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IVF/FET May and June

Star, so sorry that you have such a hard time being heard at your office. It is always such a hard decision in what to do between fresh and frozen. Each have their benefits and there is no crystal ball. If I would have known what my situation I would have transferred fresh.

Merry, good luck on your scan.

Afm I am on day 6 of shots and the first scan went awesome. Eleven follicles and wait for it lining 7.5!!!! I am trying to contain my excitement because it was tilted down and last time they measured it that way is was artificially measured 2 mm higher than it really was. I start my Cetrotide and HGH today (so a total of 4 inj...ouch), and back to scan on Tuesday. So far looks like it am tracking about a day ahead from my last cycle so my trigger on Sat! The plan is to transfer the one good one and pgs the rest.
You've got this, Mdc. I'm cheering you on all the way to PUPO and then to pregnant! We'll be nauseous and swollen together before too long:) xxx
Whoo hooo Mdc - making progress already and it should be here before you know it. I'm so curious how you do on the HGH and I want to know if you think it helped as you proceed. I'm really interested in possibly trying that as well.
Star, so sorry that you have such a hard time being heard at your office. It is always such a hard decision in what to do between fresh and frozen. Each have their benefits and there is no crystal ball. If I would have known what my situation I would have transferred fresh.

Merry, good luck on your scan.

Afm I am on day 6 of shots and the first scan went awesome. Eleven follicles and wait for it lining 7.5!!!! I am trying to contain my excitement because it was tilted down and last time they measured it that way is was artificially measured 2 mm higher than it really was. I start my Cetrotide and HGH today (so a total of 4 inj...ouch), and back to scan on Tuesday. So far looks like it am tracking about a day ahead from my last cycle so my trigger on Sat! The plan is to transfer the one good one and pgs the rest.

Sounds as though we're both seeming like at the same point iv my scan on Wednesday hoping for trigger for sat too

Sorry girls if u feel like iv jumped Iv been following this thread for a while now cheering everyone from the Dark shadows here
Thanks ladies!

Ellie, I hope you are right!

Bronte, I will let you know! It was an extra 1000 so hopefully we get at least one more.

19, yeah...IVF buddy! Best of luck. Are you doing a fresh transfer?
Mdc - If it helps me get to one embryo - it would be worth it for me! The first one was useless for me and a lot more money, so what's an extra $1,000 at this point :) (kidding, kind of)

19 - welcome and good luck as you are starting!
Bronte unfortunately I feel you there. Percentage wise 1k is a drop in he bucket. Gulp!
Thanks bronte, I read all about your recent frustration I'm so sorry 🙏 x

Indeed I am Mdc this is my third fresh :) getting so close now. It's all been smooth running so far tho just need to get past this next bit now as easy
Good luck merry Mary with the scan. I hope you have no cysts and are ready to go for your mild IVF cycle!

Mdc- awesome that you are making progress w lining. Follies looking good too. That's great. I'm not sure what hgh is. I'll looks it up. Hope it does wonders and you get a bunch of lovely frosties w a great embie for transfer!

19 - welcome and fx for your upcoming IVF! Hope everything goes well. Good luck!

survived retrieval. I have a low pain threshold so felt very uncomfortable after ER. They had to give me some extra pain meds via IV after the procedure. Took about another hour for the pain to be something Tylenol could manage. They got 22 eggs. That's a lot, but doc said there is an inverse relationship between quantity and quality. So the coming days will tell us more. We decided to do FET bc doc does not subscribe to the theory of aggressive supplementation during the luteal phase after triggering w Lupron. So it does not make sense for me to do a fresh without the hormone support. I'll have to wait it out. Give my body some time to rest. I'm totally wiped out. Apparently they had to give me more than the usual anesthesia bc I kept moving about. So I'm just really tired.
Star - so glad you had a good retrieval and are doing well for the most part. Sounds like a FET might be a good decision though for now so you can give your body extra time to recover especially since you stimmed for awhile.

Really hope you have some good eggs. 22 is a lot to work with so even if all of them aren't quality you should still have lots that are.

Good luck. When do you get your next report on fertilization and how they are progressing?
Good morning ladies! My scan went great - all the cysts are gone! Woot! Have a lead follie and about 2-3 more that could catch up. I have another scan on Wednesday and will start Gonal F that evening. Feeling a lot more over my jet lag today which helps greatly. Not being able to use caffeine as a crutch has been rough! There are goodbye drinks at work tonight and already have my excuse in place for why I will have to skip it. Instead, I have an acupuncture appointment. All and all - very excited for this round!

MDC - Very happy to hear about your progress! You've got this!

Star - sounds like a great retrieval. Sorry you are having a lot of pain. Looking forward to hearing how all those eggs faired.

19 - welcome!
Lots of excitement on here! Good luck everyone. I'm reading along and cheering you all on. Xx
Star - 22 eggs is a great number. I hope you get a positive fert report. Keep us updated.

Merry, 19 and MDC - so happy to hear your good news.
merry mary - congrats on no cysts! that is such wonderful news. I went in for a scan once and got the news that i had to wait like 6 weeks b/c of cysts. so i am so happy you are ready to go for this cycle! good luck!

arm - Thank you all for the support.

So i found out today that out of the 22, 20 were mature and 17 fertilized. next update from the clinic will be on thursday where we find out the day 3 number. my fx. hoping for good news.

and yea, my body did have to go through the stems for so long so i am glad it will get to rest some. I’m taking prometrium right now for 10 days.

with FET cycles, are there a lot of appointments? or not as many as with stim cycles?
Star - great news on fertilization!! And with a FET you have a lot less to go through! Do they have an estimate of when you might do?
Bronte - im hoping the news is still good on thursday (day 3). i asked how long it would take to do the transfer (assuming we have good ones by day 5) and she speculated it would be in a month, but that it could be two months. she said it all depends on whether or not i have any cysts. last time i had around this many follies growing i had to wait like 2 months before starting again. she said it might not take as long b/c this time we did retreival and last time b/c it was an iui cycle, i didnt trigger and we canceled the cycle and just waited for them to go down naturally. so its possible that the trigger and the retrieval will speed up the process. we won't know until i get scanned on day 2 or day 3 of AF (i think thats when the scan would be).
Star, congratulations that is a load of embies! For FET it was a super easy schedule. Take Estrace, go in for a lining check a couple times and then pop the embies back in. Best of luck!

Merry glad you got the go ahead! Good luck with the scan tomorrow.

I should have known my liking was too good to start out. I guess the tilting my can really affect the lining. So we are now at a 4.7. Still a while to go yet so hopefully there is still time. I have 12 follies now with a huge lead that we will likely sacrifice for more little ones (average 11.5 now) and give the cushy lining more time to grow. Man this never gets any easier!

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