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IVF/FET May and June

thank you bronte. i don't think they will check my follies b/c its over the weekend. im going to inquire at the very least about the bloods. maybe i can go to a lab over the weekend. but unfortunately they wont check my follies :(
thank you bronte. i don't think they will check my follies b/c its over the weekend. im going to inquire at the very least about the bloods. maybe i can go to a lab over the weekend. but unfortunately they wont check my follies :(

Well that's frustrating. How do they know if you are ready to be triggered then? I guess I should be thankful my clinic does weekend and holiday hours then; I thought that was standard.
thank you bronte. i don't think they will check my follies b/c its over the weekend. im going to inquire at the very least about the bloods. maybe i can go to a lab over the weekend. but unfortunately they wont check my follies :(

Well that's frustrating. How do they know if you are ready to be triggered then? I guess I should be thankful my clinic does weekend and holiday hours then; I thought that was standard.

Your clinic is great doing weekend hours. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Sunday was a better time to do retrieval and bc it's a weekend I'm being pushed to Monday.

Did any of you get tender breasts during stim phase? I think this must be from ganirelix bc it's never happened to be before when using gonal-f. The ganirelix is the only thing new so I'm thinking that must be why.
Here is a webpage that addresses the problems with Lupron trigger and hormone support.


Thank you for the feedback! Did you do progesterone injections or were you taking progesterone suppositories? Can you tell me what support you did after your lupron trigger?

I took a Lupron trigger and two low doses of Novarel (HCG). I *think* I took one HCG dose the day of retrieval and day of trigger. For hormones I was on estrogen 2mg tablets orally three times a day and progesterone injection. If I did a HCG trigger I would have stopped the estrogen with a positive beta but because the Lupron trigger I had to take the estrogen through week 9-10.
Star - I had tender breasts the entire time and have heard lots have on Follistim and Gonal-F even with IUIs. Even if you didn't get them before with your IUIs you should still be stimming more now and because they are controlling your ovulation with the Ganirelix I think you get heightened ovulation symptoms. Completely normal!
Hi all!
I've fallen behind in everyone's posts!
For time off after retrieval, my clinic tells me to take 10 days off and I did that both ivf cycles.

We are prepping for our FET. I'm in my second month of bcp, and had an endometrial scratch today. For the record, that's my 4th. It wasn't too bad, because it wasn't diagnostic they didn't take as much tissue as other times.

Hiker... I'm so sorry about your negative. I hope you can get some answers at your Wtf appt.
Time - good luck. Really hope the FET works. Around when might the actual transfer be?
time - good luck!

Bronte - glad too know the tender breasts are normal.

rq120 - did your progesterone injections hurt?

afm - i had my appointment today. i had 2x23mm, 2x21mm, 1x20mm, a couple of 19s, 18s and more in the 15-16s. i was surprised that they still want me to do an fsh dose tonight b/c some of my follies are pretty big already. she said they want me to do it b/c it will give the 15-16s some room to grow more. unfortunately, i am not going to get to trigger with ovidrel. i was disappointed. doc says she highly recommends just doing retrieval this cycle and doing an FET next cycle. what sucks about that is that i would have to pay 5K for an FET. i wish i could have just done an ovidrel, but my e2 was like 3600 and given that they are still having me stim one more day, its going to be even higher so its too risky. we asked if she recommended at least doing a transfer and she said again that she doesnt b/c lupron lowers the chances of pg. i told her that i have heard of people getting bfps with lupron in part b/c they did progesterone injections and took estrogen during the luteal phase. and she said she does not do progesterone injections b/c they are too painful and not clinically proven to increase chances (yet everything i have read says that they do - that lupron only lowers chances if this is not done). she told me she does not give estrogen supplements b/c its not proven to work. again, the things ive read say the opposite. maybe i'm just being paranoid, but part of me is thinking that they just want me to pay an extra 5K for FET and thats why they are saying not to do the transfer. and maybe thats why they dont give people the support they need. im not paranoid in other areas of my life, but this is one area where i am.

i also am generally not feeling well b/c i hate how weak i am with the doctor and the nurses. i dont really advocate for myself and make everything worse. for ex, this morning i thought my doctor was out for the day (turns out i was wrong) and so i was scheduled to see this other doctor. he was late and so i said i had to have the nurse scan me b/c i had already been waiting for 30 mins. nurse did the scan, but i felt disappointed that i hadn't seen a doctor. the other doc walked in as the scan finished and asked if i felt comfortable with the scan and i said well you could do the scan too if you think thats best and he was like no im sure nurse did it okay. after i left i felt annoyed with myself for not just having some strength to say yes i want you to do the scan. anyway, i went to work and was all stressed about this. couldnt even work. i thought to myself this is a big deal, and the nurse did the scan, not sure if she did it right, especially b/c she told the doc the lead follie was 21mm wherease she definitely told me it was 23mm. so i called the office back and asked if i could go again since i found out my doctor would be there today. they said okay and i went, but the nurse and doc seemed annoyed. it just doesnt feel good to be around people that seem annoyed with me. we also had more questions tonight and called doc and again she seemed annoyed. i just wish that i had the experience that others have at their clinics where its more supportive. i read an article today too about how there are a lot of people who are confident in other areas of their life but not with doctors. so it seems to be something others experience too. im always scared that they are annoyed with me and that takes up so much of my energy.

