hello ladies

Sammy - hope OH doesnt lose his job hun and i really do hope thing start to get better. were all here when you need to have a rant :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

Doodar - hope everything goes well with your transfer hun xx

Looknomore - yeah hun were cycle buddies:happydance::happydance:.

Isi - yay for starting hun. they do get easier xx

AFM - my appointment was for 9am and i arrived at 8.45 and got called in 5 mins later so was seen nice and early. everything is going well biggest is 17mm. had to have a blood test aswell so just to make sure im not over stimulating as they counted 1x17mm 6x16mm 6x15mm 16x12mm 4x10mm and 7 that are below 10 so im quite full in there. when they called bk my levels are fine so im not over stimulating. the nurse said i should only need to stim today and tomorrow and that should be it. i have another scan booked for 9.30 wednseday so fxed i should know when my EC will be on wednesday but im guessing it will be EC friday and ET on the monday
hello ladies

Sammy - hope OH doesnt lose his job hun and i really do hope thing start to get better. were all here when you need to have a rant :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

Doodar - hope everything goes well with your transfer hun xx

Looknomore - yeah hun were cycle buddies:happydance::happydance:.

Isi - yay for starting hun. they do get easier xx

AFM - my appointment was for 9am and i arrived at 8.45 and got called in 5 mins later so was seen nice and early. everything is going well biggest is 17mm. had to have a blood test aswell so just to make sure im not over stimulating as they counted 1x17mm 6x16mm 6x15mm 16x12mm 4x10mm and 7 that are below 10 so im quite full in there. when they called bk my levels are fine so im not over stimulating. the nurse said i should only need to stim today and tomorrow and that should be it. i have another scan booked for 9.30 wednseday so fxed i should know when my EC will be on wednesday but im guessing it will be EC friday and ET on the monday

ohhh exciting, things are moving quickly now!! :happydance:
good luck for the ET coming up soon
Wrighty, that's awesome!!!! You're almost there hun! It's also fantastic you're not overstimulating! Will be praying you get some lovely eggies at EC.

Looknomore, 20 follies is great! And try not to worry about a thing. Good luck on Saturday!

Maxxi, hoping AF comes quickly so you can get this party started.

Springflower and MSG.....I know it's hard but try to stay positive. We're all cheering you on!

Sammy....still thinking of you!

Feeling kinda bloated and it's only day 2. Been drinking a lot of water as I hear it helps.....or does it :wacko:. Gosh, the days have been dragging since Saturday though :dohh:
i know. this protocol is definitely short :haha::haha::haha: cant believe i could be PUPO in a week aarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh so scary seems as ive only done 10 days of jabs feels like im missing something.

well just had another phone call and they might want me to have ec on thursday they are worried i am going to over stimulate. a consultant is looking at my file tomorrow and they will ring me to let me know what happening
Yay Wrighty! PUPO by Saturday!

Springflower and Mysilly - Do not feel about about sounding negative on this thread. This is exactly where you should be when you want to stress/be negative about this whole thing. Wait'll I get there. I'll be saying things like "I wasted my money" and on and on....
I can't keep up with everyone either!

Sammy - big :hugs:. Keep us posted.

Isi - congrats on starting the injections and sorry they hurt!

Looknomore - Congrats! I hope Saturday hurries up and gets here!

Megg - I'll be doing the same thing as you next week wwhen AF comes. Did you get your tentative schedule today?

Mercy - did AF get here yet?

Yomo - good luck today!

Wrighty - how are you?

Springflower - where are you?

Hi to everyone else!

I've got nothing to report. AF should get here sometime next week. Then I can start on my birth control.

Ooh! Next week! Yay! Uhm... I sort of got my schedule. She said that I can't get my personalized calendar until some blood work is done... I didn't realize the schedules were personalized! So, I do still have to wait a little while for exact dates. But, she said that she could tell me that I would need to be available for 10-14 days starting Nov 8. :shrug:

which means i could be pupo by saturday OMG

OMG! :yipee:
Hey girls just popped on quickly while hubby is out, he wont let me off the sofa lol. Just to let you know ET went great. I have 2 blastos onboard and I'm officially in my 2ww yay!!!! Can't believe it lol I said it again I'm gonna have to come up with something else to say lol x

Love to you all. x
Yay, Doodar!!! So excited for you. Are you the third PUPO here?
How do you feel? Are you on bedrest for 1 or 2 days?

