Oh MeganScott -
try not to focus on the negative (although I know it's hard!!!)... Wow, the end of November? Honestly, it will be here before you know it!!
We are looking at another 5 weeks minimum, and there's no respite shots-wise, cos Lupron is daily injections in the belly, and Delestrogen will be intra-muscular twice a week, and once the progesterone starts, well PIO shots- intramuscular - DAILY!!
They've given me a schedule until November 17th, and if all goes according to plan until then, we are looking at ET a week after that, So the earliest is probably Monday / Tuesday of the following week, i.e. Nov 25/26
(Sigh) Why wasn't I born "normal"?
Update: So we had our appointment with the RE today, and he also performed a trial transfer and a saline sonogram... Everything looks fine in the uterus, he said.
As for the hcg infusion before ET, he doesn't want to attempt it this cycle. He is of the opinion that it is still experimental and not entirely a proven practice. There is apparently a stream of belief among some REs that adding any liquid to the uterus along with embryos could actually interfere with implantation. He's not entirely sure it helps, so he wants to perform the first FET without it. He did indicate though, that if the FET didn't work, he would certainly want to try and experiment with something new / different that we haven't tried before, since conventional therapy would have failed until then. We've trusted him so far, and he has good reviews. We're not entirely sure what to do, still debating on whether we ought to insist he does the HCG thingy or do it his way...
We have five frozen snowbabies, and he also asked us to be prepared that there was an off chance that NONE of them would survive thaw!!! That's a terrifying thought!!! I don't want to lose ANY of the five we have frozen!! OMG does that really happen to anyone?? Now I'm going to be a nervous wreck right up until ET (which is probably going to be sometime in the last two weeks of November) because I won't know until THAT day morning at 11am about the thaw results
Just when you think its going to get easier, it gets hard!
I'm glad to hear that your appointment went well and that your uterus is looking good.
I completely understand the hesitation in trying something experimental. If I was in your situation, I'd probably go with the recommendation of your RE. I pretty much go with whatever my RE thinks is best (she's awesome), and regardless of the outcome, I at least feel that whatever we ended up doing was right for us. I do know that she's had success doing it for other patients, and for whatever reason, our last (fresh) transfer of a 5AA and a 4AA didn't work for us. Either way, I'll definitely keep you posted on the results of our transfer, which I'm praying works!
I had similar antsy feelings about the thaw of our embryo -- we only had 4 normal frozen ones (the abnormal ones are still frozen for the time being -- my doctor didn't want the lab messing around with our embryos any more than necessary). The thing that helped keep me a little sane was knowing that the lab was able to successfully thaw my two previously frozen embryos for the PGS biopsy and then refreeze them. Of course, one of those two that were refrozen is among our set of normal embryos (the one boy we have), and the thought of it not making a second thaw is scary. Try not to think about the "what-ifs" if you can. I'm sure your snow babies will do great!
You're lucky they did the PGS to check for chromosomal abnormality.. if I may ask, what was the additional cost for PGS? Was it covered by insurance?
I'm pretty sure our insurance doesn't cover it, and I know that IVF NJ does perform PGD but I'm not sure they have the facility for PGS? And I'm not sure if we can afford it either...
I read their website and they've indicated that embies thawed cannot be refrozen, so im not entirely sure if its possible to do a PGS / PGD now that they're already frozen... its so complicated, isn't it?
Megan - Gosh didnt know that none survivng the thaw would be a possibility
really hope that isnt the case for you
Its good that you RE will try the HCG infusion if this next one fails, some dont want to try anything different at all. You have a long wait till your FET - do you have any plans for the rime inbetween then and now? I hope the time flies by for you
Thanks hon, its scary to think of the possibility that you'd be spending 6-7 weeks in preparing your uterus for FET and face the day with nothing to transfer!!
Yeah, the RE says that each embie has a 90% chance of surviving thaw, and even though I've got 5 frozen, its theoretically and mathematically possible that NONE of them survive.
He says its not likely that it would happen, but its possible, and that's beyond anyone's control
I have like atleast 5-6 weeks until ET. I'm wondering about acupuncture and if that will help...? I've also heard of fertility yoga (a school friend of mine went to fertility yoga classes in Chicago and conceived naturally at the end of her course, after almost 4 years of TTC) but I'm in Northern NJ and I have to do some research about what's close by and doable locally here...
Not sure how I'm going to keep busy until then... There is a lot of shots and monitoring in between, but I'm not so worried about that, cos' I've always had a thick cushy lining every time, 9.5 and thereabouts, WITHOUT all the focused effort on just the uterus readiness... I AM mortally afraid of the embies failing to survive thaw, that's where egg quality plays a role, and I don't feel so hot and confident about that anymore!