anyway - so trigger saturday, retreival monday, and then i have to decide whether to take their advice about transfer. we can either freeze all or if there are many of them, roll the dice and do a transfer even though doc says its lower chances.
Star - that's a shame. You should feel comfortable with your office.

As far as the PIO shots I found that if I warmed the vial very well ahead of time then they weren't that bad. Unfortunately I started reacting to them a few weeks after starting. I started to get hives and welts that took weeks to go away. They were very itchy. I then transitioned to the vaginal progesterone and completed my therapy using that.
Star - I'm so sorry to see this. I've unfortunately had bad experience with doctors/ultrasound techs in the past that failed to see I had a ruptured tube and I ignored some clear warning signs after that and it caused extensive damage. I always get second and third opinions now. Or do more research. Once you have a bad experience it makes it very hard to trust doctors in general.

Even my nurse practioner mother told me yesterday that generally the patient does most of the work in regards to their care. Which frustrates me but it's true that there is going to be no better advocate then yourself.

Where are you located? In the US, UK, elsewhere?

Where I'm at I actually didn't even see a doctor except for retrieval. Everything else is handled by the nurses and ultrasound techs and then I got a phone call about any medication changes after the doctor reviews later.

So I wouldn't be too worried about having the nurse do a scan as opposed to the doctor. However it has been proven that each person that does an ultrasound will measure differently. My doctors office takes that into account though I don't know how they can be sure.

I believe frozen transfers are better in general and to be honest since you have PCOS you are at more risk for OHSS in general. It sounds like they are being super cautious. But you have to do what you can afford and are comfortable with. You are the patient.

Every doctor has different opinions on when to trigger and unfortunately you won't know if it was the correct one until you are through with this cycle. That's why it's often thought that the first IVF cycle is a "test" one to see how you respond. It's so hard to deal with though.

I'm sorry you are having a tough time. None of this stuff is easy. But you are almost to retrieval and doing great.

Really try not to compare your situation to others because the doctors (no matter how annoying) have more info about your specific case and are trying to make the best suggestions for you specifically.

Really hope you get some good eggs and get a baby from that bunch!
Jeez star, I can't imagine being made to feel that way. This process is a lot to go through - the staff should always do their best to make sure your needs are being met. You're paying out of pocket - at the end of the day they're providing a service, an expensive one at that. You should most definitely get what you're paying for which I'm sure doesn't include their attitudes. I completely understand how this brought you down. I get that way too when I'm face to face with doctors, but almost always seem to get my point across when I write everything I need to express and make a phone call. I'm pretty confident everywhere else in life too, but always kinda feel like a softie in front of doctors. I really hope they lose the attitude and start being more supportive with your requests. Looking forward to seeing your update on Monday
Bronte - i am so sorry about your experience with those doctors. i mean, the fact that they ignored red flags is outrageous. and that that decision has caused you damage. its just not right. i wish these doctors cared more, were more alert, etc. i have everything crossed for you. you are taking amazing steps to get you in the best possible position for your next cycle. will contine to kmfx for you.

i am particularly distrustful of the fertility process. i find myself becoming more and more paranoid about it. nevertheless, i will have to make a decision between doing a frozen or fresh transfer. DH thinks this decision rests on how many good eggs we get. if its few, then we wait and do FET, if its a fair number of eggs, then maybe gamble by trying a fresh transfer. that's what DH thinks. but im starting to think we should do a freeze all b/c everything i have read shows that people who use lupron triggers must use aggressive progestoron and estrogen therapy to counteract the lower success rate. so if we could do that also, then id be willing to try it. but we asked the doctor about this and she does not seem to subscribe to this theory. she just says she recommends freeze all as that optimizes the chances. so we could ask her to give me the support, but its asking someone to do something they don't believe in.

Bronte - you mentioned that you think frozen is better in general. could you share more thoughts on this?

rq120 - was your doc resistant toward doing a fresh transfer after your lupron trigger or did she/he encourage it? i mean yours is an example of it working, and you did the progesterone and estrogen support.

cookie - i so wish that it was more of a supportive environment. im tired of the anxiety i feel when im there and the almost inability to speak up. i have gotten better though. a little bit. sometimes i see progress but its not a continual thing. if im better one day, i can take massive steps back later. square one again. oh well, i'll keep trying. thanks for your support!
Star - you really have to just make a decision you are comfortable with.