Hoping to be there, eventually. . .
Still waiting on AF. So late. So stressed.
Hey girls just popped on quickly while hubby is out, he wont let me off the sofa lol. Just to let you know ET went great. I have 2 blastos onboard and I'm officially in my 2ww yay!!!! Can't believe it lol I said it again I'm gonna have to come up with something else to say lol x

Love to you all. x

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: congrats on being PUPO hun you keep them feet up for a few day at least let hubby spoil you hehehehe xx
Yay, Doodar!!! So excited for you. Are you the third PUPO here?
How do you feel? Are you on bedrest for 1 or 2 days?

Hoping to be there, eventually. . .
Still waiting on AF. So late. So stressed.

awwww hun really do hope she arrives soon so you can get started xx
Mercy - It totally figures doesn't it? I have an idea. You should convince yourself that you're pregnant by reading into every single sign and symptom of pregnancy that you've convinced yourself you have and then go buy the most expensive pregnancy test there is, use it and by the time you're finished peeing AF will appear! Works for me every month!

Megg - We're on a very similar schedule! My ET is estimated to be around the 15th of November.

Congrats Doodar!
Hello ladies x x x apologies for not being in sooner - has been a crazy few days! And it's been crazy too here by the looks of things, i'm sure i left on page 50!!!

Ok, so bear with me:

Sammy - so so sorry sweetheart to hear you're having just a shit of a time (an understatement, i'm sure bud x x) i do hope you're being kind to yourself, much love :hugs: :hugs:

Wrighty - you have a gazillion eggies ripening nicely in there bud!!!! :happydance: that's faberlus news :happydance: we'll be PUPO together ;)

Looknomore - you're sounding quite full up too :happydance: not long til EC now, then you'll be PUPO :happydance:

Maxi & Megg - am hoping your AF comes soon too, bet you're both itching to get started!!! x x

Springflower - 2ww's suck, hang on in there cheruboo, you're so nearly there now :) x x

Doodar - How has ET gone today? :happydance: for PUPO :) x x x

MSG - congrats on being PUPO too :happydance: x x

MissMonty - how you feeling? are you starting stimms tomorrow? x x

Britt - aarrgghhhhh, i;ve lost my place on the thread just as i was coming to you!!! How goes it bud? Where are you in the cycle of stuff?? x x x

Isi - how's the jabbing going hun? x x x

eeeek, i know i've missed some of you :( really sorry, but this thread and all of you ladies are in my thoughts every day x x x x x
AFM: day 12 scan today and my lining is 7.9mm.....bloody typical - they want it to be 8mm on the dot :dohh: so, they've upped my oestrogen to 8mgs a day (from 6mgs), and i have to go back weds for another scan to check it's made it. I'm not particularly worried as i'm so so close to the 8mm mark. It's more of an inconvenience having to get more time off work short notice, do the round trip and back to work again...

so, I wont know my transfer day until weds pm. We did agree though that on transfer day, they will thaw the first blasto and if it's 70% or more quality, they'll transfer that one. If it's less, they will defrost the 2nd one. If that's 70%+, then they'll transfer that one instead. If they both end up being less than 70%, i'll have the best one of the two, and keep everything crossed. I didn't realise that they "graded" them post thaw. Is the 70% thing universal? or could that just be my clinic? [-o< that they are both 70%+ so i can get me 2 wee bubbas (but not at the same time cos the nhs wont let me...)

i have acupuncture booked in for weds night, which i really cant wait for, my other 2 have been cancelled due to the lady being poorly :( very selfishly i hope she's ok now....

much love ladies, and keep the PMA up, the Jabs up, and most importantly, the feet up ;)

x x x x
i'm like a bus today...nothing for days, then 3 posts at once.... ;)

now, ladies, pineapple. :shrug:

today i bought a small forest's worth of nuts and omega 3 seed mix (to help increase selenium and reduce the cortisol triggered by stress). I've made brown lentil and veg soup for my lunches this week, and i have ten ton of fruit (excuse me while i polish my halo... ;))

i have a lovely juicy pineapple and i whizzed some of it up with apple juice, apples, plums and oranges for a brekkie smoothy, and now i have half a pineapple left. Now, can i eat this between now and transfer?? Some posts say no, as it will make my womb contract and i need it to chillax and get thicker, some say yes, but not after ET (again cos of contractions), and some say just the core...:shrug:

ooo, a tip i have read and am trying it - hot water bottle on the womb to help increase womb lining, but stop as soon as ET happens. anyone heard similar? I did it for a while after acupuncture as heat is good anyway for my lil incubator.

