IVF/FET in Aug'13' - Aug'14' buddies wanted!!*13 BFP's!!**Updates on first page**

Hanawanabump - I'm triggering at 9:30 tonight for a 9:30 Thursday ER!! I'm just hoping I can stay up until 9:30 tonight :-D
Hanawanabump & Chickadeee Good luck to you both for your EC on Thursday.

I triggered last night at 10.30pm and EC is 10.30am tomorrow, really getting nervous now.
I started with a full blown cold last night and didn't get a proper night's sleep. Taken paracetamol and tried to drink plenty of fluids. I have bought some breathe easy nose strips to hopefully help me sleep. Hoping it doesnt cause any issues for tomorrows EC, Im feeling much better now so hopefully all will be ok.

Really hoping it all goes well, my last scan on Monday showed my biggest follicle at 21mm and there are around 12 that range from 13-21mm. Here's hoping there's some good eggs in there.

Good Luck all x
My doc told me she just had someone who tested negative the day before beta and the beta came back positive the next day. So don't give up hope yet!! Fingers crossed for you, MeganScott and ababy!!
I am on my phone right now so won't be able to post much but I wanted to give you all an update. I tested again this morning (and actually checked it after 5 minutes). There was a faint line still but much lighter than yesterdays. And *TMI* I started having my pre-AF blood tinged discharge and cramps. I think what I saw yesterday must have just been lingering from the trigger. I'm not going to give up all hope yet but I think I'm out too.

Dovkav, so sorry to hear your news...
I am on my phone right now so won't be able to post much but I wanted to give you all an update. I tested again this morning (and actually checked it after 5 minutes). There was a faint line still but much lighter than yesterdays. And *TMI* I started having my pre-AF blood tinged discharge and cramps. I think what I saw yesterday must have just been lingering from the trigger. I'm not going to give up all hope yet but I think I'm out too.

Dovkav, so sorry to hear your news...

Dovkav, sorry to hear that.. hang in there! :hugs:

Prayerful - Yes, there's still hope. Fingers crossed for all of us!! [-o<

I'm having AF intensity cramps too for the last two hours. so add that to the migraine and it isn't looking too good. I'm like yo-yoing between - Maybe its a postive and uh-uh its over :dohh:
Hanawanabump & Chickadeee Good luck to you both for your EC on Thursday.

I triggered last night at 10.30pm and EC is 10.30am tomorrow, really getting nervous now.
I started with a full blown cold last night and didn't get a proper night's sleep. Taken paracetamol and tried to drink plenty of fluids. I have bought some breathe easy nose strips to hopefully help me sleep. Hoping it doesnt cause any issues for tomorrows EC, Im feeling much better now so hopefully all will be ok.

Really hoping it all goes well, my last scan on Monday showed my biggest follicle at 21mm and there are around 12 that range from 13-21mm. Here's hoping there's some good eggs in there.

Good Luck all x

I was in the same boat!! I started coming down with a cold and kept praying that it didn't interfere with EC. I took a couple cold tablets and a walk about 90 min before my check in. While I was a little stuffy, I was able to breathe well on my own (mostly through my mouth) and they went ahead. I fibbed a litte and said it was allergies. Mostly, they would have cancelled for upper respiratory infection.

AFM: EC went well. There were 8 follicles & six mature eggs. They will do ICSI and call tomorrow with a fertilization report. We drew the early freeze protocol, so they will be frozen tomorrow and some will be thawed next month for FET. FX!
Thats a very good count Hana, good luck!

ababy - I admire your courage. I'm too chicken to test it out, didn't even buy them tests... :nope:

Yes, you're right, you're prepared and you won't be as nuts and devastated :cry: as I will be on Thursday, despite the gut feeling that its over. I'm actually thinking maybe I should try testing tomorrow morning if I don't spot through the day today? Maybe... :-k

Be positive hon, and hang in there.:hugs: The FAT lady hasn't sung for either of us yet. And even if she does, this is only your first IVF attempt, it doesn't always work at first attempt. It WILL happen.:thumbup:

Thank you Megan :hugs:

Unfortunately it was our only attempt. We cannot afford another and if we wait to save it may be too late with my cruddy eggs. I just don't know what to do.

ababy - There's lot of options..(I just typed out a loooong reply, hit submit and dunno where it went??) I've done extensive research on what to do if my insurance coverage is out, because it is VERY expensive for IVF without insurance and I can't afford it at all.

I can't find my post anywhere, I'll just hold off and wait for your BETA test results, but suffice it to say, from Donor Sharing, to sharing your own eggs with another couple, there ARE other options to help you with finances. They also have loans with a refundable program if you don't achieve a successful pregnancy after 4 or 6 attempts with fresh and frozen cycles, and a lumpsum payment of 30k in total for everything.

Stay positive and hang in there!! :hugs:

sekky - My migraine won't go away either, and movement makes it worse, sensitive to sound, light, touch... Ugh!