Here's a summary of a newer study that shows higher success rates with frozen rather than fresh with PCOS women.


However there's no way of knowing if you might be the person that does better with a fresh. You just have to do what's best for you.

Hope you can proceed with how you are comfortable. $5,000 is quite a bit more and I know that makes it a harder decision.

Also I think the progesterone might vary by clinic too possibly. That's why I was curious where you are at. In the U.S. it seems to be pretty common to supplement with progesterone after a transfer. Doesn't mean it's right. It's just most common. There seems to be clear reasons your doctor isn't for it.

I was set to do a frozen transfer and didn't even make it. Next round I'm doing a transfer no matter what because I don't want to risk not making it to transfer again regardless. So a lot of this process is what you can live with and deal with as much as anything.

Star - you really have to just make a decision you are comfortable with.

Here's a summary of a newer study that shows higher success rates with frozen rather than fresh with PCOS women.


However there's no way of knowing if you might be the person that does better with a fresh. You just have to do what's best for you.

Hope you can proceed with how you are comfortable. $5,000 is quite a bit more and I know that makes it a harder decision.

Also I think the progesterone might vary by clinic too possibly. That's why I was curious where you are at. In the U.S. it seems to be pretty common to supplement with progesterone after a transfer. Doesn't mean it's right. It's just most common. There seems to be clear reasons your doctor isn't for it.

I was set to do a frozen transfer and didn't even make it. Next round I'm doing a transfer no matter what because I don't want to risk not making it to transfer again regardless. So a lot of this process is what you can live with and deal with as much as anything.


Thanks Bronte - I've done a lot of research today, but had not come across the link you provided, so I am going to look at it. thanks for posting it. It is a personal decision. I'm going to rest on it some more. I was hoping we wouldn't have to spend too much more, but if we decide to do the fresh and it does not work, we will have to spend the 5,000 anyway. so there is not guarantee. i'm leaning toward frozen, but DH is leaning to do a fresh if there is a good number of them.

i'm in the US. My doc is comfortable with progesterone suppositories, i have them here cause she already gave me a prescription for them. but she does not prescribe progesterone oil injections b/c she says it is not clinically proven to work and she does not provide estrogen supplements b/c she says she does not believe in that.

tonight is the lupron trigger. glad it will be my last injection for a while.

thank you again for your feedback. its always very helpful and much appreciated.
Hi all I have been reading sorry for not posting things are rather busy here. Thinking of all you ladies this journey is super tough!!

Star just a quick note I have pcos and had 15 retrieved no sign of any risk for ohss and ended up severely poorly for over 2 weeks in hospital with 10 litres of fluid drained from me and I couldn't breath I was severely poorly and I had no idea of the risks beforehand...if urge you to really consider freezing if you have big numbers collected I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone!! goid luck everyone x
Star - Oh that's good to hear you are doing progesterone suppositories! I thought you meant you weren't doing any at all.

Good luck with your decision!
Star - it wasn't a big deal doing a fresh transfer with my Lupron trigger. I was told there were cut offs for progesterone and estrogen lab levels. If their patients were above a threshold they wouldn't do a fresh transfer, but the trigger didn't have anything to do with it. They just supplemented differently depending on the trigger.

That being said I would think really hard about doing a fresh transfer if your doc won't supplement. I think your DH might be on the right track. If you have lots of embies it might be worth transferring one fresh but if your numbers are limited I might not risk it.

Sorry they are not making it easy on you. Best of luck in your decision.
Hi all I have been reading sorry for not posting things are rather busy here. Thinking of all you ladies this journey is super tough!!

Star just a quick note I have pcos and had 15 retrieved no sign of any risk for ohss and ended up severely poorly for over 2 weeks in hospital with 10 litres of fluid drained from me and I couldn't breath I was severely poorly and I had no idea of the risks beforehand...if urge you to really consider freezing if you have big numbers collected I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone!! goid luck everyone x

im so sorry you had to go through that! I've read online about how awful it is to get ohss. That must have been terrifying. I really cannot imagine. I appreciate your advice.

The decision will really rest on our conversation w the doc and the number retrieved. safety comes first.

thank you all for your support. ER tomorrow at noon.
Hello friends - I am back for my third round of mild IVF. After this round, we will be doing a fresh transfer. I just got back from a trip to the US to visit my family and AF came about 4 days early. Instead of doing a scratch on Tuesday as planned, I have my day two scan this morning. Mother Nature sure knows how to keep a girl on her toes! I'm hoping all the cysts from my cancelled last round have cleared up. Took about 3 weeks of Chinese herbs from my acupuncture lady to help clear that up. Wish me luck today!

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