if you're really lucky, i might post again this eve ;) x x x
Mercy - It totally figures doesn't it? I have an idea. You should convince yourself that you're pregnant by reading into every single sign and symptom of pregnancy that you've convinced yourself you have and then go buy the most expensive pregnancy test there is, use it and by the time you're finished peeing AF will appear! Works for me every month!

Megg - We're on a very similar schedule! My ET is estimated to be around the 15th of November.

Congrats Doodar!

LOL, maxxi! I actually tried that -- alas, $13 wasted (2 FRER tests)! I've tried jumping up & down, wearing nice undies without pantyliners, having sex . . . nothing doing. So, I wait. And wait. And wait.

Nice thing happened, though. Was all out of xanax & feeling rather panicky, out of breath, etc. -- then reached in my back pocket, and ... bonus pill! Must've stashed it there a couple weeks ago. Ahhh. Like manna from heaven.

Am very excited to see all the activity on the board, even if I can't keep up. It looks like so many people are on the move, at various stages of IVF this month. Isn't it cool? I'm feeling the momentum...
Mercy - It totally figures doesn't it? I have an idea. You should convince yourself that you're pregnant by reading into every single sign and symptom of pregnancy that you've convinced yourself you have and then go buy the most expensive pregnancy test there is, use it and by the time you're finished peeing AF will appear! Works for me every month!

Megg - We're on a very similar schedule! My ET is estimated to be around the 15th of November.

Congrats Doodar!

Fantastic! I could be on the same schedule when all is said and done, actually! Very cool! So, you're starting BC next week then... right? Or did I misunderstand you earlier? I get confused easily! LOL

Mercy - It totally figures doesn't it? I have an idea. You should convince yourself that you're pregnant by reading into every single sign and symptom of pregnancy that you've convinced yourself you have and then go buy the most expensive pregnancy test there is, use it and by the time you're finished peeing AF will appear! Works for me every month!

Megg - We're on a very similar schedule! My ET is estimated to be around the 15th of November.

Congrats Doodar!

LOL, maxxi! I actually tried that -- alas, $13 wasted (2 FRER tests)! I've tried jumping up & down, wearing nice undies without pantyliners, having sex . . . nothing doing. So, I wait. And wait. And wait.

Nice thing happened, though. Was all out of xanax & feeling rather panicky, out of breath, etc. -- then reached in my back pocket, and ... bonus pill! Must've stashed it there a couple weeks ago. Ahhh. Like manna from heaven.

Am very excited to see all the activity on the board, even if I can't keep up. It looks like so many people are on the move, at various stages of IVF this month. Isn't it cool? I'm feeling the momentum...

Oh, Xanax! How many times its saved me and countless others near me! LOL I'm down to 1! :(
i'm like a bus today...nothing for days, then 3 posts at once.... ;)

now, ladies, pineapple. :shrug:

today i bought a small forest's worth of nuts and omega 3 seed mix (to help increase selenium and reduce the cortisol triggered by stress). I've made brown lentil and veg soup for my lunches this week, and i have ten ton of fruit (excuse me while i polish my halo... ;))

i have a lovely juicy pineapple and i whizzed some of it up with apple juice, apples, plums and oranges for a brekkie smoothy, and now i have half a pineapple left. Now, can i eat this between now and transfer?? Some posts say no, as it will make my womb contract and i need it to chillax and get thicker, some say yes, but not after ET (again cos of contractions), and some say just the core...:shrug:

ooo, a tip i have read and am trying it - hot water bottle on the womb to help increase womb lining, but stop as soon as ET happens. anyone heard similar? I did it for a while after acupuncture as heat is good anyway for my lil incubator.

if you're really lucky, i might post again this eve ;) x x x

Oooh, you're so healthy!! Yay for you.
Do you know if there's anything that's actually bad for implantation or any other early stage of this stuff? Like, is chamomille tea okay?

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