UPDTE- Just stopping in. Need to go back to sleep. Just woke up and called the clinic to get the post-freeze report. Our 3AB blastocyst froze very nicely, AND our 3rd blastocyst, the one that we didn't think would make it, perked up to be a 3BB by freezing time! So TWO frosty babies
when we thought we would only be getting one! What a wonderful surprise! This cycle has really turned itself around!
bizzibii- 11 is still a very good number! Congratulations! I felt okay after the eggs retrieval, though I was really sore and uncomfortable. About 12 hours after the transfer I had to reach something on a high shelf in my kitchen and the stretch made my ovaries feel like they slid back into place. It was fantastic. Soreness decreased immensely and stayed that way. At 4dpER, I wasn't feeling sore anymore. DH and I attempted to dtd since after ET you have to wait a bit for that and we thought it would be nice after abstaining the last week. And it was nice- for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then my ovaries started getting achy and we had to stop. Oh well. Transfer was the next day (yesterday), with cramps and pressure after that, along with some very light spotting. Light pressure and soreness again today. I have a feeling I'm just going to be mildly uncomfortable for a while. Well worth it if we get our BFP.
bundlesofjoy- That's a wonderful fertilization rate.