TeeinAZ, Jessica - Thank you for the encouragement ladies! I hope the frozen one takes if this fresh one fails!!! Half the day is gone, and one more day to get through. Thursday is OTD !!!

Your earlier post got put into the moderation cue (not sure why but probably a word that has been filtered before you reach a certain number of posts due to past advertising.) Anyways I've approved your post so that the information is there for others (it's on the previous page).
Update: Saw some spotting accompanied with severe AF like cramps. Its eased for now, but lets see how the night and the rest of the day tomorrow progresses. AF seems to be finally here, like the symptoms indicated.

I guess its over for me, ladies :cry:
ababy - I know what you mean about the expenses, it IS crazy expensive! But you're just 28, so you can't be out of time hon, you do have a few fertile years ahead of you right?

I have insurance, and in New Jersey IVF is covered by insurance upto a max of four retrievals in my lifetime, which I've already used up two of. We can't afford a single cycle on our own without insurance, so I was looking up options of what to do with respect to :
a) Donor Eggs (If all my fresh and FET cycles fail)
At most clinics, the compensation paid to a donor is about 8k per cycle, plus matching costs and testing costs for another approx 2k.

Additionally you'd have the IVF cycle cost for her to go through stims (you pay for meds) and retrieval (you pay for that too) and subsequent fertilization with DH's sperm and transfer.

I rejected that idea as too expensive... the donor has to be a healthy female age 21-31 yrs and I don't know anyone I could ask to even save the 10k, let alone pay the remaining expenses from pocket.

b) Donor Sharing Cycle
Some clinics have a program where you can share a donor with another couple who has chosen the same donor, and therefore, reduce your expenses by about 40%-50%. What that also means is that the number of eggs she produces, you get half of them. If you're lucky, she makes 32 eggs, if you're unlucky she makes 4 and you're screwed... a lot of couples opt for it, but I decided it wasn't for me.

c) Self Egg Donation
Now from a donor's perspective, there are some clinics that let a donor go through IVF for free if she donates half of her eggs to another couple, she doesn't get compensation but she gets free IVF in return for sharing her eggs.

If you're making decent eggs and are in that age range (which I believe you are) you could easily donate your eggs - half of them, that is, and get IVF for free. Although the desired age range is 21-31, i saw some donors aged 38 too, looking for a free IVF cycle.

If out of options, this could be one to consider too, especially if you're keen on IVf using your eggs rather than a donor's, but have trouble with finances. I will probably opt for it if I am out of tries and nothing else has worked...

d) Experimental IVF : When some new fertility drugs are being tested, they offer IVF free in return for willingness to use their drugs. Not an exciting option, but one on the checklist if I'm desperate enough, I guess...

I just thought I would put this out for you to think of, and not think of it as a dead end...

Sekky - Same here with the migraine, I can't even stand, movement makes it worse.. Ugh!! If that bitch AF is on her way, why doesn't she come already! I'm already in surrender and defeat...

Teein AZ, Jessica - Thank you ladies for the encouragement! If this one fails, I do hope the FETs work and I don't use up my remaining retrieval attempts!! I still have the bruises on my belly from the stim shots!!

Lovely info and I appreciate it so very much :)

Problem is, I have DOR, and the eggs I do have seem to be very poor quality most likely from the endometriomas. My AMH is at 0.94 so even though I am 28 my ovaries are in their 40s :cry:
I did see that the University of North Carolina offers a trial IVF but it still costs money and my clinic right now our fresh cycle meds and everything was $7600
Prayerful and Megan~ Is it possibly implantation?!?!??

AFM- I feel AF coming on still, tomorrow is 14 days since my trigger shot and I expect to see her. Certainly not a welcome visitor but what can ya do? I hate the thought of going in for blood work and being on my period. That is just like a kick right in the ovaries...
Jessica- Nice outcome! How are you feeling?

Megan- So sorry! At least you have some frozen..

I can't keep up with this Board. I'm trying to go through all the posts

AFM- My report. My one follie on the right is 18.5 mm. The ones on the left are 10, 12 and 13... so it doesn't look good for me right now. I think I proceed with ivf for that one and save it for a FET.

Hanawanabump & Chickadeee Good luck to you both for your EC on Thursday.

I triggered last night at 10.30pm and EC is 10.30am tomorrow, really getting nervous now.
I started with a full blown cold last night and didn't get a proper night's sleep. Taken paracetamol and tried to drink plenty of fluids. I have bought some breathe easy nose strips to hopefully help me sleep. Hoping it doesnt cause any issues for tomorrows EC, Im feeling much better now so hopefully all will be ok.

Really hoping it all goes well, my last scan on Monday showed my biggest follicle at 21mm and there are around 12 that range from 13-21mm. Here's hoping there's some good eggs in there.

