Star, so sorry that you have such a hard time being heard at your office. It is always such a hard decision in what to do between fresh and frozen. Each have their benefits and there is no crystal ball. If I would have known what my situation I would have transferred fresh.
Merry, good luck on your scan.
Afm I am on day 6 of shots and the first scan went awesome. Eleven follicles and wait for it lining 7.5!!!! I am trying to contain my excitement because it was tilted down and last time they measured it that way is was artificially measured 2 mm higher than it really was. I start my Cetrotide and HGH today (so a total of 4 inj...ouch), and back to scan on Tuesday. So far looks like it am tracking about a day ahead from my last cycle so my trigger on Sat! The plan is to transfer the one good one and pgs the rest.