds and blood draws, and a HSG into fertility treatments. I really hope IVF works so that we can have some time to focus on each other again.

Things had gotten really tense between DH and me after our BFN in February (after our IUI). DH just didn't know how to help anymore, I was a disaster from 4 months of Clomid and Femara; it was awful, we were fighting a lot. I was so emotionally ripped apart by that point, I don't even have words for it, and DH is a very quiet, non-emotional guy, so there was a major disconnect going on.

Then we found out we'd need IVF and that was just another big drain on us; we had to sell our house just so we could pay for treatment. Luckily having to stop to sell the house and prepare to move overseas for IVF gave me time to recover from all the previous treatments.

I think a lot of the reason I'm feeling so positively now is because, though I'm feeling a little agitated from the hormones, I am not so incredibly sick as I was on Clomid or Femara. (My doctor said I had the worst side effect response to Clomid he'd ever seen, and he's been a fertility doctor for over two decades.) Just being able to get up out of bed and not immediately be sick is a blessing. I can't even begin to describe the nightmare that Clomid was.

I also really believe that IVF will work, something I didn't really believe with the timed/medicated cycles and with the IUI. They told us our chance at IUI success was only 10-20% per cycle, and I was so incredibly sick I just couldn't keep doing it. When we got our BFN that cycle it was just terrible. Looking at the future, I just could not do it anymore. I was so worn out. We did one last medicated cycle after that before I gave up and agreed to IVF.

With IVF, we've been told 40-45% chance per cycle at conception, and I'm not sick at all, so looking forward I know I can do more cycles of this if I need to, something I could not even fathom with IUI or Clomid/Femara. IVF is a cakewalk, a lovely, blissful cakewalk compared to the nightmare DH and I already had to deal with with previous treatments.
bunyhuny - Awwwwwwwww your story made me sad :-( I really pray this works out for you! You deserve this, well all ladies who are TTC do. Its so heart breaking to read stories from TTC ladies and what they go through.

What side effects did you get from clomid? It must of been really bad, At least its all over now and now you can focus on IVF.
Me and my DH also had few ups and downs, sometimes I would get snappy and moody (especially when someone annoys me about having babies or BFP announcements) and Im sure it would be hard for DH too so we used to argue. I found it hard at first because DH is very emotional person either so it would clash with me however sometimes he would be supportive. With this IVF, he has been so helpful, even when I get upset randomly or moody, he tries to cheer me up. I can see he wants this really badly. We have been TTC for over 5 years so wer just praying that our happy moment is close by.

Everyones struggle is different but theres always a sad story with those who are TTC. XXX
Oh, Clomid was just bad. I ended up literally bedridden for at least two weeks out of each cycle, and just plain sick the rest of the time. I had fatigue, nausea/vomiting, digestive issues, migraines, hot flashes, bloating, terrible flu-like symptom, I'd get so delirious that I'd start begging DH to tell me if I was dying, and so dizzy that I was running into walls and falling down a lot. And then on top of that, terrible, awful mood swings- screaming one minute, bawling the next, then sleeping again. Two cycles I got such bad insomnia that my sleep schedule ended up totally reversed and I couldn't fall asleep until 9 or 10 in the morning for a few weeks each time. I had to quit working. Just terrible. So very glad that I will never have to take Clomid again!

Anyway! Enough of that. :winkwink: I'm feeling great now and plan to (at least try) to stay that way. Last night I had some side effects from the trigger shot (exorcist-style vomiting, yay...) but that's all gone now and I'm feeling good. I have some prescription anti-nausea meds that my RE back in the States gave me (the pills also work as sleep aids, so double benefit). I took one of those last night, finally got my stomach settled, and then slept for, um, 15 hours? Yeah. All better now, though. ER in the morning! Very excited. Can't wait to hear how many eggs they get!

How are you feeling today? If you feel up to sharing more of your TTC journey, I'm all ears. 5 years is long time, so I'm very glad you're getting to do IVF now. <3
Thanks Mrs B- I'm so excited!!! I really hope everything goes well. Feeling super positive right now. :happydance:

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