Good Luck all x

I was in the same boat!! I started coming down with a cold and kept praying that it didn't interfere with EC. I took a couple cold tablets and a walk about 90 min before my check in. While I was a little stuffy, I was able to breathe well on my own (mostly through my mouth) and they went ahead. I fibbed a litte and said it was allergies. Mostly, they would have cancelled for upper respiratory infection.

AFM: EC went well. There were 8 follicles & six mature eggs. They will do ICSI and call tomorrow with a fertilization report. We drew the early freeze protocol, so they will be frozen tomorrow and some will be thawed next month for FET. FX!
ababy - I'm 8dp5dt, isn't it too late to be implantation? I thought by this time the follies are supposed to have nicely attached and letting off HCG which you can test with HPTs..?? I know you can bleed and still be pregnant, but hell, this feels like a regular period... all the typical symptoms I have every month, from the migraine to the cramping... all identical, month to month my whole life. I do have a glimmer of hope but that's only a hope for a miracle at this stage :( I've only spotted a bit, but I'm expecting it to turn into a full bleed by this time tomorrow. Those rare cases you hear of where they bled but were still pregnant... No such luck for me... (sigh)

I still have to go through another full day before OTD, and its going to be just like you described: a kick in the ovaries, going for Beta while bleeding :(
It is too late to be implantation bleeding for me too. Implantation should have happened last Wed through Fri. I still have hope. I showed DH my test strips tonight and he said they both looked positive too but my last Ovidrel was only 8 days ago so it could still be that. I haven't had anymore bloody discharge since work today. I'm just putting it all in God's hands.

I hope you are wrong about AF coming ladies!
Can I just say, this all really super sucks. I have terrible mood swings more so lately I go from sobbing uncontrollably to just plain pissed off!! Right now, I am so angry.

Yet another lovely sign AF is coming...
Hi ladies! I'm responding from my cell phone as I'm currently out of town for work. It's hard to catch up on my phone. Congrats to everyone who has shared good news lately. Hugs to those who did not find success this cycle. Those who are still waiting for their betas, hang in there! :hugs:

Question: How long after PGS/PGD are eggs transferred? Will the fresh ones be frozen? Ill ask clinic and share what they say, but thought I would ask you ladies as well...

We did PGS after my second ER. 4 of my 6 fresh cycle embryos were biopsied as day 5 blasts, and my two previously frozen embryos were thawed and biopsied that same day. The remaining two fresh embryos were left until day 6, but they didn't make it. We had the option of doing a fresh transfer on day 6 or freezing all of them on the day of the biopsy and doing a FET. I think it depends on whether the lab offers next day biopsy results (more $). We opted to do a FET as my previous 5 day (fresh) transfer of two top grade embryos was unsuccessful. The hope is that my uterus is more receptive without the extra drugs in my system. Truth be told, my body felt more pain after my second ER, and I was dealing with a fever in the days following the procedure, so I wouldn't have wanted to do my transfer while feeling so yucky anyway.

My RE initially told me that I would be able to do the FET about 5 weeks after ER. That would have actually been this week, but I had to delay it for a week due to my business trip.

ababy4us, don't give up. I'm praying that you find success with this cycle. If for some reason things don't work out, and you are able to find a way to do another cycle, don't give up hope. I'm also 28, and my amh is lower than your level (.64 or .67 - I can't remember at the moment). I don't know yet if we will find success, but I'm hopeful. My point is that you might get more embryos the next time. My doctor had me on a variety of supplements/vitamins to help with egg quality before my ER. Perhaps there are things that can help with your egg quality. In any case, :hugs:.
Is still early so keep positive. I have everything cross for you. With my ectopic pregnancy I had a negative test 12 days post 5 transfer and at 7 weeks blood test showed high beta as in normal pregnancy.

Thinking of you. X

Did it show negative in blood test?

Megan in UK most of the clinics don't do blood test and unfortunately this is why I lost a good tube and I had 6 weeks of work with a full C section. It was my first IVF so I only tested once as the failure was too hard. But it gets easier with consequent IVFs.
Thank you for all the replies! It really has flown by as i had my scan yesterday and she measured 5 or 6 on my left ovary (after having 100iu Gonal F for 4 1/2 days) and she said there was 'more' on my right. Which felt totally correct it seems as though my right ovary has been in overdrive! She asked to see me again on Friday afternoon and tonight at 8pm (in Australia here so time is different to many of you guys) i will be starting my 'night injections' (which i believe is the blocker). She thinks EC will be on MONDAY! so not too far away!

I really thought 100iu was very low compared to others I've seen but apparently its working!
I do have another question for anyone that is keen to answer - how many Frozen embryos did you have after your cycle? I am really hoping to have a few so i don't have to go through this again (wishful thinking eh?)
Hanawanabump - I'm triggering at 9:30 tonight for a 9:30 Thursday ER!! I'm just hoping I can stay up until 9:30 tonight :-D

Did you manage to stay awake?! ;-)
How are you feeling? My stomach is so heavy and bloated, ready to get a move on now! Xx

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