We have noticed that couples have lots of questions after the embryo transfer, mostly non medical ones but nevertheless very important for their peace of mind. Below you can find the results in Q&A form
Is bed rest after embryo transfer improving my chances of conception? We could not find any study to verify that conclusion, and our own experience so far says that it does not improve success rates. There are 2 studies that even suggest it reduces the chance of implantation.
Can I exercise after embryo transfer? only 1 study exists on this topic, which failed to reach a conclusion. You will feel bloated and tired after a fresh IVF cycle, so even your normal activities will be uncomfortable. You should not push yourself to go out of your comfort zone, there is no evidence it will help.
I have spotting/pink discharge/red discharge few days before the date of the pregnancy test. Does this mean the cycle has failed and the pregnancy test will be negative? By NO MEANS do the above symptoms mean a failed attempt, so stay on your meds and inform your clinic. Empirically we call this "implantation bleeding", which again is an inaccurate and confusing term. Scientists are suspecting that bleeding could be a sign of your body needing more progesterone support, so some clinics will ask you to increase your progesterone, while others will keep you on the same dose. They will advise you if you need to stop the blood thinners.
My clinic asked me to come for a pregnancy test 10 days after a blastocyst transfer or 12 days after a day 3 transfer. Isn't it too early to test before 2 weeks are complete? The pregnancy test should be correct if 14-15 days have passed from the day the egg and the sperm were introduced. This would be the day of your egg collection. This is why the date of the test varies.
Why some clinics ask for BHCG, while others rely on a simple Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT)? BHCG is more accurate, and allows follow up in 48hours to see if the levels are almost doubling as they should. UPT is slightly less accurate and does not allow follow up, but it is very cheap and convenient, especially for couples that do not have easy access to a medical lab.
Is there anything i should not be eating after the ET?
You can follow your normal diet. Increased protein intake can help if you have had a fresh cycle and a high number of eggs collected, or you are at a risk of OHSS. Avoid uncooked or very spicy food that can upset your stomach or cause vomitting or diarrhea. Food temperature ie v hot or v cold should not affect your chances of implantation.
Does stress affect my success rates?
There is evidence now that psychological stress levels affect the success rates so try to alleviate that factor as much as possible. Read books, go to the cinema or walks, go back to work to keep your mind occupied as long as you dont have a stressful job! And try to remain positive.
Stay off the internet which can be filled with alot of irrelevant and incorrect info. Ask your clinic questions rather than self inform. This will help not to stress you anymore than you might be.
Remain positive. The hard work is done.